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Proving Equal Set Sizes in Sequential Point Selection on a Real Interval with Variable-Length Intervals

I'm here as an engineer working on a point sampling algorithm and I've noticed that when I perform the algorithm on an ordered set of points in one direction it selects the exact same number of points ...
Erik Stens's user avatar
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Why we need to choose direction in the "marry the arrows" algorithm?

In the article "Division by three" following algorithm is suggested for building a bijection between sets A and B, given that there's a bijection between {0,1}*A and {0,1}*B. First, we build ...
shabunc's user avatar
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Are there any recent advances in formalizing the undecidability of $\mathit{CH}$?

The website Formalizing 100 Theorems by Freek Wiedijk contains a list of some theorems that were chosen at some point as good candidates for formalization (because of their complexity, their ...
Pedro Sánchez Terraf's user avatar
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Is there any danger far from home? (Edited & Revised Version) [closed]

The notion of formal proof is defined by finite sequences ($<\omega$ - sequences) of sentences. In some sense if a sentence $\sigma$ is (finitely) provable from the theory $T$ it is very "near" to ...
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