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$Δ^1_3$ reals in transitive models

Every real number is $Δ^1_2$ in some $ω$-model of ZFC\P. I am looking for analogous statements for $Δ^1_3$ definability and transitive models, where the situation is more subtle. What is the ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
9 votes
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Inner model of "CH + large cardinals" that satisfies MM?

I've been told that if $V$ has CH and large cardinals, then there is an inner model in which MM holds. The sketch is as follows: Any $\Sigma^2_1$ sentence that can be forced is already true in such $V$...
sobach'e_pole's user avatar
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Weak extender models for supercompactness without choice

Assume ZFC and a supercompact cardinal $κ$. Is it consistent that there is a weak extender model $N⊨\text{ZF}$ for supercompactness of $κ$ such that the axiom of choice and well-ordering of $P_κ(λ)^N$...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Precipitous ideal and inner model

Assume $\kappa$ is measurable, $U$ is its unique normal measure, $V=L[U]$. We levy collapse $\kappa$ to make it become $\omega_1$. If we don't have the inner model condition, then we only know that $\...
Reflecting_Ordinal's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Minimum transitive models and V=L

Is there a c.e. theory $T⊢\text{ZFC}$ in the language of set theory such that the minimum transitive model of $T$ exists but does not satisfy $V=L$? You may assume that ZFC has transitive models. ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Independence through forcing vs generic collapses

Are there known statements in $V_{ω+ω}$ independent through forcing after $\mathrm{Col}(ω,<κ_1)*\mathrm{Col}(κ_1,<κ_2)*\mathrm{Col}(κ_2,<κ_3)*...$ where $κ_1<κ_2<κ_3<...$ are ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Consistency strength of lifting through a lot of collapsing

What is the consistency strength of the following situation? $j : V \to M$ is an elementary embedding definable from parameters in $V$, with critical point $\kappa$. $\mathbb P$ is a forcing that ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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Inner models with all sets generic

Question: Under large cardinal axioms, what is the intersection of all inner models $M$ of ZFC such that every set in $V$ is set-generic over $M$? Every set belongs to a generic extension of HOD, and ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Absoluteness and the scale property for $Π^2_2$ or $Σ^2_2$

Under the diamond principle $◊$ and large cardinal axioms, which of the two pointclasses $Π^2_2$ or $Σ^2_2$ is expected to have the scale property? Because conditional $Σ^2_2$ absoluteness under $◊$ ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Symmetry between V and HOD

Is it consistent that the set of ordinal definable real numbers is countable, but for every $y∈\mathrm{OD}∩ℝ$, every true $Σ_2^{V,y}$ statement holds in $\mathrm{HOD}$? Note that $Σ_2^V$ is the best ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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Does $0^{\#}$ imply that $L$'s set generic multiverse has irreconcilable theories?

Suppose $0^{\#}$ exists. Let $M(L)$ be the generic multiverse over $L$ as viewed in $V$, i.e. $M(L)$ consists of all $L[g]$ where $g \in V$ is $\mathbb{P}$-generic over $L$ for some forcing $\mathbb{P}...
Stefan Mesken's user avatar
18 votes
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What is the modal logic of outer multiverse?

The mathematical multiverse could be viewed as a gigantic Kripke model with models of $ZFC$ as possible worlds connected to each other via a certain accessibility relation. The modal logic associated ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Does $0^{\#}$ imply the failure of upward directedness in the set generic universe over $L$?

Question 1. Suppose that $0^{\#}$ exists. Are there set generic filters $g,h$ over $L$ ($g,h \in V$) such that for any $f$ ($\in V$) which is generic over $L$ we have that $L[g] \cup L[h] \not \...
Stefan Mesken's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Forcings predicted by core model theory $+$$ZFC$ results proved by the method of core model theory

I have two unrelated question. First question. To motivate the question, let me explain an example. The natural way to force the failure of singular cardinals hypothesis ($SCH$), is to start with a ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
9 votes
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Reals which must, can't or might be added by forcing

Let $W \subseteq V$ be an inner model of ZFC. There are a variety of theorems that characterize when a real $x \in V$ is the generic of a forcing notion $\mathbb P \in W$, for example, the ...
Corey Bacal Switzer's user avatar
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Absoluteness for the Chang model

Often, large cardinals imply that many definable inner models and transitive sets have theories which are absolute under forcing. For example, assuming a proper class of Woodin cardinals, the theory ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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A Question on HOD, V and GCH

The theorem 1.1 of the following paper: Mohammad Golshani, V, HOD, and the GCH, Journal of Symbolic Logic. states that: Theorem: Assume $V\models ZFC+GCH+~\text{There exists a}~(\kappa+4)-\text{...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
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Elementary chains in forcing extensions of $M_1$

Let $M_1$ be the canonical inner model with one Woodin cardinal $\delta$. Now suppose that $\mathbb{P}$ is a forcing notion of size $< \delta$, which preserves $\omega_1$ and that $G$ is a generic ...
Stefan Hoffelner's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Consistency strength of being strong cardinal and indestructible under collapses

What is the consistency strength of the following statement: $\kappa$ is a strong cardinals and it is indestructible under $Col(\kappa, <\theta),$ where $\theta> \kappa$ is some fixed ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
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Core model for supercompact cardinals and iteration trees

I have a few somehow related questions: Question 1. What do we expect for an inner model $\mathcal{K}$ to be a core model for a supercompact cardinal? What properties should it have, and what ...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What is known about equiconsistency of PFA and existence of supercompact cardinals?

Question: What is the last status of known partial results and new approaches on the problem of equiconsistency of PFA and existence of supercompact cardinals?
user45380's user avatar
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What is the role of absoluteness in existence of a non-trivial self elementary embedding on an inner model?

ِDefinition (1): Call an inner model M "rigid" if there are no non-trivial elementary embeddings $j: M\longrightarrow M$. It is possible that $L$ is not rigid, while the problem is open for $HOD$. ...
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Consistency strength of saturated ideals on $[\lambda]^{<\kappa}$

In the Handbook of Set Theory, Foreman notes that in models constructed by Magidor from a huge cardinal, there exists a normal ideal on $[\omega_2]^{<\omega_1}$ that is $\omega_3$-saturated. Other ...
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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