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Which elements in $\mathrm{Aut}(\widehat{F_2})$ preserve the procyclic subgroup generated by the commutator $c=[a,b]$?

Let $F_2$ denote the free group over two generators $a,b$, and we denote $c=[a,b]$ as the commutator. It is well-known that any automorphism $\psi$ of $F_2$ preserves the conjugacy class of the ...
YC Su's user avatar
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Semidirect product in inverse Galois problem

Let $L/\mathbb{Q}$ (resp. $K/\mathbb{Q}$) be a Galois extension of rational number field $\mathbb{Q}$ with Galois group $P$ (resp. $H$) where $P$ is a second countable pro-$p$ group and $H$ is a ...
stupid boy's user avatar
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“Sheaf cohomology” of Galois groups

Apparently the Galois group $G$ of a Galois extension $E/F$ can be viewed as an “étale sheaf” on the set $X$ of intermediate Galois extensions equipped with an appropriate Grothendieck topology (see ...
Bma's user avatar
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Can there be non-isomorphic fundamental groups of equivalent Galois categories?

It is known that if $(C, F)$ is a Galois category then there exists an equivalence $C \cong \pi_1(C, F)-FinSets$ between $C$ and the category of finite sets with continuous actions of $\pi_1(C, F) := ...
Dat Minh Ha's user avatar
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Proving that the fundamental group of a finite Galois category is profinite

This is sort of a cross-posting of this question of mine over on math.SE. Suppose that I am given a finite Galois category $(\mathcal{G}, F)$, i.e. a Galois category in the sense of SGA 1. One of the ...
Dat Minh Ha's user avatar
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Finitely generated subgroups of the absolute Galois group

Consider the absolute Galois group $\operatorname{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}} / \mathbb{Q})$. It seems to me that, in general, providing an "explicit" description of the elements of this ...
Carl-Fredrik Nyberg Brodda's user avatar
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Problem with a proof of Wilson's 'Profinite groups'

(Crossposted on StackExchange Mathematics: I need help with the proof of Proposition (3.1.3) given ...
FrankMiller's user avatar
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What is the probability of generating a given procyclic subgroup in $\mathrm{Gal}(\bar{K}/K)$?

This question began as Why are procyclic subgroups of Galois groups of number fields free profinite?, which fizzled out, but which garnered some helpful comments from YCor. Let $K$ be a field, take $\...
PrimeRibeyeDeal's user avatar
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Why are procyclic subgroups of Galois groups of number fields free profinite?

On p832 of Coombes, Harbater - Hurwitz familes and arithmetic Galois groups, the following is claimed: Let $K$ be a number field, take $1 \neq \omega \in \mathrm{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}/K)$, and let $...
PrimeRibeyeDeal's user avatar
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Is the absolute Galois group the same as the automorphism group? [closed]

Is the absolute Galois group $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbf{Q}}|\mathbf{Q})$ the same as the group $\mathrm{Aut}_{\mathbf{Q}}(\overline{\mathbf{Q}})$ the automorphism group in the category of $\...
Ofra's user avatar
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abelian and nonabelian parts of Aut($\widehat{F_2}$)

Let $F$ be the free profinite group on two generators. Let $\text{IA}(F) := \ker\left(\text{Aut}(F)\rightarrow GL_2(\widehat{\mathbb{Z}})\right)$, the group of "IA automorphisms" of $F$. (I'm also ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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15 votes
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Is the absolute Galois group of the rationals Hopfian?

Is every continuous epimorphism from the absolute Galois group of $\mathbb{Q}$ to itself injective?
Pablo's user avatar
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25 votes
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Profinite groups as étale fundamental groups

Does every profinite group arise as the étale fundamental group of a connected scheme? Equivalently, does every Galois category arise as the category of finite étale covers of a connected scheme? ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
17 votes
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Finitely generated Galois groups

It is well-known that for a given natural number $n$ there is only finite number of extensions of $\mathbb Q_p$ of degree $n$. This result appears in many introductory books on algebraic number theory....
Andrei Jaikin's user avatar
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Centralizers of elements in free profinite groups

I believe, although I can't say that I've given a rigorous proof, that for a free group $F_r$, and an element of it $a$, $C_{F_r}(\langle a \rangle)=$ the group generated by the elements $b \in F_r$ ...
Makhalan Duff's user avatar
27 votes
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Galois Group as a Sheaf

I've noticed that the Galois groups associated to Galois field extensions $L$ of a given field $K$ seem remarkably like a sheaf, with the field extensions taking the place of open set, and the Galois ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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