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11 votes
3 answers

What governs our "perception?" about the platonic realm of sets?

Here, I want to delve into what do we exactly feel about what constitutes a platonic existence of a set? Or what makes us think or actually a kind of feel or sense the existence of a set in the ...
Zuhair Al-Johar's user avatar
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The free complete lattice on three generators, beyond ZF

This was originally asked at MSE; although it is still under bounty it seems unlikely to be answered there. $\mathsf{ZF}$ proves that there is no free complete lattice on three generators since any ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What drawbacks are there to using NF(U) for category theory?

In category theory, you often run into what is known as "size" issues. That is, you run into the issue that the categories you try to define are too "big" to be sets, and so you need to use classes or ...
Christopher King's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Anti-foundational set theory with a universal set

There are alternative set theories that allow for a universal set, e.g. NF(U), positive set theory and and topological set theory. There are also alternative set theories like ZFA that allow for the ...
Marcos Cramer's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a non-trivial consistency preserving transformation?

In ‎set ‎theory ‎"equiconsistency" (and not "consistency") ‎of ‎the ‎theories ‎is the‎ ‎main ‎part ‎of ‎researches. ‎So ‎we ‎usually ‎try ‎to ‎construct a‎ ‎new model ‎using a‎ ‎given ‎one. ‎In ‎the ‎...
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15 votes
4 answers

Where is the end of universe?

In some sense the empty set ($\emptyset$) and the global set of all sets ($G$) are the ends of the universe of mathematical objects. The world which $ZFC$ describes has an end from the bottom and is ...
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17 votes
10 answers

Set theory and alternative foundations

Every foundational system for mathematics I have ever read about has been a set theory, from ETCS to ZFC to NF. Are there any proposals for a foundational system which is not, in any sense, a set ...
psihodelia's user avatar