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Schauder estimate for $f \in L^\infty$

I was reading an article where at some point the author uses the following estimate: Let $u$ be a solution of $$\Delta u = f \quad \text{in } B_1$$ for $f \in L^\infty$. Then $u \in C^{1,1 - \...
Falcon's user avatar
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Embeddings of the maximal domain for the Laplacian

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded smooth domain and $n \geq 2$. Consider the subspace of $L^2$-functions whose distributional Laplacian is also an $L^2$-function: $$D = \left\{ f \in L^2(\...
MeS's user avatar
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Maximizing the first Neumann eigenvalue on disks

Let $D^2$ be a smooth disk and for any Riemannian metric in $D$, let $\mu_1(g)$ be the first positive Neumann eigenvalue of the Laplacian on $(D, g)$. Li and Yau proved that $$\mu_1(g) \operatorname{...
Eduardo Longa's user avatar
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Why should the map $-\Delta^{-1}$ be continuous?

I'm reading an article by Wei-Ming Ni about the existence of solutions for the elliptic problem $$\Delta u +|x|^\lambda |u|^\tau =0,$$ in the unit ball $\Omega$ in dimension $>2$. I'm looking for ...
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