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Sobolev topology on essentially compactly supported Sobolev-"functions"

The locally convex space of essentially compactly-supported $p$-integrable "functions" $\operatorname{L}_{\mathrm{comp}}^p(\mathbb{R}^d,\mathbb{R})$ is defined as the set $$ \bigcup_{n \in \mathbb{N}} ...
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Continuous function on colimit

Let $X$ be a Banach space and $f:X\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be continuous. Suppose that $\{X_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ is a strictly nested sequence of sub-Banach spaces, for which $\cup_{n \in \mathbb{N}...
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Limit of balls in $L^p$

Setup: Let $\mu$ be a measure on a measurable space $(X,\Sigma)$, such that for every $p ,q\in [1,\infty)$, $L^p_{\mu}(\Sigma)\subseteq L^q_{\mu}(\Sigma)$ if $p\geq q$. Furthermore, the inclusions ...
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Colimits in the category of (not necessarily locally convex) topological vector spaces

Do colimits in the category of (not necessarily locally convex) topological vector spaces (over R, C, respectively) exist in general? If no, is there a well-known condition of when they exist? If ...
Junekey Jeon's user avatar
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A strict directed colimit of Hausdorff locally-convex spaces that is not Hausdorff

We work in the category of locally-convex spaces (morphisms are the continuous linear maps). Let $\Lambda$ be a directed set, for every $\lambda \in \Lambda$ let $V_{\lambda}$ be a locally-convex ...
Jonathan Gleason's user avatar
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Relation between dual of nuclear space $(\substack{\text{lim} \\ \leftarrow i} H_i)'$ and $\substack{\text{colim} \\ i \rightarrow } H_i$

Let $\substack{\text{lim} \\ \leftarrow i} H_i$ be a nuclear space, considered as the limit of the codirected diagram $$... \to H_2 \to H_1 \to H_0,$$ with $f_{ji}:H_i \to H_j$ being the trace class ...
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