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Reference for Wiener type measure on $C(T)$ when $T$ is open

I'm considering Gaussian process on open domain $T$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and I tried to follow the abstract Wiener space construction of Gross. Since my sample paths are meant to be continuous, I thought ...
Kiyoon Eum's user avatar
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The set of measurable functions together with convergence in measure is a completely metrizable abelian topological group

Below we use Bochner measurability and Bochner integral. Let $(X, \mathcal A, \mu)$ be a complete $\sigma$-finite measure space, $(E, | \cdot |)$ a Banach space, $S (X)$ the space of $\mu$-simple ...
Analyst's user avatar
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Is there a version of dominated convergence theorem for local $L^p$ spaces?

Fix $p \in [1, \infty)$. Let $(L^p (\mathbb R^d), \|\cdot\|_{L^p})$ be the Lesbesgue space of $p$-integrable real-valued functions on $\mathbb R^d$. Let $\tilde L^p (\mathbb R^d)$ be the space of ...
Akira's user avatar
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For $\mu$-a.e. $x \in X$, the sequence $(f_n(x, \cdot))_n$ is Cauchy in $L^1 (Y)$. Then $(f_n)$ is Cauchy in $L^1 (X \times Y)$

Below we use Bochner measurability and Bochner integral. Let $(X, \mathcal A, \mu)$ and $(Y, \mathcal B, \nu)$ be complete $\sigma$-finite measure spaces, $(E, | \cdot |)$ a Banach space, $S (X)$ the ...
Akira's user avatar
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Is there a modification of $f$ on a null set such that $F: [0, T] \to L^p ({\mathbb R}^d), t \mapsto f(t,\cdot)$ is Bochner measurable?

Let $T>0$ and $p \in [1, \infty)$. Let $f \in L^p ([0, T] \times {\mathbb R}^d)$. By a theorem in this thread, there is a Lebesgue null subset $N$ of $[0, T]$ such that $f(t, \cdot)$ is Lebesgue ...
Akira's user avatar
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Approximating a family of measurable functions

Let $X$ be a set of $N>0$ elements (with the counting measure) and consider a family of measurable functions $f_i:X\to [0,1]$, for $i\in \mathbb N$. Any function $f_i$ can be seen as a point in the ...
manifold's user avatar
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What is convergence in distribution of random variables taking values in a non-metrizable product space?

Let $F = (F(x) : x \in \mathbf{R}^n)$ be a family of $\mathbf{R}^k$-valued random variables indexed by $\mathbf{R}^n$ (to be clear there is a single probability space $(\Omega,\Sigma,\mathbf{P})$ such ...
SBK's user avatar
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An integral Minkowski inequality for the quasi-Banach case?

The so called integral Minkowski inequality claims that for suitable positive functions $f$ defined on the product of two measure spaces $ (X\times Y, \mu \times \nu) $ and $p\geq 1$ we have that $$ \...
an_ordinary_mathematician's user avatar
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Is the range of a probability-valued random variable with the variation topology (almost) separable?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be uncountable Polish spaces, $\Delta(Y)$ be the space of Borel probability measures on $Y$ endowed with the Borel $\sigma$-algebra induced by the variation distance, and let $g:X\to \...
Michael Greinecker's user avatar
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Relation between the additive Haar measure on $(K,+)$ and the multiplicative Haar measure on $K^{*}$ for a global field $K$

The following question comes from my studying of Alain Connes's paper Trace Formula in Noncommutative Geometry and the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function. In it, on p. 11, Connes notes that if $K$ is ...
The Thin Whistler's user avatar
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Integration of vector function against vector measure

Let $X,Y,Z$ be Banach spaces and let $m\,:\,X\times Y\to Z$ be a bilinear map such that $\|m(x,y)\|\leq C \|x\|\|y\|$ for some fixed constant $C$. Moreover, let $\mu$ be a Borell vector measure on $\...
user72829's user avatar
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Integral of $M^\text{*} - M$ with respect to $M^\text{*}$ is zero for $M^\text{*}$ the running maximum of $M$ a continuous local martingale

