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Algebraic Fukaya categories and mirror symmetry

Dominic Joyce and collaborators have outlined a programme to construct algebraic Fukaya categories on an algebraic symplectic manifold (“Fukaya categories” of complex Lagrangians in complex symplectic ...
Robert Hanson's user avatar
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Bridgeland stability to Fukaya stability on elliptic curve; geometric proof of no slope decreasing homs

For a bridgeland stability condition $(P,Z)$ on $\mathcal{C}$ and $a > b$ we know that $Hom^0(A,B)=0$ for $A,B \in P(a), P(b)$ respectively. I would like to see the geometric incarnation of this ...
user135743's user avatar
13 votes
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Geometric Langlands: From D-mod to Fukaya

This post is rather wordy and speculative, but I promise there is a concrete question embedded within. For experts, I'll open with a question: Question: Given a compact Riemann surface $X$, why ...
Andy Sanders's user avatar
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Organizing mirror pairs

At a maximally vague and naive level, mirror symmetry asks the following question: given a complex manifold $(X, I)$, is there a symplectic manifold $(M, \omega)$ and an equivalence between the ...
Andy Sanders's user avatar
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Comparing different approaches to HMS for elliptic curves

I am trying to understand homological mirror symmetry for elliptic curves from the article of Zaslow-Polishchuk and from Section 6 of the article of Abouzaid and Smith on homological mirror symmetry ...
Paolo Ghiggini's user avatar
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Mirror symmetry for singular Lagrangian torus fibrations

Let $X$ be a closed symplectic manifold equipped with a smooth Lagrangian torus fibration $\pi:X \rightarrow Q$. Assume that $\pi$ admits a Lagrangian section. By work of Kontsevich-Soibelman, one can ...
John Rached's user avatar
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Mirror of the autoequivalences of the derived category of del Pezzo surface?

One version of the homological mirror symmetry conjecture states that for every Fano variety $X$ there exists a Landau--Ginzburg model $W$ such that the category of B-branes on $X$ (i.e. the bounded ...
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What is the Hochschild cohomology of the Fukaya-Seidel category?

Let $(Y, \omega)$ be a compact symplectic manifold and let $Fuk(X,\omega)$ be its Fukaya category. The Hochschild cohomology of this category should be given by $HH^\bullet(Fuk(Y,\omega))=H^\bullet(Y, ...
user25309's user avatar
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Wrapped Fukaya categories of Stein manifolds

By the work of Abouzaid, we know that the wrapped Fukaya category of $T^\ast Q$ with $Q$ a closed smooth manifold is generated by a cotangent fiber. Basically, this is an application of Abouzaid's ...
YHBKJ's user avatar
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9 votes
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Hochschild homology of Fukaya category in mirror symmetry

Hi Can one explain to me what is the Hochschild homology of Fukaya category? I mean the definition. You can use the notations of FOOO (Fukaya-Oh-Ono-Ohta) if it helps you to explain easier. I know ...
Mohammad Farajzadeh-Tehrani's user avatar
11 votes
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"Fourier-Mukai" functors for Fukaya categories?

I just skimmed a bit of this fresh-off-the-press paper on homological mirror symmetry for general type varieties. One thing that intrigued me was statement (ii) of Conjecture 3.3. It suggests that, ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
25 votes
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Is the Fukaya category "defined"?

Sometimes people say that the Fukaya category is "not yet defined" in general. What is meant by such a statement? (If it simplifies things, let's just stick with Fukaya categories of compact ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar