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Questions tagged [formal-languages]

The study of formal languages (sets of strings or trees over an alphabet), rewriting systems and algorithms, recognition automata/algorithms, and related questions.

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Deterministic Finite Automata question [closed]

I am very new to finite automata, and I came across an issue in my professors lecture slides which I think is wrong, and I'd wonder if any of you could confirm: Alphabet: {1} Automata Surely the ...
Danny's user avatar
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Is the positive existential theory undecidable?

Could you tell if the positive existential theory of $\mathbb{C}[e^{\mu x} \mid \mu \in \mathbb{C}]$ is undecidable in the language $\{+, \cdot , \frac{d}{dx} , 0, 1, e^x\}$ ? How can we prove the (...
Mary Star's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Show that the positive existential theory is undecidable

To show that the positive existential theory of $\mathbb{C}[t, e^{\lambda t} \mid \lambda \in \mathbb{C}]$ in the language $\{+, \cdot , ' , 0 , 1, t\}$ is undecidable we have to prove the following: $...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Relation between indexed languages (OI-macro or context-free tree) and scattered context languages

I'm not sure about the relation between indexed languages (generated by indexed grammars--Aho) and scattered context languages (generated by scattered context grammars--J Hopcroft). I think that ...
Nate's user avatar
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Terminology for set of infinite strings with a certain prefix

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a finite alphabet, and let $C$ be the Cantor space $\mathcal{A}^\omega$ under the product topology. Given a finite string $s \in \mathcal{A}^*$, let $C(s)$ be the set of all ...
Jim Belk's user avatar
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The automorphism groups of smallest grammars of a language string are isomorphic

Let $s \in \Sigma^*$ be a formal language string. Consider the automorphism group of $s$, defined to be the set of all permutations of positions of $s$ that leave $s$ fixed. For instance $G(abab) = \...
Daniel Donnelly's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a ``Ladner's Theorem" for the PH-vs-PSPACE scenario?

Like a statement of the kind, ``If the Polynomial Hierarchy (PH) $\neq$ PSPACE then there exists $L \in PSPACE \backslash PH$ which is not PSPACE-complete"? Or is there something else that states ...
user6818's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is this variant of the balanced bracket language context free?

Consider the language generated by the following context free grammar: $$ S \to SS \quad S \to () \quad S \to (S) \quad S \to [] \quad S \to [S] $$ There is a one-to-one correspondence between this ...
Daniel Barter's user avatar
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Counting path generating sentences in a specific formal language

Given a formal grammar of a language or an Turing machine of the language, can we count the path that generating sentences of the language? For example, we know that if the grammar is context-free ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
5 votes
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Formal languages with non-unique interpretations of terms

In mathematical logic and model theory, one considers interpretations of syntactic expressions: terms without free variables are interpreted as elements of some structure, formulas without free ...
Alexey Muranov's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Are there any results on well-quasi-ordering of languages?

There are a number of papers that I can find about well-quasi-orders in formal lnaguage theory, by Kunc, de Luca, D'Alessandro, and Varricchio, among others. I am interested, however, in well-quasi ...
coppro's user avatar
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Inherent ambiguity of the context-sensitive language $L = {a^ib^ic^id^je^jf^j \bigcap a^ib^jc^id^je^if^j} $ or $a^nb^nc^nd^ne^nf^n$

What is the definition of ambiguity of context-sensitive grammar?This is relevant to the definition of inherent ambiguity of context-sensitive language.And any proof for the inherent ambiguity of ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
9 votes
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Is there a name for infinite words containing every finite words?

Apparently, the closest thing I've found would be normal number But requiring that every finite words occurs is weaker than this property. So I'm ...
Hermaion's user avatar
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Question about link between non-terminals of grammars and variables of Diophantine equations

If we change the right arrow in the rewriting rules of grammar into equators , changes all terminals into x and keep the non-terminals unchanged,we get system of equations.In some cases,those ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Is it possible to classify all the inequivalent classes of first order sentence with quantifier rank fixed

It is known that for symbols with finite many relations, the number of inequivalent class of first order sentence with quantifier rank $m$ is finite. But is it possible to list (classify) them? At ...
user50808's user avatar
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Two sets of strings resulted from a set represented by binary and decimal code are in the same class of languages?

Two sets of strings resulted from a set represented by binary and decimal code are in the same class of languages as regular languages,context-free languages,context-sentive languages ,computable ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
6 votes
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Complexity of counting words of given length in regular or context-free language

Let $L$ be a regular or context-free language over alphabet $\{0,1\}$. What is the complexity of counting words of length $n$ in $L$? Is it possible to efficiently find if for given $n$ all words ...
joro's user avatar
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Is there an unambiguous CFL whose complement is not context-free?

