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A version of determinacy for all sets

Under ZF + AD, some games are undetermined because of lack of choice. In fact, the axiom of choice is equivalent to determinacy of games of length 2. However, we can ask whether the lack of choice ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
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From HODs to corresponding models of AD

If $M$ is HOD of a model $N$ of $\text{AD}^+ + V=L(P(ℝ))$, what kind of forcing construction in $M$ gives back such an $N$? HODs for $\text{AD}^+ + V=L(P(ℝ))$ are conjectured (and under anti-large ...
Dmytro Taranovsky's user avatar
3 votes
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Getting measures (especially on $\omega_2$) from potential clubs

This is a spinoff of this earlier question of mine. Short version: What measures in $L(\mathbb{R})$ can be gotten from "potentially club" filters, under appropriate hypotheses? Long version: ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Breaking determinacy with forcing, and then fixing it

While forcing is usually presented over models of ZFC, it works equally well over models of ZF (or even less). However, the general theory of forcing becomes much stranger (much like the general ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
5 votes
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$\omega$ universally Baire sets, tree representations

I've recently encountered the notion of a universally Baire set, and I've tried to look at the paper by Feng, Magidor and Woodin where this notion is studied. There are several points that confuse me. ...
RAD's user avatar
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