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Accessible subgroups of free groups

Let $F$ be a nonabelian free finitely generated group, and $F = G_0 \rhd G_1 \rhd G_2 \dots$ a strictly descending subnormal chain of subgroups ($G_n \lhd G_{n-1}$ for each $n \in \mathbb{N}$) each ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Can a closure make the index finite?

Let $F$ be a free finitely generated group, $H \leq F$ of infinite index. Let $c : F \rightarrow \hat{F}$ be the embedding in the profinite completion. Denote by $\tilde{F}, \tilde{H}$ the closure of $...
Pablo's user avatar
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Bases and transversals

Let $F$ be a free finitely generated group, $L \leq H \leq F$ subgroups of finite index. Given bases $B$ of $F$ and $C$ of $H$, must there be a Schreier transversal $T$ for $H$ in $F$ such that the ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Making a profinite group free

Let $F$ be a free profinite group, $G$ a profinite group. Suppose that the free profinite product $F \amalg G$ is a free profinite group. Must $G$ be a free profinite group? For abstract groups the ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Bases of free groups

Let $F$ be a free group on a finite set $X$. Let $A \subseteq X$ be a subset of $X$ contained in some $H \leq F$, a subgroup of finite index in $F$. Must there be a basis (free generating set) for $H$ ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Profinite groups, completions, and Schreier's formula

Let $G$ be a finitely generated profinite group, and $H \leq_o G$. We say that $H$ satisfies Schreier's formula in $G$ if $d(H) - 1 = (d(G)-1)[G:H]$. We say that $G$ satisfies Schreier's formula if ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Dynamics of virtual automorphisms of free group

The setup is that $F$ is a free finitely generated group, $H, H'$ are subgroups of index $2$, and $\tau:H\to H'$ is an isomorphism. Denote by $B_r$ the ball around $1$ of radius $r$ in $F$, in the ...
Rostyslav Kravchenko's user avatar
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Primitive subwords in a free group of rank 2

I am not sure yet about what I exactly need to prove, but I guess I can formulate a rough statement similar to the following: Suppose $w\in F_2$ is a primitive word whose length is big enough. Then ...
Damiano Lupi's user avatar