Questions tagged [fusion-categories]

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What classifies involutive automorphisms on finite groups? What classifies involutions on finite based rings?

Groups Let $G$ be a finite group. An involutive automorphism on $G$ is an automorphism $i\colon G \to G$ such that $i^2 = 1_G$. Question 1. What classifies involutive automorphisms on a given (non-...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
8 votes
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Is there a non-trivial Hopf algebra without left coideal subalgebra?

Let $H$ be a finite dimensional Hopf ${\rm C}^{\star}$-algebra. A $\star$-subalgebra $I$ of $H$ is a left coideal if $\Delta(I) \subset H \otimes I$. $H$ is called maximal if it has no left coideal $\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
7 votes
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Does the pentagon axiom force the associativity constraint to be a natural isomorphism?

Consider a fusion ring and the associated system of polynomial equations induced by the pentagon axiom of a fusion category. A solution of this system is supposed to encode the associativity ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
7 votes
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How to translate connection on four graphs to quantum 6j symbols

I need the explicit quantum 6j symbols for the Haagerup fusion category for a physics research project. This paper math/9803044 by Asaeda and Haagerup brute-force constructs the Haagerup subfactor, by ...
Ying's user avatar
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Triviality of Semisimple Hopf Algebras of Cyclic Dimension

A cyclic number is a natural number $n$ such that any group of order $n$ is cyclic. A003277 Theorem (T. Szele, 1947): A number $n$ is cyclic if and only if it is coprime to its Euler totient $\varphi(...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
7 votes
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An alternative Cauchy theorem on Hopf algebras

Let $\mathbb{A}$ be a finite dimensional Hopf ${\rm C}^{\star}$-algebra. There already exists a generalization of Cauchy theorem using exponent, see [KSZ06]. We are interesting in an alternative ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
6 votes
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Does a fusion ring with F and R-symbols uniquely determine a braided tensor category?

Background : In mathematical physics, 'anyons' in (2+1) dimensional systems are described by braided tensor categories. The anyon types correspond to the irreducible objects of the category. From such ...
Alex_Bols's user avatar
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What about Hopf algebra and fusion structures for intertwiner algebras?

Let $G$ be a complex, reductive group and let $V_1, \dotsc, V_r$ be a collection of finite dimensional, irreducible complex representations of $G$. Let $\mathcal{A} = \mathrm{End}_G(V_1 \otimes \dotsb ...
Jeanne Scott's user avatar
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Is there an integral simple fusion ring rank<6, FPdim>60 and Frobenius type?

A fusion ring is a finite dimensional $\mathbb{Z}$-module $\mathbb{Z}\mathcal{B}$ together with a distinguished basis $\mathcal{B} = \{ h_1,...,h_r\}$ and fusion rules $ h_i \cdot h_j = \sum_k n_{ij}^...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
6 votes
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Existence of a Kac algebra for a given fusion ring in a particular class

A $n$-dimensional Kac algebra (i.e., a Hopf C*-algebra), admits finitely many irreducible representations, whose cardinal $r$ is called its rank, the increasing sequence $(d_{1},d_{2},d_{3}, ..., d_{r}...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
6 votes
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Do purification and equivariantization commute?

Suppose that we have an action of a group $G$ on a (quasi-)Hopf algebra $H$, so that we can construct $H\rtimes G$ as in Majid's Cross Products by Braided Groups and Bosonization. It is known that $...
Eric Rowell's user avatar
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Fusion categories with $\mathrm{PSU}(2)_k$ fusion rules

Let $R_k$ be a fusion ring with $\mathrm{SU}(2)_k$ fusion rules (or equivalently $A_{k+1}$ fusion rules). All fusion categories with such fusion rules have been classified by Frohlich and Kerler in ...
Gert's user avatar
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Watatani's theorem for tensor categories

We refer to [JS97] for the notion of subfactor. Yasuo Watatani proved the following result [W96, Theorem 2.2]: Theorem: An irreducible finite index subfactor of a type $\mathrm{II}_1$ factor has ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Unitary fusion category and subfactor

From a unitary fusion category $\mathcal{C}$, there are several ways to make a (hyperfinite II$_1$) subfactor. By [Ha] there are weak Hopf algebras $H$ such that $\mathcal{C} = Rep(H)$. By unitarity (...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
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Strongly simple fusion categories: the known examples?

A fusion category is called simple if its fusion subcategories are just $Vec$ and itself. Let us call a fusion category strongly simple if every fusion category Morita equivalent to it (i.e. same ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Can a braided fusion category have an order-2 Morita equivalence class which cannot be simultaneously connected and isomorphic to its opposite?

