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Spectral measure for a finite set of mutually commuting normal operators

The following question is from Exercise $\S 11.11$ in A Course in Operator Theory written by John B. Conway: Suppose $\{N_1, \cdots, N_p\}$ is a finite set of mutually commuting normal operators in $...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Question about Dirac operator

Let $D$ be a generalized Dirac operator on a complete Riemannian manifold. I'm a little confused to prove that there exists a constant $c>0$ such that $$\|D\sigma\|^2\geq c^2\|\sigma\|^2$$ for $\...
Radeha Longa's user avatar
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Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of non-symmetric elliptic operators

We know that the operator $A=\Delta$ with domain $D(A)=\{u\in W^{2, 2}(\Omega): u=0 \ \ \text{on } \partial\Omega\}$ (say $\Omega$ is a bounded nice domain) has eigenvalues $\lambda_1>\lambda_2\ge \...
Y Wu's user avatar
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Convergence in the resolvent sense and spectral properties

Let $\{T_k\}_k, T$ be unbounded selfadjoint operators on a Hilbert space $H$. If $T_k\to T$ in the norm-resolvent sense, then for any $(a,b)\subset \mathbb R$ with $\{a,b\}\cap \sigma(T)=\emptyset$, ...
Watanabe's user avatar
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Relation between the spectrum of 𝐷𝐴 and 𝐴 where 𝐴 is a bounded linear self-adjoint positive operator and 𝐷 is a constant diagonal positive matrix

Let $D$ be a $3\times 3 $ constant real positive-definite diagonal matrix and $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^3$ be a bounded lipschitz domain. Denote by $(L^2(\Omega))^3$ the set of square integrable ...
SAKLY's user avatar
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determine the spectrum of the operator [closed]

determine the spectrum of the operator $$-\Delta-5\phi^4,\phi=3^{1/4}(1+|x|^2)^{-\frac{1}{2}},x\in R^3$$
none Yuan's user avatar
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Show that the Laplacian on these domains is isospectral

Let $\Omega_i\subseteq\mathbb R^d$ be bounded and open, $A_i$ denote the weak Laplacian with domain $\mathcal D(A):=\{u\in H_0^1(\Omega_i):\Delta u\in L^2(\Omega_i)\}$ on $L^2(\Omega_i)$ and $$T_i(t)f:...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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On the boundary integral of Neumann eigenfunctions

Let $v$ be an eigenfunction corresponding to the first nonzero Neumann Laplacian eigenvalue on a domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2$. By definition, we know that $\int_{\Omega} v \, dx=0$. If $\Omega$...
student's user avatar
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Lower-bounding the eigenvalues of a certain positive-semidefinite kernel matrix, as a function of the norm of the input matrix

Let $\phi:[-1,1] \to \mathbb R$ be a function such that $\phi$ is $\mathcal C^\infty$ on $(-1,1)$. $\phi$ is continuous at $\pm 1$. For concreteness, and if it helps, In my specific problem I have $\...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Basic question about convergence of top and penultimate eigenvalues of a sequence of operators

$\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\|#1\|}$ $\newcommand{\ab}[1]{\langle #1\rangle}$ $\newcommand{\C}{\mathbf C}$ Questions Let $I$ be the unit interval. Let $H=L^2(I)$ and $T:H\to H$ be a compact self-adjoint ...
caffeinemachine's user avatar
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Spectrum of Laplacian-like operator

Let $\kappa_1, \kappa_2>0$ be fixed. Consider the unbounded operator $A: D(A) \rightarrow L^2(-1,1)\times\mathbb{R}$ defined by $$ A\begin{bmatrix} y \\ h \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \...
char's user avatar
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Polar decomposition of the Volterra integral operator

Repost of this Math.SE question due to a lack of answers (No one was able to help me find the closed form of $U_T$ and $|T|$ after two bounties). I also searched extensively online but couldn't find ...
ViktorStein's user avatar
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Minimize $\langle(1-\kappa)^{-1}f,f\rangle$ for a parameter-dependent integral operator $\kappa$

I've got a contractive self-adjoint linear integral operator $\kappa$ of the form $$(\kappa g)(x):=g(x)+\int\lambda({\rm d}y)k(x,y)(g(y)-g(x))\;\;\;\text{for }g\in L^2(\mu),$$ where $k$ depends on the ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Spectrum of a $1$-parameter family of symmetric linear operators

I am working with certain submanifolds of symmetric spaces and, using a construction in Terng-Thorbergson, we ended up in the following Hilbert space problem: Let $H$ be a (real) Hilbert Space and $...
Renato Moreira's user avatar
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Strong Differentiability of Spectral Projections

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and $W$ be a dense subspace, equipped with a different norm that turns it into a Hilbert space. Let $(A(t))_{t\in[0,T]}$ be a family of Operators in $B(W,H)$ (bounded ...
LR235's user avatar
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One question about Schrodinger Semigroups-(B. Simon)

This question comes from the paper: B. Simon, Schrodinger Semigroups, Bull. A.M.S., (1982) Vol. 7 (3). On the Theorem C.3.4(subsolution estimate) of the paper, it says that: Let $Hu=Eu$ and $u\in L^...
DLIN's user avatar
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Spectrum of an operator

