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Relationship between the Itō formula for a Q-Wiener process and the Itō formula for a cylindrical Wiener process. A question on the trace term

Remark: Even when this question is about stochastic PDEs, it can be answered by someone who has no knowledge about probability theory or PDEs. I'm reading Stochastic Differential Equations in ...
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I've found a representation of the Itō-Stratonovich correction term and don't understand the used notion of a "trace"

Consider a Stratonovich SPDE $$X_t=X_0+\int_0^tb(s,X_s)\:{\rm d}s+\int_0^t\sigma(s,X_s)\circ{\rm d}W_s\tag 1$$ in a separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space $H$ with $W$ being a $Q$-Wiener process on a ...
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Existence of a solution to an infinite dimensional Stratonovich SDE

Let $U,H$ be separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert spaces $Q\in\mathfrak L(U)$ be nonnegative and self-adjoint with finite trace $U_0:=Q^{1/2}U$ $(\Omega,\mathcal A,(\mathcal F_t)_{t\ge 0},\operatorname P)$ ...
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Correction term in the relation between the Itō and Stratonovich integrals in Hilbert spaces

I'm reading the paper On the relation between the Itō and Stratonovich integrals in Hilbert spaces and there is something I don't understand. In the notation of the paper, let $H,H_1$ be separable $\...
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Stochastic integral is a continous or closed operator?

The Setup Let $\xi_t$ be a process adapted to the filtration $\mathfrak{F_t}$ of the semi-martinagale $X_t$, such that both are square integrable. Then is the map \begin{align} F_T: L^2(\mathfrak{...
ABIM's user avatar
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Stochastic operator on $\ell^1$ has dense range

Let $P:\ell^1(\mathbb{Z}^d) \rightarrow \ell^1(\mathbb{Z}^d)$ be given by $$(Pz)(x)=\sum_{y \tilde \ x} \frac{1}{2d} z(y)$$ where the tilde indicates that $y$ is a neighboured vertex of $x.$ I ...
BaoLing's user avatar
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Properties of the trace term in the Itō formula

Let's consider the SDE $${\rm d}X_t=u_t(X_t){\rm d}t+\xi_t(X_t){\rm d}W_t\;\;\;\text{for all }t\ge 0\tag 1$$ where $U,H$ are separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert spaces $Q\in\mathfrak L(U)$ is nonnegative ...
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Operator-valued stochastic integral and quadratic variation for operator-valued processes

Let $U$ be a separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space and $W$ be a $Q$-Wiener process on a complete and right-continuous filtered probability space. Let $H$ be a separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space and $X$ ...
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Martingale covariation operator in infinite-dimensions

Let $(\Omega,\mathcal A,(\mathcal F_t)_{t\in[0,\:T]},\operatorname P)$ be a filtered probability space $U,H$ be separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert spaces $(e_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ and $(f_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$...
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Construction of the quadratic variation process in infinite dimensions

Let $H$ be a separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space $(e_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ be an orthonormal basis of $H$ $(\Omega,\mathcal A,\operatorname P)$ be a probability space $(\mathcal F_t)_{t\ge0}$ be a ...
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