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Questions tagged [fractional-calculus]

Questions regarding derivatives and integrals of non-integer order.

10 questions from the last 365 days
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Well-posedness for linear transport equations with fractional diffusion term

I have a rather applied problem where I consider an equation of the form $$ \partial_{t} u + V\cdot \nabla u = -(-\Delta)^s u, \quad (t,x) \in (0,\infty)\times \mathbf{R}^d, \quad u(0,x) = u_0. {}$$ ...
confused postdoc's user avatar
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References on a variant of Geometric Calculus

Geometric algebra and (standard) calculus, when synthesized, give rise to geometric calculus, a very powerful formalism. I have read a bit about fractional calculus and time-scale calculus, both very ...
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Generator of an analytic semigroup

Perhaps I have a naive question. My question is as follows: When we consider a Cauchy proposition of the following form: $$ \begin{cases} x'(t)= -Ax(t)+ F(t,x(t)) &\text{for}\ t> 0 \\ x(0)=...
Mathlover's user avatar
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Extension operator maps which fractional Sobolev space to $W^{p,s}(R)$

Let us assume we have the following extension operator: $$ \operatorname{ext}_R^\sigma u= \begin{cases} u(x) & \text{if }x \in (0,T)\\ u(0) & \text{if }x \in(0,T)^c. \end{cases} $$ We ...
Fractional analysics's user avatar
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Fractional powers of Dirichlet-to-Neumann map to derive estimate for PDE

Assume $\Omega$ is an open, bounded subset of $\mathbb R^3$ with smooth boundary $\partial \Omega= \Gamma$. For $u \in H^{1/2}(\Gamma)$, let $U \in H^1(\Omega)$ denote the weak solution of the ...
BBB's user avatar
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Interpretation of the singular integral for the definition of fractional Laplacian in classical case $s=1$

Fractional Laplacian is often defined via next principal value integral (assume dimension one for the simplicity) $$(-\Delta)^su(x):=c_sP.V.\int_\mathbb{R} \frac{u(x)-u(y)}{|x-y|^{1+2s}}\, dy.$$ This ...
Jingeon An-Lacroix's user avatar
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1 answer

Prove if the fractional Laplacian of a function is bounded

Take $s\in (0, 1)$. I am trying to understand if $(-\Delta)^s (\log(1+x^2))$ is bounded, that is if there exists $R>0$ such that $|(-\Delta)^s (\log(1+x^2))|\le R$. Here $(-\Delta)^s$ is the ...
Physics user's user avatar
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Matrix-order derivatives (differentiating a function a matrix number of times)

I have been exploring methods of generalizing the order of derivatives to a broader range of inputs (such as real numbers, complex, and now matrices). We are very well familiar with integer-order ...
charlesalexanderlee's user avatar
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Given a radial symmetric function $f$, the estimate of |$\Delta ^ {m/2}f$| in $R^{2m}$ by induction

This question might be a little strange; my order of Laplacian is related to the dimension of the space. Actually, I’m reading a result which is obtained by induction; it is the absolute value of ...
Elio Li's user avatar
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$C^{k,\alpha}$ dependence of ODE solutions on initial data

I faced such a question. Consider the Cauchy problem for an ODE: $$ \begin{cases} y'=F(t,y)\\ y(0)=y_0. \end{cases} $$ Assume $F$ has the regularity $C^{k,\alpha}$ (i.e. it has partial derivatives of ...
Ilya Kossovskiy's user avatar