Let $\mathcal{B}$ be a braided fusion category over $\mathbb{C}$. Let me write $\mathrm{Alg}(\mathcal{B})$ for the set of isomorphism classes of unital associative algebra objects in $\mathcal{B}$, ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Interpolated simple integral fusion categories of Lie type

$\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL} \DeclareMathOperator\Rep{Rep}$The idea motivating this post is that there should exist a global understanding of the unitary fusion categories $\Rep(G(q))$, with $G(q)$ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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A fusion ring identity

Fusion rings I'll more or less stick to the presentation given in this question: [1] We define a fusion ring as follows: consider a free $\mathbb{Z}$-module $\mathbb{Z}\mathcal{B}$ with finite basis ...
Meths's user avatar
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How does the relative Drinfeld center interact with the relative Deligne tensor product?

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a fusion category, and $\mathcal{M}, \mathcal{N}$ semisimple $(\mathcal{C}, \mathcal{C})$-bimodule categories. The left $\mathcal{C}$-action is denoted as $- \triangleright - \...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a perfect integral fusion category with PFdim = 2 mod 4?

A finite group $G$ is perfect if $G = G^{(1)} := \langle [G,G] \rangle$. Proposition: A finite group $G$ is perfect iff every $1$-dimensional complex representation of $G$ is trivial. proof: First if $...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
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Signs associated to self-dual simple objects in a fusion category

Every self-dual simple object $X$ in a fusion category can canonically be assigned a number $a$, from its "snake" associator element: The square of $a$ equals Muger's "squared dimension" of $X$, an ...
Bruce Bartlett's user avatar
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Is the rank of an integral MTC an upper bound for the prime factors of its FPdim?

In this post, the abbreviation "MTC" and "FPdim" stand for "Modular Tensor Category" and "Frobenius-Perron dimension". From [DLN, Theorem II (iii)], where the ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
4 votes
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Are there infinitely many simple integral fusion rings of rank $4$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\ch{ch}$$\DeclareMathOperator\FPdim{FPdim}$We refer to [EGNO15, Chapter 3] for the notion of fusion ring and basic results. The type of a fusion ring $R$ is the list $(\FPdim(b_i)...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a strongly noncommutative Grothendieck ring?

This sequel of Is there a strongly noncommutative fusion category? is motivated to know whether every fusion category is "equivalent" (in some sense) to one with a commutative Grothendieck ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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The fusion categories with a strict skeleton

We refer to the book Tensor Categories (by Etingof-Gelaki-Nikshych-Ostrik) for all the notions mentioned in this post. A fusion category is skeletal if two isomorphic objects are always equal. Every ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Are the finite quantum permutation groups, weakly group-theoretical?

Wang defined in Quantum symmetry groups of finite spaces a notion of quantum automorphism group. The application to a finite space of $n$ elements is called the quantum permutation group of $n$ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Is the Nichols-Richmond theorem true for integral fusion rings?

The Nichols-Richmond theorem is a result on cosemisimple Hopf algebras, proved in their paper. It was restated for integral fusion categories by Dong-Natale-Vendramin (Theorem 3.4 here): Theorem: ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Are there any dominant pivotal functors such that the regular representation is not mapped onto a multiple of the regular representation?

This question is related to Pivotal functors of that are substantially different from finite group homomorphisms. A tensor functor $F: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D}$ is called dominant (sometimes ...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
4 votes
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Is an integral simple fusion ring, categorifiable?

A fusion ring $\mathcal{F}$ (see here p 28) is integral if the Perron-Frobenius dimension $d(h_i)$ of its basic elements $\{h_1,...,h_r\}$, are integers. Its rank is $r$ and its dimension is $\sum d(...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
4 votes
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An embedding theorem for a fusion ring planar algebra?

We first recall the embedding theorem for finite depth subfactor planar algebras: The planar algebra generated by a (finite depth) subfactor, is embeddable into the planar algebra generated by its ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
3 votes
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Isomorphic objects have the same dimension (pivotal categories)

I want to prove that if two objects $X,Y$ in a pivotal category $\mathcal{C}$ are isomorphic, then $X$ and $Y$ have the same dimension, i.e., $$ \mathrm{dim}(X) = \mathrm{Tr}^{L}(\mathrm{id}_{X}) = \...
NoetherNerd's user avatar
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Are the Drinfeld doubles of twist equivalent Hopf algebras twist equivalent?

Let $H_1$ and $H_2$ be finite dimensional Hopf algebras that are twist equivalent, i.e. $H_2$ is obtained from $H_1$ using a Drinfeld twist. My question is: are the Drinfeld doubles $D(H_1)$ and $D(...
Lagrenge's user avatar
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Is the Frobenius property invariant by Morita equivalence?

Kaplansky's sixth conjecture [Ka75] states that the dimension of a semisimple finite dimensional Hopf algebra over $\mathbb{C}$ is divisible by the dimension of its irreducible complex representations....
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Are the fusion categories weakly Frobenius?

