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Spectral theorem for unbounded operators

Part of the Spectral theorem for unbounded operators states that if $A$ is a self adjoint unbounded operator and $B$ is a bounded operator such that $BA$ is contained in $AB$, then $B$ commutes with ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Commutator of $A\otimes I$ and $I \otimes B$ vanishes?

Consider two Hilbert spaces $H_1$ and $H_2$, and $A$, $B$ unbounded operators on $H_1$, $H_2$ respectively. $(A \otimes I)$ is classically defined as the closure of the operator defined on the set of ...
Hugo's user avatar
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How to show $ |(Bx,x)|\leq (Ax,x) $ for any $ x\in D(A) $ here?

On the Hilbert space $ H $, $ A $ is a non-negative self-adjoint operator and $ B $ is a symmetric operator. Let $ D(B)\supset D(A) $, where $ D(A) $ and $ D(B) $ are definite domain for $ A $ and $ B ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Convergence of operator in norm resolvent sense and their eigenvectors

Let $\{T_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ and $T$ be (unbounded) self-adjoint operators and $T_n\to T$ in norm resolvent sense, that is, for some $z\in \mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}$, $\|(zI- T_n)^{-1}- (zI- T)^{-...
user270619's user avatar
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Extensions of symmetric unbounded operators

I saw it claimed that every symmetric operator on a Hilbert space $H$ can be extended to a self-adjoint operator on some potentially larger space K. But I seem to be able to prove from this that every ...
Isaac's user avatar
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On strong resolvent convergence of unbounded operators

Given a sequence of unbounded self-adjoint operators $\Delta_N$ defined on some fixed domain of the Hilbert space $L^2(\mathbb{R})$ converging to i*identity in the sense that: for all $\phi\in\...
Kris's user avatar
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Common eigenvector of commuting unbounded operators

Let $T$, $S$ be two self-adjoint linear operators on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ with pure point spectrum. Then $T$ and $S$ commute if and only if they have a complete set of common eigenvectors. ...
Tim S's user avatar
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Invariance of simple functions

Let $(A(s),D(A(s)))_{s\in\mathbb{R}}$ be a family of unbounded operators on a Banach space $X$ and $g:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow X$ be a simple function, i.e., \begin{align*} g=\sum_{i=1}^n{x_i\textbf{1}_{...
Travis Mccormick's user avatar
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non-closed weak graph limit of symmetric operators

Hi Everyone, I was recently reading Reed & Simon's functional analysis textbook (the first volume), and it mentions casually on page 294 that weak graph limits of a sequence of symmetric ...
Tlas's user avatar
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Maximal domain of an unbounded linear operator in a weighted Hilbert-space

Let's consider the following (unbounded) linear operator. (So called transport operator in some context.) $$ \mathrm{T}: \mathcal{H} \supset \mathcal{D}(\mathrm{T}) \to \mathcal{H} , f \mapsto \mathrm{...
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