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Tauberian Theorem for 1-parameter groups of operators

The Wiener Tauberian Theorem gives condition on an $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ such that the "induced 1-parameter family" $\{T_b(f)\}_{b\in \mathbb{R}}$ has a dense span in $L^1(\mathbb{R})$; ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Commutator of pseudodifferential operator and multiplication operator

Cross-post from Let $\eta:\mathbb R^n\to[0,1]$ be a smooth and compactly supported function and assume $f:\mathbb R^n \to\mathbb R$ is measurable. I want to bound the commutator of the ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Reductive Operator Problem

In the 1972 paper ''An equivalent Formulation of the Invariant Subspace Conjecture'' Dyer, Pedersen, and Porcelli announce the following result: The Invariant Subspace Problem has a positive ...
Adi Tcaciuc's user avatar
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Spectral mapping theorem

Rudin's book contains in chapter 10 a spectral mapping theorem for (self-adjoint) unbounded operators that respects the point-spectrum, in the sense that he shows $f(\sigma_p(T))=\sigma_p(f(T))$ for ...
Kinzlin's user avatar
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Domain of $A^{1/2}$ on $L^2(\mathbb{T}^2)$

Let $A$ be a densely defined unbounded self-adjoint operator defined on $L^2(\mathbb{T}^2)$, where $\mathbb{T}^2$ stands for the 2-torus. It is known that $A$ is positive, that is, $\langle Au, u\...
anonymous's user avatar
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Reference request: trace norm estimate

In a paper I am currently reading, the author uses that if $T$ is an operator given by the kernel $$T(x,y) = \int_{\mathbb R} p(x,z) q(z,y) dz,$$ then $$\lvert \operatorname{tr} T \rvert \leq \lVert T ...
Staki42's user avatar
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On a paper of von Neumann

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and $T: H \to H$ be a contraction. In Eine Spektraltheorie für allgemeine Operatoren eines unitären Raumes, von Neumann proved the inequality $$ \lVert p(T)\rVert \leq \sup \...
HaSa's user avatar
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Reference request for representation theory of TRO

Let $H$ and $K$ be Hilbert spaces. Recall that a Ternary ring of operator(TRO) $V$ is a closed subspace of $B(H,K)$ such that $xy^{\ast}z \in V$ for all $x,y,z \in V$. I have recently started reading ...
Math Lover's user avatar
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eta invariant and spectral flow

We know that for a family of first-order self adjoint elliptic (Fredholm) operator $A_t$, for $t\in [0,1]$ we have the formula $$\eta(A_1)-\eta(A_0)=spfl(A_t)_{t\in[0,1]}+\int^1_0 \omega(s)ds,$$ where ...
DLIN's user avatar
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Increasing sequence of closed subspaces of $L^2$ and error estimate of a product of orthogonal projections

We define an increasing sequence of closed subspaces \begin{align*} V_{0} \subset V_{1} \subset V_{\ell} \subset \dots \end{align*} of $L^2(I)$ where $I=(0,x_{max})$, and each $V_{\ell}$ is equipped ...
user144209's user avatar
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Smooth perturbation of a positive self-adjoint operator with compact resolvent

Consider a one-parameter family $A_t$ of unbounded positive self-adjoint operators with discrete spectrum (for example, one can consider a one-parameter family of Laplacians on a compact Riemannian ...
user82891's user avatar
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Self adjoint operators from energy functionals

It is known that the equation $$ \Delta f = 0 $$ on some bounded domain $\Omega$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$ subjected to certain boundary conditions can be derived through the minimization of the Dirichlet ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Singular integral operators acting on Zygmund class

It is proven in "Classical and Modern Fourier Analysis" by L. Grafakos (Corollary 6.7.2) that if a kernel $K(x)$ defined away from the origin on $\mathbb{R}^n$ satisfies $$\sup_{0<R<\...
MMagana's user avatar
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Convergence of operator in norm resolvent sense and their eigenvectors

Let $\{T_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ and $T$ be (unbounded) self-adjoint operators and $T_n\to T$ in norm resolvent sense, that is, for some $z\in \mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}$, $\|(zI- T_n)^{-1}- (zI- T)^{-...
user270619's user avatar
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References for linear relations on Hilbert spaces

I am trying to find a reference for linear relations (multivalued operators). I would like to have something which gives an introductory overview. All I have found so far doesn't seem right for ...
Nathanael Skrepek's user avatar
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Convergence of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for Uniformly Form-Bounded Operators

Suppose that $A$ is an operator on a dense domain $D(A)\subset L^2$ with compact resolvent, and with quadratic form $q(f,g):=\langle f,Ag\rangle$. Let $(r_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ be a sequence of ...
user78370's user avatar
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When do finite dimensional approximations approximate the spectral absicssa of a linear operator?

