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Twists of elliptic curves

I have a few questions regarding twists of elliptic curves. In the context of the Shafarevich group, I see people refer to the group of twists of an elliptic curve $E/\mathbb{Q}$ by $H^1(\mathbb{Q}, ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Triviality of $\unicode{1064}(T_pE ⊗ T_pE)$ for elliptic curves and Bogomolov's lemma

Consider the case of an elliptic curve $E$ over Q, and let $S$ be a finite set of primes including all places of bad reduction and a place $p$ of good reduction. Bogomolov's Lemma says that when $p$ ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Interpretation of $H^3(\mathrm{Gal}(L/K),L^\times)$

During my work I came across the group $H^3(\mathrm{Gal}(L/K),L^\times)=H^3(L/K,L^\times)$ for certain (infinite) Galois extensions $L/K$ (for an arbitrary field $K$) and I wondered if there is an ...
Firebolt2222's user avatar
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Absolute Bloch-Kato Cohomology

The étale cohomology $R\Gamma_{\mathrm{ét}}(X;\mathbb{Z}_p(n))$ of a scheme $X/K$ can be computed by a Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence with terms of the form $H^i(K;H^j(X_{\overline{K}};\mathbb{Z}...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Amitsur's theorem for generalized Severi–Brauer varieties

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and assume that $A$ is a central simple algebra of index $2^n > 2$. We denote by $\operatorname{SB}_i(A)$ the $i$-th (generalized) Severi–Brauer variety of ...
nxir's user avatar
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Absolute Galois cohomology of function fields (of high-dimensional) varieties

What is known about the absolute Galois cohomology of function fields of varieties of dimension 2 or larger? Specifically, I am interested in multiplicative coefficients $\mathbb G_m$. I have seen ...
Sean Sanford's user avatar
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Classification of algebraic groups of the types $^1\! A_{n-1}$ and $^2\! A_{n-1}$

This seemingly elementary question was asked in Mathematics It got upvotes, but no answers or comments, and so I ask it here. Let $G$ ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Representability of twists of projective schemes

Let $K$ be a perfect field, and let $S$ be a projective $K$-scheme. Denote by $\text{Twist}(S/K)$ the set of twists of $S$ up to $K$-isomorphism. These are (apriori) sheaves $\mathcal{F}$ on the ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Kernel of restriction map in Galois cohomology

Let $S$ be the algebraic group $SL_2/\mathbb{Q}_p$ with a $G=G_{\mathbb{Q}}$ action, (acts by conjugation with a representation $\rho: G\longrightarrow GL_2$.) Let $G_p$ be the decomposition group at ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Crystalline fibre of a morphism of Galois cohomology stacks

Let $K = \mathbb{Q}_p$, $G = G_K$ its absolute Galois group. Let $$1\longrightarrow A\longrightarrow B\longrightarrow C\longrightarrow 1$$ be a split exact sequence of (not necessarily abelian) group ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Equivalence between twists of a curve and torsors of its automorphism group

Let $X$ be a curve defined over a number field $K$, and let $G_K$ be the absolute Galois group of $K$. Let $\text{Aut}(X)$ be the group of $\overline{K}$-defined automorphisms of $X$, and consider the ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Algebraizable image of a morphism of Galois cohomology stacks

Assume I have a surjective morphism of algebraic group schemes over $\mathbb{Q}_p$, $\mathcal{G}\longrightarrow S$, equipped with a section, and assume both of these group schemes are equipped with an ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Twisted forms with real points of a real Grassmannian

Let $X={\rm Gr}_{n,k,{\Bbb R}}$ denote the Grassmannian of $k$-dimensional subspaces in ${\Bbb R}^n$. We regard $X$ as an ${\Bbb R}$-variety with the set of complex points $X({\Bbb C})={\rm Gr}_{n,k,{\...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Extensions of groups with a $G$-action

Let $1\longrightarrow A\longrightarrow \mathcal{G}\longrightarrow R\longrightarrow 1$ be an exact sequence of algebraic group schemes, with $\mathcal{G}$ being an extension of $R$, an affine reductive ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Galois cohomology of Tate modules

Let $E,E'$ be a pair of elliptic curves defined over $\mathbb{Z}$. Let $T_p[E], T_p[E']$ be their associated ($p$-adic) Tate modules. These are Galois representations for the absolute Galois group of $...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Crystalline exact sequence in Galois cohomology

Let $G$ be the absolute Galois group of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, and let $1\longrightarrow A\longrightarrow B\longrightarrow C\longrightarrow 1$ be a short exact sequence of (non-abelian) algebraic group ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Deformations of Galois cohomology

Let $M = (\mathbb{Z}_p)^2$ be a Galois representation, with Galois action given by $\rho: G\longrightarrow SL_2(\mathbb{Z}_p)$. I am trying to understand how sensitive the Galois cohomology group $H^1(...
kindasorta's user avatar
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Torus gerbes over curves

Setup: Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $C$ be a smooth connected curve over $k$. Let $K(C)$ be the function field of $C$. Tsen's Theorem implies that every $\mathbb{G}_m$-gerbe over $K(C)...
lzww's user avatar
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Do algebraic tori have no $H^1$?

