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The minimum value of a energy integral

Let $D \subset {\mathbb{R}^3}$ a simple connected open domain with volume $\int_{\bar D} {dV = 1} $. $\varphi :{\mathbb{R}^3} \to \mathbb{R}$ is ${C^1}$, $\varphi (\infty ) = 0 $ and $${\nabla ^2}\...
jacktang1996's user avatar
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Reference request: optimal $L^p$ regularity for solutions to $-\Delta u=f$ with $f\in L^1(R^d)$

The tilte says it all. Given $f\in L^1(R^d)$ (let me restrict to dimension $d\geq 3$ for convenience), what is the optimal $L^p$ regularity for solutions to $$ -\Delta u=f\hspace{3cm}(1)? $$ I'm of ...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar