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Continuous-time Wold decomposition

I'm looking for a reference for the Wold–Zasukhin decomposition in continuous time for stationary random processes on the real line. I am aware of the classic result in the book from Rozanov, which ...
arknas's user avatar
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Tightness of Hilbert-space-valued arrays

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a separable Hilbert space. Assume we have some triangular array $W_{n,j}, j=1, \ldots ,n $ of $\mathcal{H}$-valued random elements with $\mathbb{E} \Vert W_{n,j} \Vert_{\mathcal{H}...
esner1994's user avatar
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Weak convergence of $\mathcal{L}^2$ valued random variables

Consider two continuous functions $f,g: \mathbb{R}^{2} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ with $f(x,\cdot), g(x,\cdot) \in \mathcal{L}^2(\mathbb{R},\mathcal{B},\lambda)$ for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and a sequence ...
esner1994's user avatar
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Stochastic Approximation in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

Consider an iterative algorithm with incremental updates \begin{align} x_{t+1} = x_t + \alpha_t \cdot [ h(x_t) + M_{t+1}], \end{align} where $\{x_t \}_{t \geq 0}$ is in a reproducing kernel Hilbert ...
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Weak convergence for discrete-time processes using characteristic functions

I am looking for a good reference about the analogues of the Bochner Theorem and the Lévy Continuity Theorem for probability measures on $\mathbb{R}^{\mathbb{N}}$ with the product topology. ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
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Laplace transform of a integral function of CIR/CEV process

The Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model (or CIR model) describes the evolution of interest rates. Constant elasticity of variance model (CEV) is a stochastic volatility model, which attempts to capture ...
KNN's user avatar
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Comparison of Parameter estimation using maximum likelihood and Maximum entropy

I am not sure if the question is appropriate but I want to try my luck. One can estimate a parameter using maximum likelihood and we know it is optimal. On the other hand there are methods which uses ...
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Is there any parameter space of Cramér–Rao_bound

It is known that Cramér–Rao_bound is the lower bound of variance of a parameter. A useful link is There is also a term called '...
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Donsker's Theorem for triangular arrays

I should mention that I already posed this question on Math Stack Exchange, but didn't receive much feedback. Assume we have a sequence of smooth i.i.d. random variables $(X_i)_{i=1}^{\infty}$. Given ...
Indigo's user avatar
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Do there exist (almost surely) $C^{\infty}$-smooth Gaussian random fields?

Let $d \ge 1$. Do there exist Gaussian random fields on $\mathbb R^d$ which are (almost surely) $C^{\infty}$-smooth, but which are not analytic? If so, what are necessary and sufficient conditions ...
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