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Fundamental lemma of sieve theory in function fields

Is there any literature concerning the fundamental lemma of sieve theory in $\mathbb{F}_q[T]$? In integers there are various versions of the lemma (bases on different sieves); I would be happy with ...
Ofir Gorodetsky's user avatar
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The distribution of certain Galois groups

Let $f(x)$ be a polynomial of degree $d$ with integer coefficients. Let $G_p^+$ be the Galois group of the polynomial $f(x)-y$ over $\overline{\mathbb{F}}_p(y)$ and $G_p$ be the Galois group of the ...
Alexander Kalmynin's user avatar
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Who realized the finite fields $\mathbb F_{p^n}$ first? Gauss or Galois?

Let $p$ be a prime, and let $n$ be a positive integer. The finite field $\mathbb F_{p^n}$ is often called a Galois field and denoted by $\mathrm{GF}(p^n)$ by researchers on coding theory. On the other ...
Zhi-Wei Sun's user avatar
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On hypergeometric functions over finite fields

Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be a finite field of $q$ elements. Let $A,B,C,\cdots$ denote the multiplicative characters over $\mathbb{F}_q$, and let $\overline{A}$ denote the inverse of $A$, i.e., $A(x)\...
CNT's user avatar
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14 votes
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Lower bounds for class number of function fields with fixed $q$, growing $g$

Let $X$ be a smooth project curve of genus $g$ over the finite field with $q$ elements. Let $h$ be $\# \mathrm{Pic}^0(X)(\mathbb{F}_q)$. Weil showed that $h \geq (\sqrt{q}-1)^{2g}$. Lachaud and Martin-...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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On some rational points on an elliptic curve over finite field

Let $p\equiv3\pmod4$ be a prime. We consider the elliptic curve $E$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_p$ (in affine coordinates) defined by $$y^2=x^3+x.$$ Clearly the discriminant of $E$ is $-2^6$. ...
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Dyadic models in number theory and "spillover"

In a classic blog post, Tao discusses the appearance of "dyadic models" in various guises in various areas of math. The number-theoretic version of the idea is to study polynomials over a ...
William D'Alessandro's user avatar
5 votes
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Intrinsic characterisation of a class of rings

This may be well known, but I was unable to find an answer browsing literature. Let us temporarily call a commutative (unital) ring $R$ an O-ring if there exists an integer $n \ge 1$, a local field of ...
Keivan Karai's user avatar
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Reference / Survey for finite field analog number theory

It is folklore that many number theoretic results on prime numbers have a simpler-to-prove finite field analog. For example, on the one hand, the proof of the Prime Number Theorem $$\#\{\text{prime ...
peter's user avatar
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A Vandermonde-type system

For a prime $p$ and $a_1,\dotsc,a_n\in\mathbb F_p^\times$, consider the system of equations $$ \begin{cases} \begin{align} a_1 + \dotsb + a_n &= 0 \\ a_1x_1 + \dotsb + a_nx_n &...
Seva's user avatar
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Distribution of primitive roots, as p varies

For a prime number $p$, let $\Phi(p)$ be the subset of $\{ 1, 2, \ldots, p-1 \}$ consisting of primitive roots modulo $p$. (Thus $\# \Phi(p) = \phi(p-1)$, where $\phi$ denotes the totient.) I am ...
Marty's user avatar
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Papers on distribution of high order elements over $\mathbb{F}_p$

I am interested in knowing about the distribution of exponentially high order elements in $\mathbb{F}_p$. To be precise let $s$ be of the order $\frac{p}{\log^{k}(p)}$ for some fixed $k$ and integer. ...
Himanshu Shukla's user avatar
3 votes
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Minimal expression of 0 as a sum of kth powers in a finite field

Let $l=\min\{s\in \mathbb{N}|0\in s\cdot (\mathbb{F}_{p^n}^\times)^k\}$. Is any information known about this number already as a function of $k$? Any reference would be greatly appreciated!
LASV's user avatar
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When is Chevalley Warning's bound best possible?

Chevalley Warning's theorem (a form of) states that any homogeneous form over a finite field of degree $d$ in more than $d$ variables has a nontrivial zero in the field. However, for diagonal forms, ...
LASV's user avatar
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Source for embedding multiplicative group of an algebraic closure of a finite field?

It's easy to embed the (cyclic) multiplicative group of a finite field into the multiplicative group of $\mathbb{C}$ (or other algebraically closed field of characteristic 0): assign to a generator of ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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Exponential sums over finite fields with even characteristic

I am looking for an elementary evaluation (if one exists) of the exponential sum $$ G_r(a,b) = \sum_{x \in \mathbb{F}_{2^r}} \psi(ax^2 + bx), $$ where $a,b \in \mathbb{F}_{2^r}^*$ are both units, $\...
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