Questions tagged [fibre-bundles]

for questions about fiber bundles, including structure groups, principal bundles, and spaces of sections.

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4 votes
1 answer

Some dynamical and Bundle questions arising from certain map $P:TS^{n}\to S^{n}$

Define the map $$P:TS^{n}\to S^{n} \;\;\;\text{by}\;\; P((x,v))=\frac{x+v}{\parallel x+v \parallel}$$ where $$TS^{n}=\{(x,v)\in S^{n} \ \times \mathbb{R}^{n+1}\mid v \perp x \}$$ This map is ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

A $\mathbb{R}^{n}$ -fiber bundle which do not admit a n-dimensional vector bundle structure

Is there a fiber bundle $(E,B, \mathbb{R}^{n})$, with typical fiber $\mathbb{R}^{n}$, such that there is no any $n$-dimensional vector bundle structure on the pair $(E,B)$? That is there ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

All fiber bundles over $S^2$ extendable to $\mathbb{C}P^\infty$?

I ran into the following sanity check. Is the following statement true? Every smooth fiber bundle (with compact fiber) over $S^2$ can be extended to a smooth fiber bundle over $\mathbb{C}P^\infty$ (...
ZZY's user avatar
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Constructing jet bundles from a cocycle of smooth transition functions

Suppose we are given an open cover $\mathcal{U}=(U_{i})_{i \in I}$ of a smooth manifold $M$, a cocycle of smooth transition functions $g_{ij}: U_{ij} \to G$ where $G$ is a Lie group, and a (not ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Transformation between two conventions of Hitchin equation

Recall that for a given Riemann surface $\Sigma$ Hitchin's self-duality equation consists of a complex rank $r$ vector bundle $E$ (with degree 0 for simplicity), a connection $d_A: \Omega^k(\Sigma, E) ...
Kevin Ye's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Spin 4-manifold bounded by a mapping torus of tori

Consider a smooth torus endowed with the non-bounding spin structure. Pick a basis of its first homology and a diffeomorphism inducing the S-transformation $\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1 \\-1 &...
Samuel Monnier's user avatar
5 votes
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Examples and references for Kan-like extensions?

Left and right Kan extensions are both "push-forwards" that share a certain property. I'd like to hear other, non-Kan, examples of such push-forwards, as well as perhaps a better way to think about ...
David Spivak's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

group extensions and principal bundles

Given an extension of groups, say $$0 \to H \stackrel{i}{\to} G \stackrel{q}{\to} G/H \to 0$$ and a $H$-principal fiber bundle $P \to X$, one can use induction to obtain bundles with fibers $G$ and $...
far's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there always a universal bundle over a classifying space?

Consider some kind of bundles, for instance vector bundles or fibre bundles with a certain structure group, such that there are bundle morphisms and pull-backs. Let then $F(X)$ denote the ...
Jan Steinebrunner's user avatar
1 vote
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How to find $\beta^\prime_e(t)$ where $\beta_e(t)=\textrm{Hol}^\sigma_{\gamma_{1, t}}(e)$?

Let $p:E\longrightarrow B$ be a surjective submersion and $\sigma: p^*(TB)\longrightarrow TE$ a complete connection. Given a path $\gamma: [a, b]\longrightarrow B$ and $s, t\in [a, b]$ such that $s<...
PtF's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is the structure group of the Hopf fibration $S_1\rightarrow S_3 \stackrel{p}\rightarrow S_2$?

I am studying fiber bundles and have thoroughly reviewed the famous example of the Möbius strip. In that example, I learned how to discover that the structure group of the Möbius strip fiber bundle ...
BoundaryCondition's user avatar
18 votes
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Serre fibration vs Hurewicz fibration

What are the simplest/ typical examples of a Serre fibration which is not a Hurewicz fibration? Is it something pathological? Sorry if the question is too elementary for MO.
asv's user avatar
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Categorification of covering morphisms

Given a category $\mathsf{A}$, let $\mathsf{Fam}(\mathsf{A})$ be its free coproduct cocompletion (which is always extensive). This means every object has a unique up to iso presentation as a coproduct ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Normal bundle to fibers of a rational morphism

Let $f:X\dashrightarrow C$ be a rational fibration from a 3-dimensional variety $X$ to a curve $C$ such that generic fiber is smooth and different fibers intrsect in smooth curves. Take $S$ to be a ...
lks8271's user avatar
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Smoothing a continuous section in 1-jet bundle

Here is a question I encountered when reading the book "Convex Integration Theory by D.Spring". My question lies in the second paragraph to the proof of theorem 4.2($C^{0}$-dense $h$-principle). I ...
Shen's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Classification of $O(2)$-bundles in terms of characteristic classes

I had asked this question in stackexchange but there seems to be no consensus in the answer It is well-known that $SO(2)$-principal bundles over a manifold $M$ are topologically characterized by ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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4 votes
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The space of homotopy classes of maps of products of spheres

Proposition 17.6.1 of "Differential form in Algebraic Topology" by Bott and Tu proves the following beautiful result: $[S^{q}, X]\simeq \frac{\pi_{q}(X,x)}{\pi_{1}(X,x)}$ where $S^{q}$ is the $q$-...
Bilateral's user avatar
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When is the semidirect product of principal fiber bundles a fiber bundle

Let $P_{H}$ be a principal bundle over a manifold $M$ with fiber the Lie group $H$ and let $P_{G}$ be a principal bundle with fiber the Lie group $G$ over the same manifold $M$. Let $h_{ab}\colon U_{...
Bilateral's user avatar
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How to visualize the dual objects of jets of functions?