I'm doing a little bit of research about context-free languages. A question that's popped up is whether or not there exists an unambiguous context-free language whose complement is not a context-free ...
Sophie Swett's user avatar
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Expressive power of first-order category theory

Given the signature $\lbrace \mathsf{dom}, \mathsf{cod}, \mathsf{id},\circ \rbrace$ and the axioms of category theory – which are expressible in the signature's first-order (FO) language – ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Every infinite c.e.language is infinite or finite union of regular languages including at least one infinite regular language?

Is Every infinite c.e.language infinite or finite union of regular languages including at least one infinite regular language? And is every infinite c.e.language that is not indexed language(that may ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
6 votes
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Separating infinite words sharing factors by automata

Two infinite words $\xi, \eta \in X^{\omega}$ are separated by an (Büchi-)automaton if it accepts one but not the other. Denote by $F_n(\xi)$ the factors of length $n$ of an infinite word $\xi$ and ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Generalising the adherence operator and its closure properties with regard to regular (rational) languages

Let $X$ be an alphabet and denote by $X^{\omega}$ the set of all infinite sequences (i.e. words) in $X$. A subset $L \subseteq X^{\omega}$ is called $\omega$-regular if it is acceptable by some Büchi-...
StefanH's user avatar
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Representability of sets of infinite sequences sharing common prefixes and factors (i.e. infixes)

Here we are concerned with the space $X^{\omega}$ of infinite sequences. Denote by $F_n(\xi)$ the set of factors (consecutive finite subsequences) of length $n$ and consider the set $$ K_n(\xi) = \xi[...
StefanH's user avatar
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What prefix and factors determine a ultimately periodic word uniquely

Let $\xi$ be an ultimately periodic sequence, i.e. there exists finite sequences $p, q \in X^*$ such that $\xi = pq^{\omega}$. Does there exists a $n > 0$ such that the prefix of length $n$ and all ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Is there any danger far from home? (Edited & Revised Version) [closed]

The notion of formal proof is defined by finite sequences ($<\omega$ - sequences) of sentences. In some sense if a sentence $\sigma$ is (finitely) provable from the theory $T$ it is very "near" to ...
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Proof of conjecture that permutation-free automata restrict the possible states visitable from a stringset sharing prefixes and infixes

An automaton $\mathcal A = (X, Q, \delta, q_0)$ is called permutation-free iff no word $w \in X^*$ induces a nontrivial permutation of a subset of the states of $\mathcal A$. More formally for any $R \...
StefanH's user avatar
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Comparing two metrics on the space of infinite sequences and relating open and closed sets

Let $X = \{ 0, 1 \}$ and $X^{\mathbb N_0} = \{ x_0 x_1 x_2 \ldots : x_i \in X \}$ be the space of all infinite sequences, then a metric could be defined on it $$ d(u,v) := \frac{1}{2^r} \mbox{ with } ...
StefanH's user avatar
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The Kleene theorem

By the Myhill–Nerode theorem a language $L$ is accepted by a finite automaton iff it consists of classes of a finite congruence. By the Kleene theorem $L$ is accepted by a finite automaton iff it ...
Boris Novikov's user avatar
5 votes
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Concatenation of strings [closed]

We have two strings (i. e., finite tuples) $A$ and $B$. We have to find if for some positive integers $n$ and $m$, the string $A$ concatenated $n$ times equals the string $B$ concatenated $m$ times or ...
user103260's user avatar
4 votes
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Subsets of $\omega$-regular lanuages accepted by automata with special acceptance condition

Let $\mathcal A = (X, Q, \delta, q_0, F)$ be a deterministic finite automata with the following acceptance condition on infinite words: The automata accepts $\xi \in X^{\omega}$ with respect to $F$ ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Ordering on words

What are the known computation-friendly well-orderings on words from $A^*$, where $A$ is a finite alphabet, except the standard weightlex and syllable-order?
Victor's user avatar
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Proof that the $\omega$-language consisting of all words containing every finite word as a factor is not rational/regular

Let $\eta$ be an $\omega$-word over $X = \{0,1\}$ and let $F_k(\eta)$ denote the factors of $\eta$ of length $k$. Define the following $\omega$-languages $$ L_k := \{ \xi : F_k(\xi) = X^k \} = \{ \xi ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Progress on group languages characterizations

Def. A group language is a recognizable language whose syntactic monoid is a group. q1. Is it known a "nice" combinatorial characterization of group languages ? q1.1. If no, is it well understood ...
Xorwell's user avatar
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Varieties of rational languages and (pseudo-)varieties of finite monoids, question regarding closure property

Let $\mathcal Rat(A)$ denote the class of rational (or regular) languages over the alphabet $A$, a subset $\mathcal V(A) \subseteq \mathcal Rat(A)$ is called a variety of (rational) languages iff ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Is it decidable whether the support of a rational $\mathbb{Z}$-series is a regular language?

