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4 answers

Why the sequence of Bernstein polynomials of $\sqrt x$ is increasing?

Bernstein polynomials preserves nicely several global properties of the function to be approximated: if e.g. $f:[0,1]\to\mathbb R$ is non-negative, or monotone, or convex; or if it has, say, non-...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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21 votes
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Density of polynomials in $C^k(\overline\Omega)$

Let $\Omega$ be an open and bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ and let $C^k(\Omega)$, $1\leq k<\infty$, be the space of functions $f$ with continuous derivatives of order $\leq k$ in $\Omega$, ...
user111's user avatar
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Polynomials and L^p(R)

As someone who mostly does symbolic computation, I've always been puzzled by the fascination mathematicians seem to have with Lp(R) (for p<∞)? To be more precise, there are no non-trivial ...
Jacques Carette's user avatar