I work with a smooth $f: M \to \Bbb C$ and I would like to have an object mimicking the concept of "$k$-th order differential" from multivariate calculus. For various reasons that are not important ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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-1 votes
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Construction of fibration over Riemannian Manifold

Let $\pi: E \rightarrow B$ be a fibration over a Riemannian manifold $B$, with $\pi^{-1}[b]$ homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}$. More precisely: I want each fiber $\pi^{-1}[b]=Im(f_b)$ for some $C^{\infty}...
ABIM's user avatar
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Relation between symplectic blow-up of a compact manifold and fibre bundles over same manifold

The symplectic blow-up of a compact symplectic manifold $(X,ω)$ along a compact symplectically embedded submanifold $(M,σ)$ results in another compact manifold $(\tilde{X},\tilde{ω})$ given by $$\...
Sinister Cutlass's user avatar
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group actions on fibre bundles

Suppose that we have a group $G$ acting on the spaces $E$ and $B$. Suppose moreover that we have fibre bundles $\xi$ and $\eta$ in the following commutative diagram If $\xi$ is a trivial bundle, i.e....
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

The action of $GL_{\infty}$ on the infinite wedge space

This is a question from the book "Highest weight representations of infinite dimensional Lie algebras, 2nd ed" by V. G. Kac, A. K. Raina, and N. Rozhkovskaya. Consider the following objects: the ...
Zhihua Chang's user avatar
2 votes
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A question on 2-bundles

In this paper, the authors +John Baez and +Urs Schreiber defined (page 15) "transition functions" for a special kind of 2-bundles (those whose the base space is a ordinary smooth space augmented to a ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Is every closed Sasakian 3-manifold a circle bundle on a Riemann surface?

It suffices to say that all circle bundles on compact Riemann surfaces admit the structure of a closed Sasakian 3-manifold. The question is, the converse of this statement and/or what are the ...
BenSmith's user avatar
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Some examples of non trivial principal bundles

1.Is there a nontrivial pricipal bundle $P(M,G)$, with $G$ connected, such that the total space $P$ admit a foliation such that each leaf is diffeomorphic to $M$(Not necessarily via projection $\pi$...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

"Ambient homotopy" between preimages under a fiber bundle?

Choose a notion of an "ambient homotopy" between maps of topological spaces. For example, say that two embeddings $Y \rightarrow X$ are ambiently homotopic if there is a path between them in the space ...
Dimitri Chikhladze's user avatar
1 vote
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triviality of a $2$-sheeted covering map and the triviality of the associated vector bundle

Let $ X$ be a space with a (free and properly discontinuous) $\mathbb{Z}/2$-action and $$p: X\to X/(\mathbb{Z}/2) $$ be a $2$-sheeted covering map. Then we have an associated vector bundle $$ \xi: \...
QSR's user avatar
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5 votes
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triviality of Whitney sums of a vector bundle

Let a $3$-dimensional subspace $V$ of $\mathbb{R}^4$ be $$V=\{(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)\in\mathbb{R}^4\mid\sum_{i=1}^4x_i=0\}.$$ The alternating group $A_4$ acts on $V$ by $$\sigma(x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=(x_{\...
QSR's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

vector bundles associated to a covering space

Let $M$ be a $m$-dimensional manifold whose cohomology ring and cell structure are well-understood, such that there is a free action of the symmetric group $S_n$ on $M$. Then we have a $n!$-sheeted ...
QSR's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Does pullback in the category of smooth manifolds always exists?

I am looking for an example where $f:Y\to X$ and $f':Y'\to X$, are both smooth maps of smooth manifolds, but the pullback does not exist. Remarks: 1) A pullback in a certain category is defined as ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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characteristic classes of a covering space with symmetric group action

Let $S_n$ be the $n$-th symmetric group. Suppose we have a $n!$-sheeted covering space $$ S_n\to M\to M/S_n $$ where $M$ is a manifold. Let $\mathbb{K}$ be the real numbers $\mathbb{R}$, complex ...
QSR's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

first Chern class of complex vector bundles and first Pontrjagin class of quaternionic vector bundles

Let $\xi$ be a (real) vector bundle of dimension $n$. Then the first Stiefel-Whitney class $$ w_1(\xi)=0 $$ if and only if $\xi$ is orientable, i.e. the structure group of $\xi$ can be reduced to $SO(...
QSR's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Cup product of cohomology in a Serre spectral sequence

How to use Serre spectral sequence to compute cup product structures? Let $F\to E\to B$ be a fibration. Suppose all the differentials of the corresponding Serre spectral sequence of cohomology are ...
QSR's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Stiefel-Whitney class of fibre bundles

Let $F,E,B$ be manifolds (we may assume them to be compact, without boundary if necessary) and $$F\to E\to B$$ be a fibre bundle. Suppose $$w(F), w(B),$$ the Stiefel-Whitney class of $F$ and $B$, are ...
QSR's user avatar
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Why generalized vectors can be written locally as sum of vectors and 1-forms?

