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Finiteness and bounds for elliptic curves realizing a given galois representation

Let $\rho: \text{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q}) \to \text{GL}_2(\mathbb{Z}_p)$ be a continuous, irreducible Galois representation. Consider the set $\mathcal{L}_\rho$ of all elliptic curves $...
Thomas Frenkel's user avatar
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Global minimal discriminants of elliptic curves and Galois representations

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. Let $\Delta$ be the global minimal discriminant. By A. Wiles et al. $E$ is modular so that there is a corresponding modular form $f$. I am wondering if ...
User0829's user avatar
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$\pi$-adic Galois representations of attached to newforms at $p \nmid N$ are crystalline

Is [Scholl, Motives for modular forms, Theorem 1.2.4 (ii)] proven for any $p$ independent of the weight? Concretely, let $f$ be a normalized eigenform of weight $w$. Let $p$ be a prime not dividing ...
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14 votes
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A question on a paper of K. Murty

Let $f=\sum_{n\ge 1}a_nq^n$ be a normalized Hecke eigenform which is not of CM-type, of weight $k\ge 2$ for the congruence subgroup $\Gamma_0(N)$. Let $a\in\mathbb{Z}$ and define $$ \pi_f(x,a):=\#\{p\...
Fouad Fahmi's user avatar
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Compute dimension of space of modular forms by counting Galois representations

It is known that we can compute the dimension of the space $S_{k}^{\mathrm{new}}(N, \chi)$ of new forms of weight $k\geq 2$ and level $N$ and Nebentypus $\chi$ via Riemann-Roch theorem or using ...
Seewoo Lee's user avatar
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Diophantine consequences of the Buzzard–Diamond–Jarvis conjecture

Serre's modularity conjecture famously implies Fermat Last Theorem. More generally, Serre's conjecture implies that certain generalized Fermat equations have no non-trivial solutions (see Section 4.1 ...
Tristan Phillips's user avatar
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Meaning of Atkin-Lehner eigenvalues

Suppose I have $f\in S_2(\Gamma_0(N))$ a classical modular newform of level $N$. I want to understand what information (if any) is carried by its Atkin-Lehner eigenvalues for primes $p\mid N$, as ...
ribbcastle's user avatar
11 votes
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Modularity of higher genus curves

The modularity conjecture for elliptic curves over number fields is well known, and indeed, is a theorem for all elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$, and at least potentially, over any CM field. What ...
Nimas's user avatar
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Finiteness of points over the cyclotomic extension for modular forms

Let $\rho(f):G_\mathbb{Q} \rightarrow GL_2(K_f)$ be the Galois representation attached to some cuspidal modular form $f$ where $K_f$ is a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Let $V_f$ be the vector ...
user100603's user avatar
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Necessary and sufficient condition for a prime to be represented by an arbitrary positive definite binary quadratic form $ax^2+bxy+cy^2$

Given an arbitrary (but fixed) positive definite primitive integral binary quadratic form $g(x, y)=ax^2+bxy+cy^2$, and let $m$ be an arbitrary integer. We will denote the discriminant of $g$ by $D=D_g=...
Davood Khajehpour's user avatar
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Modularity of elliptic curves with only minimal lifting

I have been trying to understand a bit of the basics of deformations of Galois representations. One point which leaves me curious now is that proving modularity lifting with arbitrary ramification on ...
plm's user avatar
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Ideal in ring of power series

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p$ and $A_n \colon= K[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$ be a $n$-variable formal power series ring over $K$ such that $n, p \geq 3$. Consider the ideal $I$ defined by \begin{...
Pierre's user avatar
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Deforming Modular Symbols

This is probably a silly question, as I don't really know a whole lot about modular symbols over arbitrary rings. How do modular symbols over a finite field square with Katz modular forms? If they ...
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Is there some computational evidence of the $pq$ analog of Serre's conjecture?

The $pq$ analog of Serre's conjecture (see "Mod pq Galois representations and Serre's Conjecture"- Khare, Kiming) states that if $\bar{\rho}_1:G_{\mathbb{Q}}\rightarrow \text{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is a ...
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Is there a conjectural analog of Ribet's theorem (Converse to Herbrand's Theorem) for Imaginary Quadratic fields?

For $p$ a prime, let $Cl(\mathbb{Q}(\mu_p))$ denote the class group of the extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ obtained by adjoining a primitive $p$th root of unity. Associated to an eigenform of weight 2 and ...
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List of applications of the Deformation theory of Galois Representations in contexts other that $R=T$

The Deformation theory of Galois representations developed by Mazur has been extensively used in proving that Galois representations with special properties are modular/automorphic through the ...
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About the proof of Weil-Langlands theorem

The statement of the theorem is as follows: Let $\rho$ be an irreducible two-dimensional representation of $G_\mathbb{Q}=Gal(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$ with Artin conductor $N$. Suppose that $\...
Ting-Han Huang's user avatar
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Galois representation associated to CM-newforms