Given $M$ a continuous local martingale, and $M^\text{*} = \sup_{0 \leq s \leq t} M_s$ its running maximum, we consider the finite variation integral $$ I_T:= \int_0^T (M^\text{*}_s - M_s) \, \text{d}...
George's user avatar
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Convex combination of positive mean-ergodic operators

Let $T_1,T_2:L^1([0,1],\mathrm{d}x)\to L^1([0,1],\mathrm{d}x)$ be positive mean-ergodic operators such that: For every $h:[0,1]\to \mathbb{R}_+$ we have that $$\int_0^1 T_1 h(x)\mathrm{d}x = \int_0^1 ...
Matheus Manzatto's user avatar
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Conditional expectation: commuting integration and supremum

Let $X$ and $A$ be compact Polish spaces endowed with Borel $\sigma$-algebras. Let $\mathcal{A} = X\times \mathcal{B}(A)$ be the $\sigma$-algebra consisting of cylinders whose projections on $A$ are ...
Vokram's user avatar
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Banach space of vector measures

Let $S$ be a set and $\Sigma$ be a $\sigma$-algebra of subsets of $S$. Let $A$ be a Banach space over the field of complex numbers. A countably additive map $\mu:\Sigma\to A$ is called a vector ...
user72829's user avatar
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Radon-Nikodym derivative in a compact Hausdorff space

Let $X$ be a compact Hausdorff space where $X$ have infinitely many points and the topology is non-discrete, $m$ be a regular probability measure defined on the Borel $\sigma$-algebra of $X$, and $g$ ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Regularity on $\mathbb{T}^3$ of the "functional average" of a map $S : C^\infty(\mathbb{T}^3, \mathbb{R}) \to L^2(\mathbb{T}^3, \mathbb{R})$

For simplicity, let $C^\infty(\mathbb{T}^3, \mathbb{R})$ be the real Frechet space of periodic smooth functions on $\mathbb{R}^3$. Here, $\mathbb{T}^3$ is the $3$-dimensional torus. For a fixed ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Total variation distance

Let $\mathcal{X}$ be the input or feature space, let $\mathcal{B}$ be Borel $\sigma$-algebra on $\mathcal{X}$ and $P(\mathcal{X})$ denotes the set of all probability measures on $(\mathcal{X},\mathcal{...
DRive's user avatar
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Proving more stronger fomula for discrepancy of a sequence [closed]

I am reading famous book about uniform distribution of sequences by Kuipers and Niederreiter and have questions about solving below exercise from that book. Before going to main exercise I will write ...
unit 1991's user avatar
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When does the Fourier transform of a measure decay?

Let $\mu$ be a Borel measure on $\Bbb R^d$. It is well known that $\mu= |f|dx$ with $f\in L^1(\Bbb R^d)$ then its Fourier transform satisfies $$\widehat{\mu}(\xi)\to0,\qquad \xi\to\infty.$$ However if ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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When is the probability measure on the "direct product" via the Kolmogorov extension theorem supported on the "direct sum"?

Let me restrict to the case of Hilbert spaces, which seem simplest. Let $\{H_n\}$ be a sequence of (possibly infinite dimensional) Hilbert spaces and $\{ \mu_n \}$ be a sequence of Borel probability ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Riemann-Liouville integral of $f$ is zero implies $f =0$ a.e

The Riemann-Liouville integral is defined by $$ I^\alpha f(x)=\frac{1}{\Gamma(\alpha)} \int_a^x f(t)(x-t)^{\alpha-1} d t $$ where $\Gamma$ is the gamma function and $a$ is an arbitrary but fixed base ...
Grandes Jorasses's user avatar
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Domain where the fractional Laplacian operator is a closed operator

Consider the fractional Laplacian defined by $$(-\Delta)^s u(x) = P.V. \int_{\mathbb{R}^N} \frac{u(x) - u(y)}{|x - y|^{N + 2s}}dy, \ s \in (0,1).$$ Also consider that $$D((-\Delta)^s) = \{u \in H^s(\...
José's user avatar
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Does a Borel transform uniquely determine a Borel measure?