I would like to understand better this point. In generalized complex geometry the generalized bundle $E$ is defined as a non-trivial fibration of the cotangent bundle $T^*M$ over the tangent bundle $...
BLS's user avatar
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When is a circle fibration a circle bundle?

Let $\pi : E \to B$ be a Serre fibration over a CW complex, with circle fibers. In the orientable case, it is easy to see that $\pi$ is fiber homotopy equivalent to a principal $SO(2)$--bundle. ...
John Harvey's user avatar
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cohomology ring of cross-section space of one-point compactification of tangent bundle

Let $M$ be an $m$-manifold whose cohomology is known. Let $TM$ be the tangent bundle of $M$ and $\xi$ be the fibre-wise one-point compactification of $TM$. Then $\xi$ is a $m$-sphere bundle over $M$. ...
QSR's user avatar
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cross-sections of a sphere bundle

Let $M$ be a $m$-manifold and $M_0$ a submanifold of $M$. Let $X$ be a pointed topological space. In the paper On the homology of configuration spaces, Bodigheimer-Cohen-Taylor, Topology 1989, ...
QSR's user avatar
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Certain principal bundle structure on $\mathbb{R}^{n} \setminus \{0\}$

I ask this question in MSE and I received no answer, so I repeat it here: Is there a right action of $\mathbb{H}^{2}$ on some $\mathbb{R}^{n}\setminus \{0\}$ such that this action gives us a ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Pull-back of a fibration along a homotopy equivalence and homotopy classes of sections

I previously asked this on Math.SE but didn't receive a satisfactory answer. Let $p:E\rightarrow B$ be a fibration (i.e. have the homotopy lifting property with respect to all spaces), and $f: B'\...
user46652's user avatar
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3 votes
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Fiber Bundle with a perfect bilinear map

Let $\pi:X\rightarrow Y$ a double cover of Riemann surfaces, and consider a $SL_n-$bundle $E$ with a perfect $\mathcal O_Y-$bilinear pairing $$\psi:\pi_*E\times\pi_*E\rightarrow\pi_*\mathcal O_X$$ ...
Z.A.Z.Z's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Explicitly describing the region of the plane "outward of" a simple, open, oriented, cubic curve $c:(0,1)\to\mathbb{R}^2$

Some Context: I'm working with some data given in the form of Bezier curves. I need to sort these (partially ordered) Bezier curves by "outwardness" (described below) and have come across an ...
mathandy's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

When can a class in $H^1(M;\mathbb{Z})$ be represented by a fiber bundle over $S^1$

For a topological space M, It is known from homotopy theory that the elements of the first cohomology $H^1(M;\mathbb{Z})$ are in 1-1 correspondence with homotopy classes of maps $[M,S^1]$ In my case ...
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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Almost complex structure gluing

Consider smooth complex manifold $X$ of complex dimension $n$ and its smooth submanifold $Z$ of codimension $k$. Denote the normal bundle of the inclusion $Z\subset X$ by $\nu.$ One can blow up $X$ ...
Grigory Solomadin's user avatar
6 votes
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When are principal bundles preserved by colimits?

Let $G$ be a topological group and consider a family $$G\rightarrow E_i\rightarrow B_i$$ of $G$-principal bundles indexed over the natural numbers. Suppose we have $G$-bundle morphisms (equivariant ...
Tom's user avatar
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5 votes
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Frame-bundle reduction from spinor-bundle reduction

Let $(M,g)$ be a $d$-dimensional Riemannian oriented, spin manifold, and let us denote by $F(M)$ its frame bundle, by $SP(M)$ its spin bundle and by $S = P(M)\times_{\rho}\Delta$ its spinor bundle, ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

A conjecture about parallelizable generalized spheres

Let $S^{d}$ denote the standard $d$-dimensional sphere. I heard from a physicist that from physical arguments they have been able to show that the vector bundle: $E_{d} = TS^{d}\oplus \Lambda ^{d-2}...
Bilateral's user avatar
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2 votes
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Space of invariant sections

I have a principal bundle $\pi: M \to B$ with structure group $G$ and a vector bundle $p: V\to M$. I need to work with $\Gamma_G(V,M)$, the space of invariant (under the fiber action on $M$) sections ...
Ugo Iaba's user avatar
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8 votes
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Curvature of a principal bundle and the exterior covariant derivative

I am sorry if this is too elementary; I had posted it on math.stack but no one answered. Let $P\to M$ a principal fibre bundle with fibre $G$, and let $A\in \Omega^{1}(P)\otimes\mathfrak{g}$ be a ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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