Let $f(z)=\sum_{n\ge 1}a(n)e(nz)$, be a newform of CM-type, and let $\psi_f$ be the associated Hecke character, so that, $$ f(z)=\sum_{\mathfrak{a}}\psi_f(\mathfrak{a})e(N(\mathfrak{a})z), $$ and let ...
Med's user avatar
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Proof of the coherence of ${\Bbb F}_q[[X_1,\dots,X_{\infty}]]$

We shall define the infinitely-many-variable formal power series ring $A = {\Bbb F}_q[[X_1,\ldots,X_{\infty}]]$ over a finite field ${\Bbb F}_q$ as the following$\colon$ $A \colon= \underset{n \geq ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Mazur's Question on Mod $N$ Galois representations

In Rational Isogenies of Prime Degree, Mazur poses: "the problem of determining all elliptic curves $E'/\mathbb{Q}$ with symplectic $\mathrm{Gal}(\bar{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$ isomorphisms $E'[N]\...
Rdrr's user avatar
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Criterion for constancy in Mazur's Eisenstein ideal paper

In the paper of Mazur, Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal (1977), he showed the following (at page 57): Lemma (3.4) (Criterion for constancy) Let $G$ be an etale admissible $p$-group over $\text{...
user116950's user avatar
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Krull dimension of Hecke algebra (level 1) for p = 2, 3

Let $p$ be a prime and consider the ($p$-deprived) Hecke algebra $\mathbb{T}$ which the projective limit of the Hecke $\mathbb{Z}_p$-algebras $\mathbb{T}_k$ which act on modular forms of level $1$ ...
Nadim Rustom's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

"Extra Euler factors" in one definition of the L-function of a twist of a modular form

Let $(\rho_{f,\lambda})_\lambda$ be the system of Deligne's $\ell$-adic representations attached to a modular newform $f$ (where $\lambda$ runs over the finite places of the number field $K$ generated ...
Michael Fütterer's user avatar
7 votes
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How large is Dcris of certain twists of modular forms?

I want to determine $\mathrm D_{\mathrm{cris}}$ of certain twists of the Galois representations attached to modular forms. For one particular twist it is not clear to me how $\mathrm D_{\mathrm{cris}}$...
Michael Fütterer's user avatar
5 votes
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Local Galois representation associated to twist of modular form

Let $f$ be a modular newform of weight $k \geq 2$, level $N$ (square free) and trivial nebentypus. Let $V_{f}$ be the $p$-adic (p odd) Galois representation associated $f$. We denote by $V_{f,l}:= V_{...
MathsStudent's user avatar
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Reference on a result on local Galois representation associated to classic modular form in p-adic Hodge theory

At the end of Fontaine’s rings and p-adic L-functions, P. Colmez states a Theorem 8.4.8 (click here) of Faltings-Tusji-Saito without references. So I am wondering is there any references for this ...
Bonbon's user avatar
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Galois representation and weight one Hilbert modular form

Let $f$ be a primitive weight one Hilbert modular form for the totally real field $F$ (the weight of $f$ is parallel). Assume that $f$ is $N$-new, $p$-stable and cuspidal. Let $\rho:G_F \rightarrow \...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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Is there a "Langlands philosophy" reason for the fact that the L-function of the Jacobi theta function is (almost) the Riemann zeta function?

The Jacobi theta function $\theta(z) = 1 + 2 \sum_{n = 1}^\infty q^{n^2}$, with $q = e^{\pi i z}$ is a (twisted) modular form with weight $1/2$. It has an associated $L$-function $L(\theta, s) = \sum_{...
dorebell's user avatar
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On De Shalit's Lemma in Wiles' proof of R=T

In Wiles' proof of ``$R = {\Bbb T}$", if we associate the extra primes the set of which is denoted $D$, there is a famous result in the following$\colon$ Theorem(De Shalit's Lemma). Let ${\Bbb T}_N$ ...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Does the $p$-part of the level of a newform appear in its attached $p$-adic representation?

Let $f$ a newform of weight $2$ on $\Gamma_0(Np^r)$, $N$ coprime to $p$, and consider its $p$-adic Galois representation $$ \rho:G_{\mathbb Q}\longrightarrow GL_2(\bar{\mathbb Q}_p) $$ It's a theorem ...
user25091991's user avatar
8 votes
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Deligne-Scholl's motives for modular forms: Hecke operators vs. transposed Hecke operators

EDIT: I moved my original question down to the bottom. The question here at the top is related, at least I suppose that the same phenomenon is behind both of them. In the article "Valeurs de ...
Michael Fütterer's user avatar
6 votes
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Applications of Level Lowering

What are some applications/consequences of level lowering of Galois representations? I understand the application of Ribet's theorem in the proof of Fermat's last theorem but I am wondering what other ...
Eins Null's user avatar
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When is the image of a 2-dim l-adic representation associated to a modular form open

I know the following theorems by Serre: 1, The 2-dim l-adic representation associated to a non-CM elliptic curve is open. 2, The 2-dim l-adic representation associated the weight-12 cusp form $\...
user42690's user avatar
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Type of a modular form

