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Field of definition of compatible system of Galois representations

Let $K,F$ be number fields and suppose that there is a compatible system of Galois representations $$(\rho_{\lambda} : \text{Gal}(\overline{K}/K) \longrightarrow \text{GL}_n(\overline{F}_\lambda) )$$ ...
Sun Ra's user avatar
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Decompositions of representations of pro-p groups

Let $P$ be a pro-p group. Assume that there is a filtration of $P$ by normal subgroups $P_i$ such that $P_0=P$ and $P_{i+1} < P_i(i\in\mathbb N)$. Let $V$ be an $l$-adic representation of $P$, ...
Int's user avatar
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Local polynomials of Frobenius-semisimple Weil representations which are tensor products of an Artin representation and an unramified character

Let $K$ be a local field and $\rho: W_K \to \operatorname{GL}(V)$ be a Weil representation. The for any finite extension $F/K$, we define the local polynomial $$ P(\rho|_F,T) = \det{(1 - \operatorname{...
Diglett's user avatar
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A question related to Kirillov model

I am reading Jackson - The theory of admissible representations of $\operatorname{GL}(2, F)$ and am not able to understand the following map related to Kirillov model. This result appears on p. 54: I ...
user15243's user avatar
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Hilbert modular form as a representation of Hecke algebra

I am reading some notes by Snowden and I don't understand a sentence. Clearly, if we have an appropriate $R = T$ theorem then we get a modularity lifting theorem, as $\rho$ defines a homomorphism ...
JonasP's user avatar
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Local factors determine Weil representations - proof of the Artin representation case

This post can be seen as a continuation of this post I created on MathOverflow. I want to understand the proof of the following Theorem from "Euler Factors determine Weil Representations" by Tim and ...
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