I apologize if the following is trivial for experts in the field. If so, please feel free to refer me instead to any proper references. I would like to compute the spectrum of a known non-normal, ...
Matt's user avatar
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When is the sum of complemented subspaces complemented?

Let $X$ be a Banach space. Question. Suppose $X_1,...,X_n$ are complemented subspaces of $X$. When is the sum $X_1+...+X_n$ complemented? Further, suppose we know some projections $P_1,...,P_n$ onto $...
Ivan Feshchenko's user avatar
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References on the partial trace

For the Hilbert space $H^N:=L((\mathbb R^{3})^N,\mathbb C)$, consider the projection operator $D: H^N\to H^N$ as follows : $$D(\Phi):=\left(\int_{(\mathbb R^{3})^N}\overline{\Psi(x_1,\ldots, x_N)}\Phi(...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Convergence and sequential compactness for nonlinear operators

I have a family of operators $T_n\colon X \to Y$ where $X,Y$ are Hilbert spaces. These operators are nonlinear. What kind of notions of convergence does one have for such operators? I'm specifically ...
C_Al's user avatar
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Residues of analytic operators

Suppose we have analytic operators $P_{z}: C^1[0,1]\to C^1[0,1]$, where $z \in \mathbb{C}$, and the spectrum of $P_{z_0}$ possesses an isolated eigenvalue $1$ (assuming multiplicity is 1 and $I-P_z$ ...
opera's user avatar
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Sherman-Davis type inequalities for non-negative operator in a Hilbert space with trivial kernel

Recently I read Rupert L. Frank's paper "Eigenvalue Bounds for the Fractional Laplacian: A Review". For a domain $\Omega\subset\mathbf R^n$, there are two different definitions of ...
sorrymaker's user avatar
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Reference for a text book on the Toeplitz operators $T:l^{\infty}(\mathbb Z, \mathbb R^2)→l^{\infty}(\mathbb Z, \mathbb R^2)$

We need basic reference on the Toeplitz operators $T:l^{\infty}(\mathbb Z, \mathbb R^2)→l^{\infty}(\mathbb Z, \mathbb R^2)$. Usually text books cover much more subtle case of $T:l^{\infty}(\mathbb Z_+,...
user98553's user avatar
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Is an exact operator, unitary equivalent to a banded operator?

Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space and $B(H)$ the algebra of bounded operators. Definition : Let $(e_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be an orthonormal basis. $T \in B(H)$ is ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Definition of Moore-Penrose inverse for unbounded self-adjoint operators?

I know there is a concept of Moore-Penrose or pseudoinverse of a matrix. I would like to know if one can define it for densely defined unbounded self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces as well. ...
InMathweTrust's user avatar
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asymptotic expansions for $C^{1+\epsilon}$operators

I want to understand the asymptotic expansion for $C^{1+\epsilon}$ operators. More precisely, if a complex operator $T(z)=\sum_{n \ge 1}T_n z^n$ is defined on a closed unit disk, and it is $C^{1+\...
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When is the heat semigroup Gibbs?

Defining the Laplacian on a region $Ω$ of $\mathbb{R}^d$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions, under what conditions on the region (or any other possible assumptions) is the semigroup it generates Gibbs,...
folouer of kaklas's user avatar
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Isolated points of the spectra of self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces

Let $T$ be a (everywhere defined) self-adjoint operator on a complex Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. I am interested in results that give (non-trivial, possibly mild) sufficient conditions on $T$ to ...
Maurizio Moreschi's user avatar
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Reference for discrete Laplacian on $\mathbb{Z}$

For $x\in \mathbb{R}^\mathbb{Z}$, let the discrete Laplacian be defined as \begin{align*} (\Delta x)_k = 2x_k-x_{k+1}-x_{k-1}. \end{align*} I am looking for good references about its spectrum (or ...
I love pineapple coffee's user avatar
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Heat asymptotics

Consider a compact manifold $M$ with smooth boundary, with either the Dirichlet or the Neumann boundary conditions. Consider a (time-dependent) open ball $B_t \subset M$. Given a fixed $u \in L^1(M)$, ...
Cathy's user avatar
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Boundedness of heat semigroup on $L^1(\Omega)$

On a bounded domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ with smooth boundary, consider the Laplacian $-\Delta$ with either the Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions. More generally, one can also consider ...
mathgirl's user avatar