Let $S \in \mathbb{Z}\langle\langle A\rangle\rangle$ be a rational series in noncommutative variables. The support of $S$ is the set of all words $u \in A^*$ such that $(S, u) \not= 0$. It is ...
J.-E. Pin's user avatar
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Generating function of factorable binary words

A word $w$ on the alphabet $A := \{0, 1\}$ is factorable if \begin{equation} w = u^k \mbox{ where } u \in A^* \mbox{ and } k \geq 2. \end{equation} Let $L$ be the language of the set of ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
7 votes
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Constructing Metrics for specific Topological Spaces, and Refinements of the Cantor-Space in particular

I have a Problem in general, given some some Topological Space $(X, \tau)$ from which I know it is metrisable, how can I find a metric (that is at best in some sence constructive and easy, at the very ...
StefanH's user avatar
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Simple asymptotic combinatorics - how many words are there in a certain weight category? [closed]

Given the set of all binary strings of length n, I am looking at the "middle" of these strings, weight-wise. Namely, I am trying to calculate how many words are there whose weight is between n/2 - ...
Ramanok's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there an recursively axiomatized system with infinitely many proofs for some propositions or a proposition [closed]

Is there any recursively axiomized system with infinitely many proofs for some propositions or a proposition? So we will have at least one proposition which is deduced from the recursively axiomatic ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Extended definition of unambiguous language and the existence of unambiguous grammar

Let's extend the unambiguity of language and grammar as follows: a language $L$ is unambiguous if there is a grammar that generates every word in $L$ in a unique way, the grammar may be of type 0 or ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
6 votes
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List of open problems of formal languages [closed]

As we know, there are some open problems of formal languages. I am wondering if there is a somehow complete list of open problem of formal languages. If there isn't such a list, can we make it one as ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
20 votes
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congruence on words: having the same (scattered) subwords of length at most n

For a fixed finite alphabet $A=\{a,b,...\}$, write $x \sim_n y$ if the two words $x$ and $y$ have the same (scattered) subwords of length at most $n$. The relation $\sim_n$ is a congruence of finite ...
phs's user avatar
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L-systems and Sierpinski Triangle

I was just shocked when I saw these consecutive outcomes of an L-system converging to the Sierpinski triangle (shown in the picture below). I'm interested to know how could one arrange the rules of ...
Behzad's user avatar
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Any grammar for the language $L =a^p$, $p$ is prime number of $\mathbb{N}$

Any grammar for the language $$L =a^p,\text{ $p$ is prime and }p\in \mathbb{N}?$$ Is such a grammar related to any question of number theory like RH or the conjecture of twin primes?
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
5 votes
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How to work out a grammar if we know the language?

How could we work out a grammar if we know the language? How could we work out a grammar if we know the language that is restricted to a special kind like CFL or CSL? For example, we know $$L=\{a^nb^...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
2 votes
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Is any CFL intersection,union of CFLs that are not inherently ambiguous?

Is any CFL intersection,union of CFLs that are not inherently ambiguous?
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
4 votes
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Properties of classical automata preserved in Büchi automata

Given two NFW $A$ and $B$, we regarded $A$ and $B$ as Büchi automata. We can show that the containment property is not preserved in Büchi automata. That is, we can construct a example: $L(A) \...
LimaoLogic's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Generating function of a regular language

It is well known that the generating function of a regular language $L$, i.e. $\sum n_kz^k$ where $n_k$ is the number of words of length $k$ in $L$, is rational, i.e. a quotient of two polynomials $P(...
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-1 votes
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prove (a+b)*=a*(ba*)* [closed]

formal language and automata theory regular expessions (a+b)* =a*(ba*)* please answer I want the proof thank you
abhinand's user avatar
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Can decidability results for monadic second-order logic be extended to monadic higher-order logics?

Call a higher-order logic fully monadic if and only if all of its predicate constants (at any order) and higher-order variables (at any order) are monadic (and it has no function symbols). In /...
Jason's user avatar
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