If $G$ is an algebraic group over a field $K$, we can consider the Galois (or flat) cohomology $H^1(K, G)$. If $G = \mathbb{G}_a$ or $\mathbb{G}_m$, it is well known that $H^1(K, G) = 0$ (the latter ...
Evan O'Dorney's user avatar
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Galois cohomology of abelian varieties

Suppose $A$ is an abelian variety over a number field $K$ and call $M$ the maximal torsion free quotient of $A(\overline{K})$ equipped with its Galois action. For the first Galois cohomology of $M$, ...
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Cohomology with coefficients in $\mu_\infty$

I'm encountering a lot of problems when dealing with the root of unity sheaf $\mu_\infty := \mathrm{colim}_n\mu_n$. Let $X$ be a smooth geometrically integral variety over a number field $k$. Although ...
oleout's user avatar
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Computing $H^1$ with coefficients in a torsion-free abelian group

Let $k$ be a number field and denote by $H^i(k,-)$ the Galois cohomology functor $H^i(\mathrm{Gal}(\bar{k}/k),-)$. Let $X$ be a smooth geometrically integral curve over $k$. One can easily show that ...
oleout's user avatar
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Third Galois cohomology group

It is well known that when $K$ is a local or global field the Galois cohomology group $H^{3}(K,K_{\text{sep}}^{\times})=0$ where $K_{\text{sep}}$ denotes the separable closure of $K$. Could someone ...
H U's user avatar
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Taking quotient of a variety by the additive group

1. Let $X$ be a smooth irreducible $\Bbb C$-variety, on which the algebraic $\Bbb C$-group $G={\bf G}_{a,{\Bbb C}}$ (the additive group) acts freely on the right: $$ X\times _{\Bbb C} G\to X,\quad (x,...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Is it true that $ H^{2r} ( X , \, \mathbb{Q}_{ \ell } (r) ) \simeq H^{2r} ( \overline{X} , \, \mathbb{Q}_{ \ell } (r) )^G $?

Let $ k $ be a field and let $ X $ be a smooth projective variety over $ k $ of dimension $ d $. We denote by $ \overline{X} = X \times_k \overline{k} \ $ the base change of $ X $ to the algebraic ...
Angel65's user avatar
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The Mumford-Tate conjecture

The Mumford-Tate conjecture asserts that, via the Betti-étale comparison isomorphism, and for any smooth projective variety $ X $, over a number field $ K $, the $ \mathbb{Q}_{ \ell } $-linear ...
Angel65's user avatar
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What are the Tits algebras of $\mathrm{SO}(A, \sigma)$ if $A$ is split?

Given a connected linear algebraic group $G$ over a field of characteristic zero, there are several constructions of the so called Tits algebras (see Sechin and Semenov - Applications of the Morava K-...
nxir's user avatar
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Real forms of complex reductive groups

I have a collection of related (to me) questions, which stem from the fact that I feel like I have a bunch of pieces, but not a full clear picture. I'm curious about forms of reductive groups in ...
Marc Besson's user avatar
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Field extensions that preserve given cohomology classes

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over $\mathbb{Q}$ and let $\operatorname{Ker}^1(\mathbb{Q},G) \subset H^1(\mathbb{Q},G)$ be the subset of classes that are trivial at all places. I am trying to ...
Pol van Hoften's user avatar
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Is a 8-dimensional quadratic form recognized by its Lie algebra, modulo equivalence and scalar multiplication?

Question. Let $K$ be a field of characteristic zero (large characteristic should be fine too). Let $q,q'$ be two non-degenerate quadratic forms on $K^n$ with $n=8$. Suppose that the Lie algebras $\...
YCor's user avatar
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Is the Cassels "$x - \theta$" map algebraic in some sense?

Setup: Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $0$, let $f(x) \in k[x]$ be a monic separable polynomial of degree $n \geq 4$, and let $\theta$ denote the image of $x$ under the map $k[x] \to K_f := k[x]/(...
Ashvin Swaminathan's user avatar
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Quotienting $G(\mathbb{Q})_{+}$ by $G^{\text{sc}}(\mathbb{Q})$ and inner forms

Let $G/\mathbb{Q}$ be a connected reductive group, let $G^{\text{ad}}$ be the adjoint group, let $G^{\text{der}}$ be the derived group and let $\rho\colon G^{\text{sc}} \to G^{\text{der}}$ be the ...
Pol van Hoften's user avatar
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Group cohomology of sheaves under closed immersion

Suppose $X$ is a scheme over Spec $\mathbb{Z}$, and $p$ is a non-zero prime in $\mathbb{Z}$. Then we have a closed immersion from the special fibre $i_p: X_p \rightarrow X$. If $\mathscr{F}$ is a ...
OldStudentL's user avatar
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When does group cohomology $H^1(G,M)$ depend only on the image of $G$ in Aut($M$)?

