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Parabolic smoothing for semilinear PDE

Consider the semilinear energy-critical parabolic PDE in $\mathbb{R}^3$ \begin{align} \partial_t u &= \Delta u + |u|^{4/(n-2)}u = \Delta u + u^5\\ u(0,x) &= u_0\in \smash{\dot{H}}^1(\mathbb{R}^...
Student's user avatar
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Reference request: Parabolic Schauder estimates for the heat equation with $f \in L^\infty$

Let us consider the heat equation $$\partial_t u - \Delta u = f(x, t) \quad \text{in }Q_R $$ where $Q_R = B_R \times (-R^2,0].$ I would like to know the kind of regularity we should expect of $u$ if ...
Falcon's user avatar
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Existence of directional heat equation without uniform ellipticity

I am asking for references, or for a proof idea on how to show that weak solutions of the following problem exist: search $u$ on a bounded domain $\Omega\times (0,T]$, where $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d$...
l'étudiant's user avatar
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Hölder continuity in time of heat semigroup for regular initial distribution

$ \newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\diff}{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}} $ Let $(p_t)_{t>0}$ be the standard Gaussian heat kernel on $\bR^d$, i.e., $$ p_t (x) := \frac{1}{(4 \pi t)^{\frac{d}{2}}} \...
Akira's user avatar
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Hölder continuity in time of heat semigroup

$ \newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\diff}{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}} $ We fix $\alpha \in (0, 1)$ and $c>0$. Let $\ell : \bR^d \to \bR_+$ be a probability density function such that $$ \|\ell\|...
Akira's user avatar
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Upper bound $\int_{\mathbb{R}^d \times \mathbb{R}^d} |fx)-f(y)| (1+|y|) \ell (x) p_t (x-y) \, \mathrm d x \, \mathrm d y$ in $t$

$ \newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\diff}{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}} $ We fix $\alpha \in (0, 1)$ and $c>0$. Let $f : \bR^d \to \bR$ and $\ell : \bR^d \to \bR_+$ be measurable such that $\ell$ ...
Akira's user avatar
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Harmonic heat flow, formal and rigorous

Let $ (M,g) $ be a smooth Riemann manifold without boundary, $ S^{n-1} $ is an $ n $-dimensional sphere, and $ T>0 $. Consider a weak solution $ u:M\times[0,T]\to S^{n+1} $ of $$ \partial_tu-\Delta ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Upper bound Hölder norm of the solution to the linear PDE $\partial_t u (t, x) = \Delta_x \{ |\sigma (x)|^2 u(t, x) \}$

Previously, I asked the same question for a non-linear PDE, but I have got no answer. Below, I consider the linear counterpart it. We fix $T>0$ and let $\mathbb T := [0, T]$. Let $\sigma : \mathbb ...
Akira's user avatar
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Upper bound Hölder norm of the solution to the non-linear PDE $\partial_t u (t, x) = \Delta_x \{ |\sigma (u (t, x))|^2 u(t, x) \}$

We fix $T>0$ and let $\mathbb T := [0, T]$. Let $\sigma : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ belong to the Hölder space $C^{1, \alpha}_b (\mathbb R)$ for some $\alpha \in (0, 1)$. Let $u : \mathbb T \times \...
Akira's user avatar
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An integrable estimate of the Hölder constant of the map $x \mapsto \int_{\mathbb R^d} f(y) \partial_1 \partial_1 g_t (x-y) \, \mathrm d y$

Let $(g_t)_{t>0}$ be the Gaussian heat kernel on $\mathbb R^d$, i.e., $$ g_t (x) := (4\pi t)^{-\frac{d}{2}} e^{-\frac{|x|^2}{4t}}, \quad t>0, x \in \mathbb R^d. $$ Let $f : \mathbb R^d \to \...
Akira's user avatar
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Gaussian lower heat kernel bounds on non-convex bounded domain

I am looking for a proof the following theorem. Let $U \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded domain with $C^2$ boundary and $p(x,y,t)$ be the Neumann heat kernel. Then there exist a constant $C>0$ ...
mark's user avatar
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$L^2(0,\infty;L^2(\Omega))$ estimate on solution of heat equation with Neumann boundary condition

Let $u$ be a solution of $$u' - \Delta u = 0 \quad\text{on $\Omega$}$$ $$\partial_\nu u = 0\quad\text{in $\partial \Omega$}$$ $$u(t=0)=u_0\quad\text{on $\Omega$}$$ where $\Omega$ is a bounded ...
BBB's user avatar
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Number of spatial critical points of a solution to the heat equation in higher dimensions

I would like to know if the number of spatial critical points of a solution to the heat equation can increase. Given $u_0:\mathbb S^n\to\mathbb R$, let $u$ be the solution of the initial value problem:...
thachung's user avatar
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All $L^pL^q$ estimates for the heat equation on $\mathbb R$ (with gain of derivatives)

I have asked this question on MSE, but this is a better place. The heat equation and the heat kernel. Consider the heat equation on $\mathbb R$: $$ \left\{\begin{aligned}u_t-\Delta u&=f\\u(0,x)&...
Lorenzo Pompili's user avatar
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Noether's theorem in the critical heat equation

I initially posted this question on Stackexchange Mathematics (see here) but as I got no answer, maybe someone here will be able to help me. I am watching a serie of lectures on "Blow up solution ...
Falcon's user avatar
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Sharp Dirichlet heat kernel estimates in exterior domains?