Let $f$ be an arbitrary weight 1 newform. We know by Serre-Deligne that there is an odd 2-dimensional irreducible Artin representation $\rho$ such that $L_f(s)=L(\rho,s)$. I was wondering how much ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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Smoothness of Hecke algebras

First I will introduce some notation and definitions. Fix a level $N$ (take $N=1$ if it makes things easier) and a prime $p$. Let $k$ be a finite field of characteristic $p$ and let $\mathcal{C}$ be ...
Nadim Rustom's user avatar
15 votes
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Explicit Chebotarev and Langlands - irreducibility of X^5-X-1 mod primes

Is there an explicit infinite set of primes, modulo which $X^5 - X - 1$ is irreducible? Since our polynomial's Galois group over $\mathbb{Q}$ is $S_5$, Chebotarev's density theorem implies that there ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Computing an eigencuspform in $S_2(\Gamma_0(1776))$

Consider $$\bar{\rho}:G_{\mathbb Q}\longrightarrow\operatorname{GL}_2(\mathbb F_7)$$ the residual 7-adic Galois representation attached to the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+x^2-4x-4$ of conductor 48. Then $...
Olivier's user avatar
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11 votes
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Hodge–Tate structures of modular forms

The title refers to the paper of Faltings: Hodge-Tate structures and modular forms. Math. Ann. 278 (1987), no. 1-4, 133–149. The main theorem in the paper says that the associated Galois rep to a ...
abvtmf's user avatar
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Level-Lowering in Weight 2

Let $N$ and $p$ be relatively prime integers with $p$ a prime. Suppose $f$ is a weight $k=2$ (normalized, cuspidal, etc) newform of level $\Gamma_1(N) \cap \Gamma_0(p)$. I seem to recall the existence ...
Jeff H's user avatar
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Eichler-Shimura congruence

I'm trying to understand the Eichler-Shimura congruence which relates the Hecke operator $T_p$ to Frobenius at $p$ in characteristic $p$. Two possible ways to compute $T_p$ mod $p$ seem to be: A) ...
guest's user avatar
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Adelic open image for modular forms?

There's a famous theorem of Serre that if $E$ is a non-CM elliptic curve over $\mathbf{Q}$, and $\rho_{E, \ell} : Gal(\overline{\mathbf{Q}}/{\mathbf{Q}}) \to GL_2(\mathbf{Z}_\ell)$ is its $\ell$-adic ...
David Loeffler's user avatar
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Field of definition of Galois representations of weight 1 modular forms

Let $f$ be a weight 1 modular form (let's say cuspidal, new, normalized, and a Hecke eigenform). Then there's an associated Artin representation $\rho_f: \operatorname{Gal}(\overline{\mathbf{Q}} / \...
David Loeffler's user avatar
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About the restriction of a modular representation to a decomposition subgroup II

This question is a variant of this one. Let $f$ be as in the other question, but suppose that we look at the $\ell$-adic representiation attached to $f$: $$ \rho_f : G_{\mathbb Q} \to \operatorname{...
user54752's user avatar
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About the restriction of a modular representation to a decomposition subgroup

Let $f$ be an eigenform of level $\Gamma_1(N)$ and let $p$ be a prime that does not divide $N$. It is well know that there is a $2$-dimensional representation $$ \rho_f \colon G_{\mathbb Q} \to \...
john's user avatar
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Modularity theorem for abelian varieties

There's alredy two posts on MO about the extension of modularity to elliptic curves over fields other than $\mathbb{Q}$ ([1], [2]), and another one about general algebraic varieties [3]. What is ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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Universal deformations of modular Galois representations

Let $\bar\rho$ be an odd, absolutely irreducible, 2-dimensional mod $p$ representation of $\operatorname{Gal}(\overline{\mathbf{Q}} / \mathbf{Q})$ (with coefficients in some finite extension $k / \...
David Loeffler's user avatar
7 votes
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Properties of representations attached to p-adic modular forms

I found an old MOF post about representations attached to p-adic modular forms: Representations attached to p-adic modular forms and I have some follow up questions on the same topic. If we have a ...
user119481's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a version of Serre's modularity conjecture for projective representations?

Serre's modularity conjecture asserts that a continuous odd irreducible representation $$\overline{\rho} : G_\mathbb{Q} \rightarrow \mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)$$ must be modular, in the sense that ...
Siksek's user avatar
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Eichler-Shimura over Totally Real Fields

By Eichler-Shimura over totally real fields I mean the following conjecture. Conjecture. Let $K$ be a totally real field. Let $f$ be a Hilbert eigenform with rational eigenvalues, of parallel weight $...
Siksek's user avatar
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Benedict Gross's paper on companion forms

In the page 458 of his paper(A tameness criterion for Galois representations associated to modular forms), Gross wrote the following "A detailed analysis of $U_p(Af)+V_p(<p>f)$ shows that it ...
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