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Approximate eigenvectors for a set of non-commuting self-adjoint operators

This problem is motivated by finding the right mathematical setting for expressing the compatibility of classical physics with quantum mechanics. Let $\mathcal H$ be a Hilbert space and $S$ a ...
David Mumford's user avatar
14 votes
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Spectrum of matrix involving quantum harmonic oscillator

The quantum harmonic oscillator relies on two classical objects, the so-called creation and annihilation operator $$a ^* = x- \partial_x \text{ and }a = x+\partial_x.$$ Fix two numbers $\alpha,\beta \...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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Is there a reasonable notion of spectral theorem on a pre-Hilbert space?

I'm trying to understand how bad things could possibly get without Cauchy completeness as a criterion for Hilbert spaces in quantum mechanics. Obviously, doing calculus on a pre-Hilbert space would be ...
Sanchayan Dutta's user avatar
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Resolvents of Schrodinger operators

In the free case one can compute the resolvents of the Laplacian $-\Delta$ in many cases explicitly, in the sense that they are given by an integral operator. Often, one uses the Hille-Yosida theorem ...
Kinzlin's user avatar
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Fourier transform without characters (Eigenfunctions of an operator)

Let's consider a very simple problem in quantum mechanics: We have, in $\mathbb R,$ a potential barrier of the form $$ V(x) = V_0 \mathbf 1_{[-a,a]}(x), $$ where $\mathbf 1_{[-a,a]}$ denotes the ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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Cwikel–Lieb–Rosenbljum inequality including zero resonances

The Cwikel–Lieb–Rosenbljum inequality asserts that, for any potential $V:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$, we have $$(\mbox{number of eigenvalue} \leq 0\mbox{ , counted with multiplicity, of }-\Delta+V\,)\...
Capublanca's user avatar
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Lippmann-Schwinger equation for the Coulomb potential

Let $H=H_0+V$ be a Hamiltonian on $\mathbb{R}^3$ where $H_0=-\frac{\Delta}{2m}$ is the free Hamiltonian and $V$ is a potential. Let us assume first that $V$ decays sufficiently fast at infinity and ...
asv's user avatar
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Error bounds for eigenvalue expansion of the Mathieu equation

The Mathieu equation is an important eigenvalue problem in Mathematical Physics that is completely understood in its properties, although there is no "direct way" of expressing eigenvalues and ...
QuantumTheory's user avatar
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Spectral theorem and diagonal expansion for self adjoint operators

Asked by a physicist: In physics we use the fact that, given a self adjoint operator $A$, every element in Hilbert space can be written as "generalized linear combination" of the eigenstates ...
Rosario's user avatar
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Partial trace with spectral measure

I'm a physicist who needs mathematical advice: Let $A= \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} a_i P_{\phi_i}$ be a self-adjoint operator with projectors $P_{\phi_i}$ on the orthonormal eigenbasis $(\phi_i).$ Let $$B= \...
Thomas14's user avatar
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About the proof of Lebesgue decomposition theorem for Hilbert spaces

Let $\mu$ be a Borel measure on $\mathbb{R}$. By the Lebesgue decomposition theorem, there exists measures $\mu_\text{pp}$, $\mu_\text{ac}$ and $\mu_\text{sing}$ such that $\mu = \mu_\text{pp}+\mu_\...
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