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Absolute irreducibility implies free action on framed universal deformation ring

Let $\overline{\rho}: G\longrightarrow \text{GL}_n(\mathbb{F}_p)$ be a residual representation of the Galois group of a number field. Let $R_{\overline{\rho}}^{\square,\text{univ}}$ be the universal ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Is the completed tensor product (over a complete dvr) of two reduced complete Noetherian local rings again reduced?

To be more specific, Let $\mathcal{O}$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Z}_{p}$. Let $A=\mathcal{O}[[X_{1},\ldots, X_{n}]]/\left( f_{1},\ldots,f_{r}\right) $ and $B=\mathcal{O}[[Y_{1},\ldots, Y_{m}]]/...
user521295's user avatar
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On the pro-category of finite local artinian algebras

Let $\mathbb{F}$ be a finite field, and $W(\mathbb{F})$ its associated ring of Witt's vectors. On page 6 of the following lecture notes Deformations of Galois Representations, the category $\mathfrak{...
FPV's user avatar
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Freeness of completed homology over universal deformation ring

In Theorem 7.4 of the paper "patching and the $p$-adic Langlands program for $\mathrm{GL}2(\mathbf{Q}_p)$" (arXiv link), it is proved that in the minimally ramified case, the completed homology of ...
little dog's user avatar
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galois deformation ring with type is union of irreducible components

Notation: $K$ finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, $G_K$ absolute Galois group of $K$, $E$ is finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ (coefficient field), $O_E$ is ring of integer in $E$. In this paper of ...
quasi-mathematician's user avatar
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How geometry changes up to Hermitian inner product on Line bundle (Kodaira embedding)

Riemann metric $g \colon= \Sigma g_{ij} dx_i \otimes dx_j$ on a Kähler manifold $M$ will define the length of a line on $M$, i.e. intrinsic geometry. The line bundle $L$ on $M$ is equipped with a ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Determinant of a special matrix in characteristic $p$

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p > 0$. Choose $p^i$ numbers of elements $c_1,\ldots,c_{p^i} \in K$ and consider the determinant $D$ of the following matrix$\colon$ \begin{pmatrix}\label{...
Pierre's user avatar
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Finite extension of $K[[X]]$ and the norm

Let $R \colon= K[[X]]$ be a formal power series ring over a field $K$. We consider a monic polynomial $f(T) \in R[T]$ as follows$\colon$ $$ f(T) = T^e + c_{e-1}T^{e-1} + \ldots + c_1T + c_0. $$ ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Power series rings and the formal generic fibre

Let $S = K[[S_1,\ldots,S_n]]$ and consider $d$ elements \begin{equation*} f_1,\ldots,f_d \in S[[X_1,\ldots,X_d]] \end{equation*} and the prime ideal ${\frak P} \colon\!= (f_1,\ldots,f_d)$ generated ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Power series ring $R[[X_1,\ldots,X_d]]$ over a domain $R$

Let $R$ be a domain and \begin{align*} T \,\colon= R[[X_1,\ldots,X_d]]. \end{align*} Suppose that we have $d$ elements $f_1,\ldots,f_d \in T$ and let us consider an ideal $J$ of $T$ such that $(f_1,\...
Pierre's user avatar
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Gauss lemma for a complete Noetherian domain

Suppose that $R$ is a Noetherian complete domain over a field $K$. Suppose that a monic polynomial $f(X) \in R[X]$ (i.e., the highest degree $X^e$ in $f$ has the coefficient $1$), satisfies the ...
Pierre's user avatar
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On the exponent of a certain matrix $A$ in characteristic $p > 0$

Let $A$ be a square matrix in characteristic $p > 0$ with both column and row having length $(1 + p^0 + p + \cdots + p^i)$, where $i \geq 0$. Suppose that further the $(m,n)$-component $a_{m,n}$ ...
Pierre's user avatar
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List of applications of the Deformation theory of Galois Representations in contexts other that $R=T$

The Deformation theory of Galois representations developed by Mazur has been extensively used in proving that Galois representations with special properties are modular/automorphic through the ...
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Galois cohomology of cyclotomic extension

Let $K$ be a complete discrete valuation ring with algebraically closed residue field $F$ of characteristic $p > 0$. Suppose ${\Bbb Q}_p \subset K$ and the absolute ramification index v$_{\pi_K}(p) ...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Representability of deformation functors via SGA

I'm trying to understand Böckle's proof of Theorem 2.1.1 in his notes on deformation theory. Let's start with some motivation. Let $\Gamma$ be a profinite group (I'm thinking of an absolute Galois ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
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Misunderstanding in the hypotheses of Schlessinger's criterion

In studying deformation theory of Galois representations, I've come surely to an error, relating Schlessinger's criterion. Let's fix a representation $\bar{\rho}$ of a group $G$ and let $D_{\bar{\...
Simone Melchiorre Chiarello's user avatar
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Deformation rings and change of group

Let $f : G' \subset G$ be an injection between profinite groups such that $G'$ is normal in $G$ (typical situation which I deal with : $G$ the absolute Galois group of a local field, $G'$ an open ...
amuller's user avatar
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Mazur's relative deformation functors

In his paper "Deformation Theory of Galois Representations" in the book "Modular Forms of Fermat Last Theorem", Mazur considers more general deformation functors than in his earlier paper in "Galois ...
Joël's user avatar
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Galois Cohomology maps

Let $\bar{\rho}$ be a residual ordinary and locally split galois representation associated to a weight $k$ level $1$ form (more specifically a mod $p$ companion form). In the sense of deformation ...
Guhan Venkat Harikumar's user avatar