To motivate the question (and narrow it down if the one I asked is too broad), I'm doing readings from Manin's cubic forms book. A while back I was asked to compute the Galois cohomology $H^1(G, Pic(...
forget this's user avatar
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Fundamental Group of small Zariski open set

Let $Y$ be an integral affine variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and $K$ be its function field. How to find a sufficiently small Zariski open set of $Y$ such that it is isomorphic to $K(\pi,1)$? Here $\pi$ is ...
userabc's user avatar
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Orthogonal Grassmanians: cases where $\text{OG}( \mathbb{P}^1 , Q) \not \simeq \mathbb{P}^3$

Let $Q = \{ q(x_0, \dots, x_4) = 0 \}$ be a quadric-threefold over a field $k$. Are there cases where the orthogonal Grassmanian $\text{OG}( \mathbb{P}^1 , Q)$ is not a copy of $\mathbb{P}^3$? Here'...
john mangual's user avatar
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If $A \in \text{End}(\bigwedge^k \mathbb{R}^d)$ equals $\bigwedge^k B$ for some complex matrix $B$, does it have a real source?

Let $1<k<d$ be an integer. Let $A \in \text{End}(\bigwedge^k \mathbb{R}^d)$, and suppose that $A=\bigwedge^k B$ for some complex $B \in \text{End}(\mathbb{C}^d)$. Does there exist $M \in \...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Semi-simple Galois actions on étale cohomology

Assume that semi-simplicity of the Galois action on $\ell$-adic cohomology of all smooth projective varieties over finite fields, were known. Can one deduce that the Galois action on $\ell$-adic ...
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Galois invariants in étale cohomology

Suppose $X$ is a smooth projective variety over a field $k$, with separable closure $\overline{k}$, Galois group $G$, and let $\overline{X}$ be $X_{\overline{k}}$. Do we have $$(H^j(\overline{X},\...
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Triviality of torsors after a field extension of bounded degree

Let $G$ be an abelian variety defined over a ring $R$. Is there a natural number $n$ such that, for any field $k$ over $R$ and any $G_k$-torsor $T$, there exists an extension $L/k$ of degree $n$ for ...
Rami's user avatar
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Rost Invariant of $E_7$

Let $E_7$ denote the split group of type $E_7$. Assume $G := \xi\overline{G}$ is a semisimple algebraic group over a field $k$ with characteristic zero for some $\xi \in H^1(k,E_7)$. Let $r(G)$ $\in$ $...
nxir's user avatar
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Galois cohomology of the Serre group in the proof of the fundamental theorem of CM

I am working through J.S. Milne's note on the fundamental theorem of complex multiplication over $\mathbb{Q}$. Let $E$ be a CM-field Galois over $\mathbb{Q}$, and $S^E$ the Serre group corresponding ...
Jiangwei Xue's user avatar
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Etale cohomology with coefficients in $\mathbb{Q}$

Let $X$ be a smooth variety of a field $k$. Then is $$H_{et}^i(X, \mathbb{Q}) = 0$$ for all $i > 0$? The result is true for $i=1$. This follows from the same argument given for $\mathbb{Z}$-...
Daniel Loughran's user avatar
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Galois cohomology of cyclotomic extension

Let $K$ be a complete discrete valuation ring with algebraically closed residue field $F$ of characteristic $p > 0$. Suppose ${\Bbb Q}_p \subset K$ and the absolute ramification index v$_{\pi_K}(p) ...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Quadrics contained in the (complex) Cayley plane

In the paper Ilev, Manivel - The Chow ring of the Cayley plane we can learn, that $CH^8(X)$, with $X := E_6/P_1$, denoting the Cayley plane, has three generators with one of them being the class of ...
nxir's user avatar
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Do $PGL_n$-torsors induce elements of the Brauer group

Let $K$ be a field and let $n\geq 2$. If $n=2$, then the set of $K$-isomorphism classes of $PGL_n$-torsors is in bijection with the $n$-torsion of the Brauer group of $K$. Is this only for $n=2$? Is ...
brauer's user avatar
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Selmer Group versus Selmer Variety

For an abelian variety $A$, the $p$-adic Selmer group is defined to be the subset of $H^1(G_k,H_1^{et}(A;\mathbb{Q}_{p}))$ whose restriction to $G_{k_v}$ is in the image of $A(k_v)$ for all places $v$ ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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Nonabelian $H^2$ and Galois descent

I would like to know whether the following metatheorem on nonabelian $H^2$ has been ever stated and/or proved. Let $k$ be a perfect field and $k^s$ its fixed separable closure. Let $X^s$ be a variety ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
5 votes
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Constructing groups of Type E7 with certain Tits Index

In a new survey on $E_8$, namely Skip Garibaldi - E8 the most exceptional group , the author gives an example (Example 8.4., page 15) on how to construct a group of type E8 with a prescribed Tits-...
nxir's user avatar
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Normalizer of non-split tori

Let $\mathbb{G}$ be a connected reductive group over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $G:=\mathbb{G}(\mathbb{C}(\!(t)\!))$. Let $T$ be a maximal torus in $G$. Question: What do we know about the normalizer $N_G(T)$...
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