Questions tagged [feynman-integral]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why do polytopes pop up in Lagrange inversion?

I'd be interested in hearing people's viewpoints on this. Looking for an intuitive perspective. See Wikipedia for descriptions of polytopes and the Lagrange inversion theorem/formula (LIF) for ...
6 votes
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Condensed/liquid vector spaces and path integrals

[Edited to take into account comments.] Background One approach to the problem of making rigorous various measures on spaces of paths (for example, the Wiener or Feynman measure) is the time-slicing ...
curioser's user avatar
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How to compute this path integral?

Let $\mathbb{R}^2$ be phase space with coordinates $(p,q)$ and let $\epsilon>0\,.$ Then given any path $\gamma:[0,1]\to \mathbb{R}^2$ and any large enough $N>0\,,$ we can approximate $\gamma$ by ...
Josh Lackman's user avatar
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Normalization of exponential in the context of Feynman integrals from a White noise perspective

I apologize in advance if this question is not suitable for MO (please let me know), but the fact is that since I am not familiar with the theory of Feynman integrals I don't know whether this is a ...
Chaos's user avatar
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Integration by paths formula for Gaussian measures

I have read a paper of J.Bricmont and A. Kupiainen 1994 at [], but I didn't understand these calculations concerning to a stochastic process. I hope for kind ...
VTNguyen's user avatar