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Evidence for the equivariant BSD conjecture with higher multiplicity

Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve and let $\rho$ be an irreducible Artin representation. Let $K_\rho/\mathbb{Q}$ be the smallest Galois extension such that $\rho$ factors through $\mathrm{Gal}(...
J M T P's user avatar
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Automorphy of the twisted representation

The Artin reciprocity says that if $$ \chi: \operatorname{Gal}(K/\mathbb Q) \to \mathbb C $$ is a 1-dimensional representation of a finite Galois extension $K/ \mathbb Q$, then it corresponds to a ...
LWW's user avatar
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Analytic properties of $L$-functions attached to a compatible system of $\ell$-adic Galois representations

Let $F$ and $E$ be number fields, $G_F$ be the absolute Galois group of $F$, and $S$ be a finite set of primes of $F$. For $\lambda$ a prime of $E$ we denote by $\ell$ its residual characteristic. We ...
LWW's user avatar
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The modularity theorem as a special case of the Bloch-Kato conjecture

In the homepage for the CRM's special semester this year, I found the interesting statement that the modularity theorem (formerly the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture) is a special case of the Bloch-...
Anton Hilado's user avatar
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Which cases of Beilinson-Bloch-Kato for elliptic motives are known?

Let $V$ be a semisimple geometric Galois representation of a number field. Then the Bloch-Kato conjectures state that $$ \operatorname{ord}_{s=0}{L(V^*(1),s)} = \operatorname{dim}{H^1_f(G_k,V)}-\...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Proving automorphy of the Galois representations of number fields without considering the residual representation

All the papers proving automorphy of the representations of Galois groups of number fields that I have come across seem to first reduce the representation modulo a prime, prove the automorphy of the ...
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11 votes
3 answers

"Extra Euler factors" in one definition of the L-function of a twist of a modular form

Let $(\rho_{f,\lambda})_\lambda$ be the system of Deligne's $\ell$-adic representations attached to a modular newform $f$ (where $\lambda$ runs over the finite places of the number field $K$ generated ...
Michael Fütterer's user avatar
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Galois representation and weight one Hilbert modular form

Let $f$ be a primitive weight one Hilbert modular form for the totally real field $F$ (the weight of $f$ is parallel). Assume that $f$ is $N$-new, $p$-stable and cuspidal. Let $\rho:G_F \rightarrow \...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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Is there a "Langlands philosophy" reason for the fact that the L-function of the Jacobi theta function is (almost) the Riemann zeta function?

The Jacobi theta function $\theta(z) = 1 + 2 \sum_{n = 1}^\infty q^{n^2}$, with $q = e^{\pi i z}$ is a (twisted) modular form with weight $1/2$. It has an associated $L$-function $L(\theta, s) = \sum_{...
dorebell's user avatar
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How much extra ramification in a residual representation

Suppose $\rho:G _{\mathbb{Q}} \rightarrow GL_n(\mathbb{Q}_p)$ is a Galois rep. It has a uniquely defined (up to semisimplification residual rep $\bar{\rho}$. $\bar{\rho}$ is unramified where $\rho$ is....
Watson Ladd's user avatar
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Propagation of modularity and the Artin conjecture

The (still incomplete) solution of the Artin conjecture on dimension $\leq2$ has been a massive research effort that has spanned (knowingly or not) around a century. A very natural question is, what ...
Myshkin's user avatar
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Do infinite and ramified local factors of the Dedekind zeta function of a tame number field characterize its local root numbers?

Let say you have two number fields, that are tamely ramified, and suppose that the $p$-part of their Dedekind zeta functions coincide for all prime $p$ which is ramified in either field. Suppose ...
Guillermo Mantilla's user avatar
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How do you calculate the Euler factors of the imprimitive symmetric square at primes with bad reduction?

The reference for this question is Coates and Schmidt, Iwasawa theory for the symmetric square. Let $G = \textrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q}))$ and let $D_r \supseteq I_r$ be a ...
Max Flander's user avatar
31 votes
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Iwasawa main conjectures vs Bloch-Kato conjectures

Let $p$ be a prime, $K$ be a number field, $S$ a finite set of finite places of $K$ containing the set $S_p$ of places above $p$ and the places at infinity, $G:=G_{K,S}$ the Galois group of the ...
Joël's user avatar
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Special values of Artin L-functions

This question might be naive and might carry the heuristic that we are living in the best possible world a little too far. If so, I appreciate being told so. Background: Stark's conjecture interprets ...
Alex B.'s user avatar
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Applications of Artin's holomorphy conjecture

I wonder why the Artin conjecture is so important. The only reason I could figure out is that one could use the holomorphy of Artin L-series and Weil's converse theorem to show modularity of two-...
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