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74 votes
8 answers

Category theory and set theory: just a different language, or different foundation of mathematics?

This is a question to research mathematicians, as well as to those concerned with the history and philosophy of mathematics. I am asking for a reference. In order to make the reference request as ...
Claus's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Consistency of Analysis (second order arithmetic)

Is there a proof of the consistency of Analysis (second order arithmetic), which is similar to Gentzen's proof of the consistency of arithmetic? Update: Which (different) methods can be used to ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
43 votes
4 answers

Lists as a foundation of mathematics

I am wondering if there is a foundation of mathematics where not sets or "set-like objects" (such as objects of a suitable topos as in ETCS) are the primitive notion, but rather lists. These ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Surreal numbers and large cardinals

This is a question in two parts about the interaction of surreal numbers and large cardinals, in both cases just a request for references on the subject. Part 1 is about foundations. Much of the ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar