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Is a functional bounded by a measurable seminorm also measurable?

Let $\mu$ be a centred Radon Gaussian measure on a locally convex space $X$ and $q : X \to \mathbb{R}$ a seminorm that is $\mathcal{B}(X)_\mu$-measurable, where $\mathcal{B}(X)_\mu$ is the Lebesgue ...
iolo's user avatar
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Continuity of parameter integral

Given two compact Hausdorff spaces $K$ and $L$, a bounded and separately continuous function $f:K\times L\to \mathbb C$, and a complex measure with finite variation $\mu$ on $L$ endowed with the Borel ...
Jochen Wengenroth's user avatar
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Takesaki proposition 7.4 chapter 4 volume I

I initially asked on MSE, but did not get an answer there. Consider the following proposition from chapter IV of Takesaki's "Theory of operator algebras I" (more context/definitions in the ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Infimum of Fourier transform of singular measure

Let $\mu$ be a finite non negative singular measure on $\mathbf{R}^d$. I would like to know if there exists some result on the infimum of the absolute value of its Fourier Transform $$\hat{\mu}(t)=\...
Tiblodocus's user avatar
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Existence of a Borel measurable function

Let $X$ be a compact metric space and $Y\subset X$ be a compact set. Assume that $f_1, f_2: Y \to \mathbb{P}\mathbb{R}^2$ are continuous functions. Let $N \subset \mathbb{P}\mathbb{R}^2$ be a ...
David's user avatar
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Convergence of measure of products of random unitaries

I'm trying to read Convergence conditions for random quantum circuits by Emerson, Livine, Llyod (, arXiv version: ( ...
nervxxx's user avatar
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Almost periodic functions in weak mixing extension

In Theorem 3.4.6 of the 'Lecture notes on ergodic theory' by Jesse Peterson, it is shown that in a weak mixing extension, every almost periodic function is trivial. I have a doubt in the proof of this ...
John's user avatar
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Estimatives for elliptic systems involving the laplacian

Considering the problem \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array}[c]{11} \Delta(\Delta \chi -\chi) = 0 & \text{in } \Omega, \\ \Delta \chi -\chi = h_2 - h_1, & \text{on } \partial\Omega \\ \end{...
Bruno Mascaro's user avatar
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Extracting the point mass measure of some type of positive measures

Let us consider the measure algebra $M(\mathbb{R})$ consisting of all Radon measures on the reals. Let $\delta_0$ be the point mass measure concentrated on 0, which is also the multiplicative ...
ABB's user avatar
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An equation in the convolution measure algebra on reals

Let us consider the measure algebra $M(\mathbb{R})$ consisting of all Radon measures on reals. Let $\mu$ be a Radon measure in $M(\mathbb{R})$ and $\delta_0$ be the point mass measure concentrated on ...
ABB's user avatar
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Is there a proper term for a "continuum-convex" set?

Let $X$ be a Banach space, and for any compactly supported Borel probability measure $\mathbb{P}$ on $X$, define the mean $\mu_\mathbb{P}$ by $\mu_\mathbb{P}=\int_X x \, \mathbb{P}(dx)$. I want to say ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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Characterization of a Bochner/strongly measurable function solely as a random element

Be $(\Omega, \mathcal{A}, P)$ and $E$ a probability space and a Banach space respectively. This paper of G.A. Edgar contains a proof that, for a function $X: \Omega \rightarrow E$, being weakly ...
M1011's user avatar
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Completeness of the space $L^p$ and the Axiom of Countable Choice

I am thinking about the proof that the usual $L^p$ spaces are complete. So, let $(X,\mathcal{F},\mu)$ be a measure space and let $p\in[1,+\infty)$. Important: by a measure I mean a nonnegative $\sigma$...
Ivan Feshchenko's user avatar
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Unifying two definitions of $L^\infty$

Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space and $\mu$ a Radon measure on $X$. Definitions: A subset $E\subseteq X$ is called locally Borel if $F \cap E$ is Borel for every Borel set $F\subseteq X$ ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Schauder basis of $L^1_{\mathrm{loc}}(\mathbb{R}^n,H)$

$\newcommand{\loc}{\mathrm{loc}}$Let $(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^n),\mu)$ denote the Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^n$ with its Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{R}^n)$ equipped with ...
ABIM's user avatar
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A question on the Riesz-Markov theorem about dual space of $C_0(X)$

I need to use the version of this theorem about the dual space of $C_0(X)$, which is the set of continuous functions on X which vanish at infinity. I found in Wikipedia that: Here the space $X$ is ...
shepherd's user avatar
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A question about pushforward measures and Peano spaces

Specifically my question is the following: Let $P$ be a Peano space. If $(P,\sigma,\mu)$ and $(P,\sigma,\nu)$ are both nonatomic probability measures, does there exist a continuous function $f:P\to P$ ...
O-Schmo's user avatar
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Estimate of Wasserstein distance and flow of vector fields under particular assumptions

Let $\mu$ be a compactly supported absolutely continuous probability measure. Let $v,u$ be Lipschitz vector fields. For a vector field $w$ recall that $\Phi_t^w$ denotes its flow. A classical estimate ...
Jun's user avatar
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Is the unordered sum of measurable functions measurable?

Let $E$ be a normed $\mathbb R$-vector space and $I$ be a nonempty set. Remember that $(x_i)_{i\in I}\subseteq E$ is called summable if there is a $x\in E$ such that for all $\varepsilon>0$, there ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Show that $V_G: L^2(G\times G, \mu \times \mu)\to L^2(G\times G, \mu \times \mu)$ defined by $V_G(f)(x,y) = f(xy,y)$ is well-defined

Let $G$ be a locally compact Hausdorff group and let $\mu$ be a right Haar measure on $G$. Then $\mu\times \mu$ (the Radon product of measures) is a right Haar measure on $G \times G$ and we can ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Bochner–Minlos Theorem for locally convex spaces and their duals

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a locally convex space and $(X^{*},\tau_{s})$ be its topological dual space equipped with the strong topology. Denote by $S(X,X^{*})$ the collection of operators from $X$ to $X^{*}$ ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Is the ball ratio theorem for Radon–Nikodým derivative known for general metric spaces?

Given two non-negative Borel measures $\mu$, $\nu$ on $\mathbb{R}^n$, that are finite on compact sets, such that $\nu\ll\mu$, it is well known that $$\frac{d\nu}{d\mu}(x)= \lim_{\epsilon\to 0} \frac{\...
Merry's user avatar
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Sobolev embedding into measurable functions

Consider the fractional Sobolev space $$ W^{k,2}(\mathbb R^n):=\big\{f \in \mathcal S'\,\big|\,(1+\|\xi\|)^k\hat f(\xi)\in L^2(\mathbb R^n)\big\} $$ for some $k\in\mathbb R$, and let $\mathcal M$ ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Support of a measure

Let $T:X\to X$ be a continuous function on a compact manifold $X$ and let $\text{Leb}$ be the Lebesgue measure normalized so that $\text{Leb}(X)= 1$. We denote by $\mathcal{M}(X)$ the space of all ...
Adam's user avatar
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$L^2$-convergence of a series of translates $\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty a_n f(\cdot - n)$

Suppose that $f \in L^2(\mathbb R)$ is an arbitrary square integrable function and $(a_n)_{n \in \mathbb Z}$ is a sequence which is square summable, i.e. $(a_n)_{n \in \mathbb Z} \in \ell^2(\mathbb Z)$...
J. Swail's user avatar
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Reference for Choquet-like theorem

While reading a paper, I encountered the following statement: Let $K$ be a convex compact subset of a locally convex topological vector space. If $\mu \in P(K)$ is a Radon probability measure on $K$, ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Is the lattice of bounded Henstock Kurzweil integrable functions countably complete?

The set of HK integrable functions with an integrable upper bound $f$ forms a lattice, and satisfies the MCT and DCT. Does this mean that the lattice is countably complete? Indexing any countable set, ...
saolof's user avatar
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Equivalence between notions of dynamical coupling as defined by Villani in his book Optimal Transportation: Old and New

$\DeclareMathOperator\law{law}$In Villani's book he presents the following notions of dynamical couplings: Let $(X,d)$ be a Polish space. A dynamical transference plan $\Pi$ is a probability measure ...
Kaitei's user avatar
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Set where the speed of convergence is uniform in Lebesgue's density theorem

Let $B \subset \mathbb R^n$ be the unit ball. Consider a Borel measurable set $E \subset B$ with positive Lebesgue measure $|E|>0$ (say $|E| = |B|/2$). Then, Lebesgue's density theorem, says that ...
HHN's user avatar
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If $\lambda_i$ is symmetric with $\lambda_i\{0\}=0$, why does $\int_B1-\cos\langle x,x'\rangle\:(λ_1-λ_2)({\rm d}x)=0$ imply $λ_1=λ_2$?

Let $E$ be a separable $\mathbb R$-Banach space and $\lambda_i$ be a finite symmetric measure on $\mathcal B(E)$ with $\lambda_i(\{0\})=0$ and $$\int_B1-\cos\langle x,x'\rangle\:\underbrace{(\lambda_1-...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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What is the 'right' definition of zero measure subsets of Banach spaces?

Question. There are several ways of defining a notion of a 'zero measure' subset of a Banach space $X$. Which one is the 'right' or failing that, the preferred notion? [See below for a more precise ...
Leo Moos's user avatar
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Averaging and fractional Laplacian

Let $u,\phi:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be smooth functions and $\Omega_\epsilon$ be a bounded domain in $\mathbb R$ with diameter $\epsilon>0$ (consider for exaple the ball $B_{\epsilon/2}(0)$). Is ...
Riku's user avatar
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Does the space of Lipschitz functions have the Radon-Nikodym property?

Context. Space of Lipschitz functions. Denote by $Lip_0(D)$ the space of all Lipschitz functions on a metric space $D$ vanishing at some base point $e \in D$. The norm in $Lip_0$ is defined as ...
Yury Korolev's user avatar
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The mean ergodic theorem for weakly mixing extension

I asked this question in, but did not get any help. I got stuck with the following while going through the proof of Lemma 3.21 from the book 'Ergodic ...
Surajit's user avatar
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Small ball Gaussian probabilities with moving center

I would like to prove (if possible, otherwise find a counterexample for) the following lemma: Let $(X,\|\cdot \|_X)$ be a separable Banach space. Additionally, we have a centred Gaussian measure $\mu$ ...
Philipp Wacker's user avatar
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Integral on level sets

Let $g_\epsilon : K \subset \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (more regularity can be assumed if necessary) be defined on a compact set (with regular boundary) $K \subset \mathbb{R}^d$, and the ...
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(Generalized) Uncentered Maximal Function $\tilde Mf$ in Stein's Harmonic Analysis

It is well known that on $\Bbb R^n$, equipped with the usual Lebesgue measure, the standard Hardy-Littlewood maximal function $Mf(x)$ (with respect to averaging on cubes or balls centered at $x$) is ...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Subspace of RKHS generated by kernel mean embeddings

Suppose $\mathcal{H_k}$ is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) with reproducing kernel $k: \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. I am looking for results characterising the ...
Athere's user avatar
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Equivalent definitions of strongly proximal action

Consider the following fragment from the paper "C*-simplicity and the unique trace property for discrete groups" by Breuillard, Kalantar, Kennedy and Ozawa: I have two questions: (1) What ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Extension of normal vector field to a domain

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^3$ be a bounded regular simply connected domain contained in a ball $S$. Assume also that $\Omega$ is simply connected by surfaces (i.e. every regular closed surface ...
user934318's user avatar
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Differentiability of the map $x\mapsto \delta_x$ in the Arens-Eells/Lipschitz-free space

$\DeclareMathOperator\AE{AE}\DeclareMathOperator\Lip{Lip}$Let $\AE(X)$ denote the Arens-Eells space on a Banach space $X$. Consider the map: $$ \begin{aligned} \delta: X & \rightarrow \AE(X) \\ x&...
AngeloPiadetta's user avatar
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Decomposition of non negative Radon measure into $L^1$ and $H^{-1}$ functions

What is a reference for the following result (which appears to be well-known in measure theory)? Any non negative Radon measure can be decomposed uniquely into the sum of an absolutely continuous ...
user175203's user avatar
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Reference request: sequential weak* topology on the space of signed Radon measures

Consider the space $\mathcal{M}_{loc} (\mathbb{R}^d)$ of locally finite signed Radon measures, equipped with the weak* topology in duality with $C_b (\mathbb{R}^d)$. It is known that this is space is ...
pseudocydonia's user avatar
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continuous function on the space of probability measures

Let $X$ be a compact space. Let $\mathcal{M}(X)$ be the space of all probability measures on $X$. Denote by $C(X)$ and $C(\mathcal{M}(X))$ the real continuous function on $X$ and $\mathcal{M}(X)$ ...
user119197's user avatar
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Second moment of a measure with size biaised variation

Let $\mu_. : \mathbb{R}^+ \rightarrow M_F(\mathbb{N}) $ a function. We set up : $$ \mu_t = \sum a_i(t) \delta_i$$ where each $a_i$ is a positive continuous function from $\mathbb{R}^+$ to $\mathbb{R}^+...
RiezFrechetKolmogorov's user avatar
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Explicit example of a certain weak-* limit

Problem set up: Consider $C_b$, the Banach space of continuous bounded functions on $[0, \infty)$ equipped with the sup norm. Denote by $M$ the set of probability measures on $[0, \infty)$, and for $r ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Dual of essentially compactly supported functions on a hemi-compact Radon space

Let $X$ be a hemicompact Radon space and fix a $\sigma$-finite Radon measure $\mu$ on $X$. Let $L(X_n)$ denote the subspace of $L_{\mu}^1(X)$ of "functions" which are $\mu$-essentially ...
Catologist_who_flies_on_Monday's user avatar
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$\int_{\mathbb{R}^{N}\setminus\Omega}\vert x-z\vert^{-N-\alpha} dz = c \ \forall x\in\partial U$ implies $dist(x,\partial\Omega)=c, x \in \partial U$?

Let $\alpha \in \mathbb R_+$, $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^N$ and $U \subset \Omega$. Is it true that if $$\int_{\mathbb R^N \setminus \Omega} |x - z|^{-N-\alpha} dz = \text{constant} \quad \text{for all ...
user175203's user avatar
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Concentration-compactness for Radon measures on a metric space

It is known (see Ch. 4 in Struwe's Variational Methods) that Radon measures on $\mathbb{R}^n$ satisfy the concentration-compactness principle. Does the same hold true for Radon measures on a general ...
pseudocydonia's user avatar
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Approximating arbitrary probability measures by discrete ones

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space and let $\mu$ be an arbitrary probability measure on $H$. I would like to approximate this distribution by by a finitely supported discrete distribution is the ...
TOM's user avatar
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