Let $L$ an operator self-adjoint acting on $L^2(\Bbb{R}^{2})$ such that : $L(\phi_{\alpha,\beta})=(|\alpha|-|\beta|)(\phi_{\alpha,\beta})$ where $(\phi_{\alpha,\beta})$ is an orthonormal basis for ...
A.Zoran 's user avatar
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An estimate for the solution of an elliptic PDE depending on a parameter

Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb R^n$ be a bounded domain with a sufficiently smooth boundary $\partial\Omega$. We assume $\lambda_1\in\mathbb R$ is the principle eigenvalue of the operator $$ -\Delta:\ H^...
CooLee's user avatar
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Which sets support which spectra?

I know (and this is of course rather elementary) that an isolated point in the spectrum of a self-adjoint operator $T$ always belongs to the point-spectrum. I would like to ask: Are there similar ...
Landauer's user avatar
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Singular value decomposition in two spaces (reference in Russian paper?)

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and $X$ be a Banach space such that $H \cap X$ is dense in both. Now, let $T$ be an operator such that $T: H \rightarrow H$ and $T:X \rightarrow X$ exists in the sense that ...
Kermit the Frog's user avatar
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Continuity of the spectrum under weaker notions of convergence

Let $T:X\to X$ be a linear operator on a Banach space $X$. We know that the spectrum of $T$ is an upper semicontinuous function of $T$ for the uniform convergence: that is, if $T_n:X\to X$ is a ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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What is the character space of $\mathcal P(K)$?

Let $K$ be a compact subset of $\Bbb C$. Let $\mathcal P(K)$ be the closed algebra generated by the complex polynomials on $K$. What is the character space $\Phi_{\mathcal P(K)}$ of $\mathcal P(K)$?...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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How to define spectral multiplier for −Δ?

Put $e_{n}(t)=e^{int}=\prod_{j=1}^{d}e^{in_{j}t_{j}}$, $t\in \mathbb T^d, n\in \mathbb Z^d.$ ($t=(t_{1},..., t_d), n=(n_1,..., n_d)$) We note that $\{e_{n}\}_{n\in \mathbb Z^d}$ forms an orthonormal ...
abcd's user avatar
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inverse problem to resolution of the identity

Suppose $f_\lambda(x),\lambda \in \mathbb{R}$ is a continuous/smooth family of bounded function on $\mathbb{R}$. Given a measurable set $\mathfrak{m}$ on $\mathbb{R}$, define $$E_\mathfrak{m}:L^2\...
Qijun Tan's user avatar
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Partial trace with spectral measure

I'm a physicist who needs mathematical advice: Let $A= \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} a_i P_{\phi_i}$ be a self-adjoint operator with projectors $P_{\phi_i}$ on the orthonormal eigenbasis $(\phi_i).$ Let $$B= \...
Thomas14's user avatar
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Transformation of kernel

I have the following problem at hand. Define the kernel $$K(x_1,x_2) = \int_{-1}^1\int_{-1}^1 \exp(-2\pi\jmath x_1 y_1)R(y_1,y_2)\exp(2\pi\jmath x_2 y_2)\mathrm{d}y_1\mathrm{d_2}.$$ Now, if $R(y_1,...
Tommy Ding's user avatar
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Normal points of an operator and discrete eigenvalues

Let $\mathcal{H}$ and $\mathcal{L}({\mathcal{H}})$ denote a separable Hilbert space and the set of bounded linear operators on it respectively. As a graduate student entering the field of non-...
mforets's user avatar
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Spectrum of convolution operator

This question was asked already on Stack Exchange under . It might be not on a research level, but as it could not be answered on Stack Exchange, I hope for ...
stackexchangeuse37179's user avatar
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Limit-circle and limit-point at endpoints

I was wondering if the following holds: If you have an ODE $$-y''(x) + q(x) y(x) = \lambda y(x)$$ on a finite interval $(a,b)$ and you know that this equation is limit-circle or limit-point at the ...
Fabiano's user avatar
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bivariate polynomial

Hello, Let $p(x,y) = \sum_{m=1}^M\sum_{n=1}^N a_{m,n}x^{m-1}y^{n-1}$ be a bivariate polynomial where $\{a_{m,n}\}$ are complex. If $(x_k, y_k), k=1,2,\cdots, MN-1$ are roots of $p(x,y)=0$ where $|...
Frank's user avatar
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showing convergence of a function recursion relation

I have obtained (formally) a perturbative solution $$ H(y) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \delta^n H_n(y) $$ to the following integro-differential equation ($\delta$ is a small constant, $\nu$ is a L\'evy ...
psyduck's user avatar
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Inequalities between self-adjoint operators

Let $T_s$ ($s\ge0$) be a smooth family of non-negative self-adjoint operators in a separable Hilbert space $H$. Suppose that, for some $C'>C>0$, we have $T_0+Cs^2\le T_s\le T_0+C's^2$ for all $s$...
Jesús Álvarez's user avatar
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Spectral gap of a Markov chain on the nonnegative integers

