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Depth of the filtration of higher ramification groups in the ramified case in Serre's modularity conjecture

I am studying Serre's paper "Sur les représentations modulaires de degré 2 de $\mathrm{Gal(\overline{\mathbb Q}/\mathbb Q)}$" and I have some questions about Serre's definition of "peu ...
Marta Sánchez Pavón's user avatar
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Symmetric power lift of modular forms

Let $f_1$ and $f_2$ be two cuspforms of weights $k_1$ and $k_2$ and nebentypus $\epsilon_1$ and $\epsilon_2$ respectively such that $f_1 \neq f_2 \otimes \chi$ for some Dirichlet character $\chi$ of ...
user15243's user avatar
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Irreducibility of the $n$th symetric power of the reduction of the Galois representation of a non-CM newform

In "On $\ell$-adic representations attached to modular forms II", Ribet proved that the $\ell$-adic representation $\rho_{f,\ell}$ attached to a non-CM newform form $f$ satisfies $${\rm SL}...
Fouad Fahmi's user avatar
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Reference Request - New proof of Ribet's level lowering by Khare and Wintenberger

I'm currently following the note of Sug Woo Shin's course at Berkeley with notes taken by Rong Zhou. In Section 24.3 (Page 86), Ribet's level lowering theorem is stated: [Theorem 24.7] $E = E_{a^{\...
Hetong Xu's user avatar
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Properties of Mod $\ell^m$ Galois representation associated to modular form

(Sorry for my poor english..) Let $F(z)\in S_{2k}(SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$) be a newform and $\ell$ be a prime larger than $3$. Let $K$ be a some number field and $v$ be a prime of $K$ over $\ell$. Let $K_v$...
ililiil's user avatar
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Hilbert modular form as a representation of Hecke algebra

I am reading some notes by Snowden and I don't understand a sentence. Clearly, if we have an appropriate $R = T$ theorem then we get a modularity lifting theorem, as $\rho$ defines a homomorphism ...
JonasP's user avatar
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Is there some computational evidence of the $pq$ analog of Serre's conjecture?

The $pq$ analog of Serre's conjecture (see "Mod pq Galois representations and Serre's Conjecture"- Khare, Kiming) states that if $\bar{\rho}_1:G_{\mathbb{Q}}\rightarrow \text{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ is a ...
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Is there a conjectural analog of Ribet's theorem (Converse to Herbrand's Theorem) for Imaginary Quadratic fields?

For $p$ a prime, let $Cl(\mathbb{Q}(\mu_p))$ denote the class group of the extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ obtained by adjoining a primitive $p$th root of unity. Associated to an eigenform of weight 2 and ...
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Conductor of Galois representation attached to newform

(Sorry for poor my english skill..) Let $k$ and $N$ be positive integers and $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character modulo $N$. Let $F$ be a newform with number field $K_{F}$. (All coefficients of $F$ in $...
ililiil's user avatar
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Galois representation associated to CM-newforms

Let $f(z)=\sum_{n\ge 1}a(n)e(nz)$, be a newform of CM-type, and let $\psi_f$ be the associated Hecke character, so that, $$ f(z)=\sum_{\mathfrak{a}}\psi_f(\mathfrak{a})e(N(\mathfrak{a})z), $$ and let ...
Med's user avatar
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$\ell$-conductor of a two-dimensional $\ell$-adic Galois representation

Let $\ell$ be a prime number, denote by $K_\ell$ the maximal algebraic extension of $\Bbb{Q}$ ramified only at $\ell$. Let $f = \sum a_n q^n$ be a Hecke eigenform of level $1$ with integer ...
B Chung's user avatar
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Tameness criterion in the reducible case

Dear MO, This is a follow up to a previous question here in MO, but I will make this question self-contained for convenience. Those already familiar with the following paper [G] by Gross can safely ...
Álvaro Lozano-Robledo's user avatar