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Computing the class group of a quadratic function field

I am asking for a reference in which I can find tools to answer questions like the following: Let $K=\mathbb{F}_q(X)$ be a rational function field over the finite field with $q$ elements. Let $E/K$ be ...
Lior Bary-Soroker's user avatar
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A version of weak approximation with S-integers

Let $k$ be a finite field. Let $K$ a finite extension of $k(t)$. Let $S$ be a finite set of places of $K$. Let $$K_S = \prod_{v\in S} K_v$$ where $K_v$ is the completion of $K$ at $v$. For $v\in S$, ...
Will Dukeminier's user avatar
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Reference request: ramified and local geometric class field theory

There are lots of references on global unramified geometric class field theory (following Deligne's $\ell$-adic sheaves approach). There are also some notes talking about how to extend Deligne's ...
wkf's user avatar
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$[J_F : P_FN_{E/F}J_E] = 2$ for quadratic extensions of global fields of characteristic 2?

Let $E/F$ be a quadratic extension of global fields. Denote by $J_F$ the idèle group of $F$, by $P_F$ the subgroup of principal idèles and by $N_{E/F} : J_E \to J_F$ the norm map between idèles. In ...
Bib-lost's user avatar
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ray class field of rational function field

Let $f \in \mathbf{F}_q[T]$ be irreducible. I know that the ray class field for $\mathrm{Cl}((f)) \cong (\mathbf{F}_q[T]/(f))^\times$ can be constructed by adjoining torsion points of a Carlitz module....
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