Let $\lambda_k,\mu_k\in\mathbb R_{\ge0}$ $(k\ge1)$ be nonnegative real numbers such that $\sum_{k=1}^\infty k\lambda_k<\infty,$ let $S=\mathbb Z_{\ge0}$ be the nonnegative integers, let $T=\mathbb ...
xFioraMstr18's user avatar
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Essential spectrum under perturbation

Given a Banach space $X$ and a bounded linear operator $T$ on $X$. It's well known that the essential spectrum of $T$ is invariant under additive compact perturbation. My question is about minimal ...
Malik Amine's user avatar
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Spectrum of a Markov kernel acting on $L^2$

Let $P$ be a Markov kernel on a measurable space $(E,\mathcal E)$ admitting an invariant probability measure $\pi$. $P$ acts on $L^2(\pi)$ via $$Pf:=\int\kappa(\;\cdot\;{\rm d}y)f(y).$$ The invariance ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Doubt in proof of $\lim_{n \to \infty} [\lambda R(\lambda, A)]^n = P.$

I have a doubt in proof of Lemma $4.7$ of this paper. Lemma: Let $A$ be a closed operator on a complex Banach space $E$ and assume that $0$ is an eigenvalue of $A$ and a pole of the resolvent $R(\...
Mark's user avatar
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Spectral Theorem, $AB = BA \implies B\Phi(f) = \Phi(f)B$

I'm studying the spectral theorem as appears in Reed and Simon's Functional Analysis. Assume we have constructed the continuous functional calculus for a self adjoint bounded operator $A$ on a ...
Mariah's user avatar
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Why do the eigenfunctions of a 1D Schroedinger operator with even potential alternate in parity?

Let $\mathcal L$ be a Schroedinger operator on the real line of the form $\mathcal L = -\frac {d^2} {dx^2} + V(x),$ where $V$ is an even, smooth function. I am interested in the case where $V(x)\to ...
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Determine if an integral expression is in $L^2(\mathbb{R})$

Note: This is a simplified version of the following question. I did not get a full response and realized can make it simpler to have my main interrogation answered. I decided to write it as a ...
Gateau au fromage's user avatar
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Meromorphic solutions to Legendre's equation

I just saw the following question that was asked yesterday on math overflow on meromorphic solutions to ODEs Although, I understand the answers and comments to the questions, I did not understand how ...
Zinkin's user avatar
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Is there any way to compare between diagonals of a resolvent and a Cauchy transform?

Say $A$ is a symmetric matrix of $n$ dimensions. Then let the ``resolvent" of $A$ be the matrix valued function $R_A(z) = \frac{1}{z-A}$ and its Cauchy transform be the real valued function $C_A(z) = ...
Student's user avatar
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When can two Cauchy transforms intersect?

Given two polynomials $p$ and $q$ over reals and being guaranteed that both have all roots real I want to know if there is any characterization of the solutions of the equation $\frac{p'}{p} = \frac{q'...
user6818's user avatar
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Orthogonal projection

Let $G$ be an operator with compact resolvent on a Hilbert space $H$ such that $\ker G \neq \{0\}$. Further let $P$ be the orthogonal projection onto $\ker G$, and let $G_{0} := G+P$. My question is: ...
user61767's user avatar
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Spectral decomposition of compact operators

Let T be a compact operator on an infinite dimensional hilbert space H. I am proving the theorem which says that $Tx=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{\lambda}_{n}\langle x,x_{n}\rangle y_{n}$ where ($x_{n}$) is an ...
user134724's user avatar
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Spectral decomposition function [closed]

Once I met a notation of "spectral decomposition function" (for a self-adjoint operator). No definition was given. Could someone give me a clue what can that be, cause I can't find this exact phrase ...
haijo's user avatar
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Spectrum of a product of a symmetric positive definite matrix and a positive definite operator

Let $\mathbf H$ be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. I want to find an example of a $2\times 2$ real symmetric positive definite matrix $M$ and a positive definite bounded operator $A : \mathbf H ...
SAKLY's user avatar
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Proof of the analytic Fredholm theorem in Borthwick

I've stumbled across a proof of the analytic Fredholm theorem given in Theorem 6.1 in Spectral Theory of Infinite-Area Hyperbolic Surfaces by David Borthwick (see below). Given the notion of being &...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Does asymptotic behavior guarantee uniqueness?

Suppose $w$ is a solution of $$\frac{d^2}{dx^2}w+\{u(x)+k^2\}w=0$$ with asymptotic condition $$\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty}w(x)e^{ikx}=1$$ and $u\in L^1_1(\mathbb{R})=\{f:\int_\mathbb{R}(1+|x|)|f|dx<...
DuFong's user avatar
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Request for references about computing or estimating Rademacher complexity

Is Rademacher complexity defined for any space of functions? Or are there restrictions on the function space over which this can be defined? For example is the Rademacher complexity defined or has ...
Student's user avatar
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Trace, eigenvalues and functional calculus

Let $T$ be a (possibly unbounded) self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space. Assume that we for some reason know that the point spectrum of $T$ consists of a finite number of eigenvalues $\lambda _1, \...
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