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Absolute Galois cohomology of function fields (of high-dimensional) varieties

What is known about the absolute Galois cohomology of function fields of varieties of dimension 2 or larger? Specifically, I am interested in multiplicative coefficients $\mathbb G_m$. I have seen ...
Sean Sanford's user avatar
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Algebraically closed fields with only finite orbits

The automorphism groups $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{F}_q}/\mathbb{F}_q)$ of algebraic closures of finite fields $\mathbb{F}_q$ and the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\...
THC's user avatar
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If $H$ is a quotient of $G$, does there exist an $H$-extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ not contained in a $G$-extension?

Let $\phi\colon G\rightarrow H$ be a surjective homomorphism between finite groups. Assume that $\phi$ is not split, in other words there exists no homomorphism $\sigma\colon H\rightarrow G$ such that ...
Jef's user avatar
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Relation between $G_{\mathbb{Q}_p}$ for different primes

Let $G_{\mathbb{Q}_p}$ denote the absolute Galois group of the $p$-adic field $\mathbb{Q}_{p}$. Also, their structure as abstract groups is completely known. It is well known that this group embeds ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Absolute Galois group, number theory and the Axiom of Choice

Richard Taylor once explained his research (in number theory) in a very simple way: understanding the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$. It is known that in ...
THC's user avatar
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Dessins d'enfants and the absolute Galois group

If I am not mistaken, Alexander Grothendieck introduced dessins d'enfants as they are known today, in order to better understand the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q}...
THC's user avatar
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Reference request: projectivity of the absolute Galois group of $\mathbb{Q}^{\mathrm{ab}}$

$\newcommand{\ab}{\mathrm{ab}}$Let $\mathbb{Q}^{\ab}$ denote the maximal abelian extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. I have heard the absolute Galois group of $\mathbb{Q}^{\ab}$ is projective (e.g. see this ...
projectivityq's user avatar
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Is semi-simplicity of Galois representations local?

Let $\rho:G_{\mathbb{Q}}\rightarrow \text{Gl}(V)$ be a finite dimensional $\ell$-adic Galois representation. Then for each prime, by pre-composing $\rho$ with the natural inclusion $G_{\mathbb{Q}_p}\...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Is this Related to Tannakian Formalism?

I am wondering how I might be able to express the following phenomenon, which is essentially equivalent to Artin's linear independence of characters, in Tannakian formalism. Any help would be much ...
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Interesting (combinatorial) actions of the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$

I have read many times that it is crucial to understand the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q}) =: L$, in so far that some have stated (was it Richard Taylor ?) that ...
THC's user avatar
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Is co-restriction in Galois cohomology in fact the norm map via Kummer isomorphism?

Let $\mathrm{F}$ be a field that contains a root of unity of order $p$, where $p$ is a prime number. Fix an element $a$ such that $a \in \mathrm{F}$ and $\sqrt[p]{a} \notin \mathrm{F}$. Consider the ...
Guy's user avatar
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14 votes
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Classify all the fields with abelian absolute Galois group

I'm wondering if anyone has classified all the fields $K$ such that $Gal(\bar{K}/K)$ is abelian? The only examples I'm aware of are: finite fields, the real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ and $k((T))$ where $k$...
S. Li's user avatar
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What "should" be the absolute galois group of a field with one element

As far as I know there is many "suggestions" of what should be a "field with one element" $\mathbf{F}_{1}$. My question is the following: How we should think or what should be the "absolute Galois ...
Muhammed Ali's user avatar
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Consequences of Shafarevich conjecture

The Shafarevich conjecture states that the Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}({\overline{\mathbf{Q}}/\mathbf{Q}^{ab}})$ is a free profinite group, where $\mathbf{Q}^{ab}$ is the maximal abelian extension of $\...
Muhammed Ali's user avatar
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Another fix field of a certain galois group action

Let $E=\mathbb{F}_p(\!(u)\!)$, the Laurent series field over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Let $K/E$ be a finite normal separable extension. Consider the field $L=K(x \mid x^p-x-a=0 \text{ for some } a \in K)$. Let ...
Louis's user avatar
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Fix field of a certain galois group action