I am right now working on some linear parabolic problems studying the behaviour of its solutions for large initial data. To do this, I have needed to use some estimates of the Dirichlet and Neumann ...
joaquindt's user avatar
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$L^\infty-L^\infty$ bounds for heat semigroups constructed from the Dirichlet Laplacian

Let $D \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary, and let $\Delta$ be the Laplace operator with the Dirichlet boundary condition on $D$. Let $e^{t\Delta}$ be the corresponding ...
SMS's user avatar
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$L^\infty$ solutions for parabolic Neumann problem (heat equation)

Consider the heat equation on a (smooth) domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with homogeneous Neumann BCs: $$u_t - \Delta u = f$$ $$\partial_\nu u = 0$$ $$u|_{t=0} = u_0$$ where $f \in L^p(0,T;L^r(\Omega))$ and $...
soup's user avatar
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Backward uniqueness for a heat equation with a drift

Consider heat equation with a drift (=reaction-diffusion equation) $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}=\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}+f(t,u(t,x)), \quad t\ge0,\, x\in [0,1] $$ with periodic or ...
Oleg's user avatar
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Solution to Heat Equation By Projection

Let $X\subseteq C(\mathbb{R}\times [0,\infty))$ be the collection of all solutions to the IV heat equation $$ \partial_t u(t,x) = \partial^2 u(t,x) \qquad u(0,x)=p(0,x), $$ for some fixed $p\in C^2(\...
ABIM's user avatar
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Measurability of the heat semigroup in $L^\infty$

Let $S(t)$ be the $C_0$-semigroup generated by the Laplacian operator with Dirichlet boundary condition in $L^2(\Omega)$, where $\Omega$ is a bounded open subset of $R^n$. It is known that $S(t)$ ...
Rabat's user avatar
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Davies' definition of elliptic operators in "Heat Kernels and Spectral Theory"

I am trying to find my way through Davies' book, and one of the difficult points is his choice of what "elliptic operator" means in his text. This is the first time that I encounter some of the ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Heat equation with source term in $L^1$

To simplify, let us work on $Q_T:=[0,T]\times\mathbb{T}^N$ where $\mathbb{T}^N$ is the $N$-th dimensionnal torus. Consider $(S_n)_n$ a sequence of $L^1(Q_T)$ and $(z_n)_n$ the sequence of solutions ...
Ayman Moussa's user avatar
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$C^{1,2}$ regularity of (weak) solutions to the heat equation

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded Lipschitz domain (smoother if needed), and consider the heat equation $$u_t - \Delta u = 0$$ $$\frac{\partial u(t,x)}{\partial \nu(x)} = a(t,x) - b(t,x)u(t,x)$$ $$u(0) = u_0$$...
ChristopherSail's user avatar
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Strong maximum principle for heat equation. Positivity of solution

I have a non-negative solution $u \in L^2(0,T;H^1) \cap H^1(0,T;(H^1)')$ of the heat equation $$u_t-\Delta u =0$$ on bounded $C^1$ domain $\Omega$, with the boundary condition $$\frac{\partial u(t,x)}{...
ChristopherSail's user avatar
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$L^\infty$ estimate on heat equation with a lower order term

Let $u$ be the weak solution on a smooth bounded domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ (for $n \leq 3$) of $$u_t - \Delta u = f$$ $$u(0) = u_0$$ $$\partial_\nu u = 0 \quad\text{on $\partial\Omega$}$$ ...
TLE's user avatar
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Reference for a Heat Process in a Wedge

I would like to ask about an explicit suggestion/reference for the following type of heat processes: Roughly, assume we have a "wedge" $W$ of the following form - a domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with a ...
Boggie Georgiev's user avatar
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Real analyticity of solution of heat equation

Consider the heat equation $\partial_t u - \Delta u = 0, u(0, x) = u_0$ on a complete (non-compact) Riemannian manifold $M$, may be even $\mathbb{R}^n$. I was wondering, what are some known sufficient ...
SMS's user avatar
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A space of distributions vanishing on the boundary

The revised question After more reflection on the problem, I might have found the answer by myself. Let $U$ be an open subset of $M$, irrespective of whether it has a boundary or not. Let $$\mathcal ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Mixed norm estimate for the heat equation

Consider the inhomogeneous linear heat equation $$\partial_tu-\Delta u=F$$ on $\mathbb R^n\times [0,1]$ (say) with zero initial data. Assume $F$ is very nice (say Schwarz), so that we have a nice ...
Fan Zheng's user avatar
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Mellin transform between heat kernel and zeta-function

For some notion of a "positive operator" $D$ of "Laplacian type" one seems to be able to define a notion of a zeta-function as $\xi(s,f,D) = Tr_{L^2}(f D^{-s})$ where $f \in L^2$ (the space of square-...
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