A well-known open problem (generalizing Kaplansky 6th conjecture) asks whether every (spherical) fusion category $\mathcal{C}$ (over $\mathbb{C}$) is of Frobenius type, i.e. for every simple object $X$...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Vertex operator algebras and modular tensor categories

Let $\mathcal{V}$ be a vertex operator algebra (VOA), and let $\mathcal{C}=Rep(\mathcal{V})$ be the tensor category of (ususal) $\mathcal{V}$-modules. It is a well-known open-problem whether every ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Reference for NIM-rep theory for non-commutative fusion rings?

The literature on nonnegative integer matrix representations (NIM-reps) seems to be focused on commutative fusion rings, since a primary motivation there is for rational conformal field theory (RCFT). ...
Ying's user avatar
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Extended cyclotomic criterion for unitary categorification

According to this paper (Corollary 8.54) the Frobenius-Perron dimension (FPdim) of any object $a$ of a fusion category over $\mathbb{C}$ is a cyclotomic integer. Now, FPdim($a$) is the maximal ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Is there a semisimple Hopf algebra Grothendieck equivalent to a strictly weak one?

By Corollary 2.22 in On fusion categories (by Pavel Etingof, Dmitri Nikshych and Viktor Ostrik) any fusion category is equivalent to the category of finite dimensional representations of a semisimple ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Is there an integral simple fusion ring of multiplicity one and Frobenius type? (obvious excepted)

To avoid any confusion, we rewrite the basic definitions for a fusion ring (already written in this post). A fusion ring is a finite dimensional complex space $\mathbb{C}\mathcal{B}$ together ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Symmetries of modular categories coming from quantum groups

This is a request for references about the computation of the braided autoequivalences of fusion categories coming from a quantum group. I could not find even the description of braided ...
César Galindo's user avatar
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Involution of unital based ring (Grothendieck ring of a fusion category)

Let $A$ be a unital based ring in the sense of [Ostrik, arXiv:math/0111139]. As part of the data we have a base $B = \{b_i\}_{i\in I}$, and an involution $i \mapsto \bar i$ of $I$ whose induced map $\...
user46652's user avatar
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Automorphisms of Grothendieck rings coming from fusion categories

The Grothendieck ring $\mathcal K_0(\mathcal C)$ of a fusion category $\mathcal C$ is a unital based ring in the sense of math/0111139v1 with basis $B$ and involution $*$. Basis elements correspond to ...
Matthew Titsworth's user avatar
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The convolution on a semisimple finite quantum groupoid

Let $\mathbb{A}$ be a finite dim. weak Hopf $C^*$-algebra (or semisimple finite quantum groupoid) and $\hat{\mathbb{A}}$ its dual. Let the Fourier transform $\mathcal{F}: \mathbb{A} \to \hat{\mathbb{...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
3 votes
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Are there workable numerical approaches for the pentagon equation?

Warning: this post is the "numerical" analog of Are there workable algebraic geometry approaches for the pentagon equation? I've replaced "algebraic geometry" by "numerical" in its content, ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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Questions about proof that all indecomposable module categories over $\operatorname{Rep}(G)$ are equivalent to $\operatorname{Rep}^1(H,\omega)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\Rep{Rep}\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}\DeclareMathOperator\Ind{Ind}\DeclareMathOperator\End{End}$In Ostrik - Module categories, weak Hopf algebras and modular invariants, it is ...
shin chan's user avatar
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Is there a non-pointed simple integral modular fusion category?

The weakly group-theoretical conjecture, which suggests a negative response to [ENO11, Question 2], is formulated as follows: Statement 1 (open): Every integral fusion category is weakly group-...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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Hierarchy of fusion categories

There is a large hierarchy of foobar fusion categories, where foobar is a special property. How does this correlate with the properties of their Clebsch-Gordan (or analogue, I think those are the F-) ...
Hauke Reddmann's user avatar
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Categorical dimension and formal codegrees

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a complex fusion category. If it admits a pivotal structure $a$ then by [1, Proposition 4.7.12], $\dim_a$ induces a character $\chi$ on the Grothendieck ring $Gr(\mathcal{C})$, of ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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What are all the possible indices for the finite depth subfactors?

Jones index theorem (1983) states that the set of all possible (finite) indices of subfactors is exactly $$\mathrm{Ind}=\{ 4 \cos(\pi/n)^2 \ | \ n \ge 3 \} \cup [4, \infty),$$ but if we restrict to ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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Is the regular representation of a fusion ring a direct sum of all its irreducible representations?

For groups, the regular representation contains each irrep with multiplicity equal to the irrep's dimension. For (not necessarily commutative) fusion rings, is there any analogous statement for the ...
Ying's user avatar
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