Let $E= \mathbb{F}_p(\!(u)\!)$, $E^s$ a separable closure of $E$ and write $G_E= \mathrm{Gal}(E^s/E)$ for the absolute Galois group of $E$. Take a lift of the $u$-adic valuation on $E$ to $E^s$ and ...
Louis's user avatar
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Is the absolute Galois group the same as the automorphism group? [closed]

Is the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbf{Q}}|\mathbf{Q})$ the same as the group $\mathrm{Aut}_{\mathbf{Q}}(\overline{\mathbf{Q}})$ the automorphism group in the category of $\...
Ofra's user avatar
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Profinite groups as absolute Galois groups

It is a well-known result that all profinite groups arise as the Galois group of some field extension. What profinite groups are the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{K}|K)$ of some ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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Which fields have no extensions of degree divisble by a fixed prime?

Let $p$ be a prime. What are the most general examples of a field $K$ such that for any finite extension $L/K$ the degree $[L:K]$ is prime to $p$? Certainly, there are algebraically closed examples ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Unramified extension of number fields

Any finite field extension (in particular Galois extension) of $\mathbb{Q}$ is ramified. Is there an intuitive geometric explanation of this fact? Suppose we have an number field $K$, is any Galois ...
Ofra's user avatar
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Frobenius elements in infinite extensions

Let $K$ be a number field, $\bar K$ an algebraic closure and $G$ the associated absolute Galois group. How can I define the Frobenius elements of $G$ or at least their conjugacy class? I know how ...
user81319's user avatar
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Galois group for 0-dimensional motives

It is my understanding that in dimension 0, the theory of motives should just be Galois theory for fields. I am hoping to find a reference or two to help me get some things straightened out. One can ...
Julian Rosen's user avatar
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Is it known if the absolute Galois group is "divisible"?

The definitions of a divisible group that I have seen all seem to assume abelian is an a priori property of the group. My question is as to whether or not it is known that--given a non-torsion element ...
Adam Hughes's user avatar
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Place stabilizers for the absolute Galois Group

Fix an algebraic closure, $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ for the rationals and consider the set, $B_p$, of all places of $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ over a fixed (possibly infinite) prime, $p$, of $\mathbb{Q}$. ...
Adam Hughes's user avatar
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non-continuous inverse Galois problem

Let $G=Gal(\bar{\mathbf{Q}}/\mathbf{Q})$ be the absolute Galois group over $\mathbf{Q}$. Q1: Is it possible to find a (necessarily non-closed) normal subgroup $K\leq G$ such that $G/K$ is free of ...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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What does Gal(Q_p/Q) mean? [closed]

What does $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}_{p}/\mathbb{Q})$ mean? ($p$ is a prime number.) If it is defined as $\mathrm{Aut}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}_{p}/\mathbb{Q})$, then does it have any property ...
Hiro's user avatar
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Is the etale fundamental group of Spec(Z)\{p_1,...,p_n} finitely presented?

(of course not, it's usually uncountable; I really mean is it the profinite completion of a finitely presented group). By definition, $\pi_1^{\operatorname{et}}(\operatorname{Spec}(\mathbb Z)\...
John Pardon's user avatar
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What do dessins tell us about the absolute Galois group?

I have sometimes seen it asserted that one manifestiation of how complicated the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbf{Q}}/\mathbf{Q})$ is is that one can not "pin down" any single ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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Maximal extension almost everywhere unramified and totally split at one place

Fix a finite set of primes $S$ and an additional prime $p$. Let $K$ be the maximal extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ that is unramified outside $S$ and $\infty$ and totally split at $p$. Is the extension $K$ ...
Peter Scholze's user avatar
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What can we say about center of rational absolute Galois group?

Well the question is in the title. I asked myself this question while thinking about something in Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory. I guess class field theory gives some insight into this, or I am ...
krolik's user avatar
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Number theory textbook based on the absolute Galois group?

I've just finished reading Ash and Gross's Fearless Symmetry, a wonderful little pop mathematics book on, among other things, Galois representations. The book made clear a very interesting ...
105 votes
10 answers

"Understanding" $\mathrm{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$

I have heard people say that a major goal of number theory is to understand the absolute Galois group of the rational numbers $G = \mathrm{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$. What do people mean when ...
Jonah Sinick's user avatar
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