It is a known fact that Borel measures are uniquely determined by their Fourier transforms. This is the motivation for the following question. I came across the concept of a Borel transform of a Borel ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Fixing the duality $L^\infty(X)= L^1(X)^*$ for Radon measure spaces

Consider the following fragment from Folland's book "A course in abstract harmonic analysis": Let me denote the Borel subsets of $X$ by $\mathscr{B}(X)$. Folland claims that if $\mu$ is a ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Integration along fibres of continuous map on compact Hausdorff spaces

Let $p:Z\to X$ be a continuous surjective map between compact Hausdorff spaces. Does there exist a family $m=(m_x)_{x\in X}$ of Radon probability measures on $Z$, such that the support of $m_x$ is ...
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Different measurability of Hilbert-space valued random variable

My question is motivated by this link. Let $(\Omega,\mathcal{F})$ and $(Y,\mathcal{B})$ be measurable spaces, a measurable map $T:\Omega\to Y$ is called a $Y$-valued random variable. Now let $H$ be a ...
John's user avatar
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Takesaki lemma: existence Gelfand-Pettis integral

Consider the following fragment from Takesaki's second volume of "Theory of operator algebras" (lemma 2.4, chapter VI "Left Hilbert algebras"). In another post, it was explained ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Question on density of certain set of matrices

Let $B$ be an invertible real matrix and let $Q=\{A \text{ real}\mid AB^{T} \text{ is symmetric}\}$. Is the subset $S=\{ A \in Q\mid A+A(B^{-1}A)^{2} \text{ is symmetric}\}$ of measure zero in $Q$? I ...
Kanghun Kim's user avatar
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Integration in Banach algebra

Let $\mu$ be a Borel measure on the real line $\mathbb{R}$ taking values in a separable Banach algebra $A$. Assume that $\mu$ is such that the total variation measure $|\mu|$ is finite. Let $f$ be a ...
user72829's user avatar
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Kernel of bounded operator $C_0(\mathbb{R})\to C_0(\mathbb{R})$

Let $T:C_0(\mathbb{R})\to C_0(\mathbb{R})$ be a bounded linear operator, where $C_0(\mathbb{R})$ is the space of continuous functions on the real line vanishing at the infinity equipped with the ...
user72829's user avatar
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About vector valued measure algebras

Let $G$ be a locally compact group and $A$ be a Banach algebra. By $L^1(G,A)$ and $M(G,A)$ we denote the $A$-valued group, and measure algebra. Is $M(G,A)$ a Banach algebra (with convolution as the ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Measurability of random function with values in $C(K,E)$

Let $K \subset \mathbb{R}$ be compact, and let $E$ be a separable Banach space. Further, let $(\Omega, \mathcal{F},\mathbb{P})$ a probability space. I would like to show that a certain a random ...
Gerardo Mastracchio's user avatar
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Vague Topologies induced by $C_c$ and $C_0$ are the same on a closed ball of finite Radon measures?

Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space. Denote $C_c(X)$ and $C_0(X)$ the space of continuous functions with compact support and vanishing at infinity respectively. By Riesz representation ...
user141240's user avatar
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Prove that $N_1(A_1,A_2)= N_2(A_1,A_2)$ when $A_1A_2=A_2A_1$ and $A_1$ and $A_2$ are normal operators

Let $\mathcal{L}(E)$ be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a complex Hilbert space $E$. On $\mathcal{L}(E)^2$, we have two equivalent norms: \begin{eqnarray*} N_1(A_1,A_2) &=&\sup\...
Student's user avatar
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Lebesgue differentiation theorem at boundary points for Sobolev traces

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$ Let $\Omega\subset \R^d$ be a smooth, bounded open set and fix $p\geq 1$. Fact 1: the usual Lebesgue differentiation theorem says that, if $u\in L^p(\Omega)$, then $$ u(x)...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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Open sets in the space of signed measures equipped with the Kantorovich–Rubinshtein norm

Let $X$ be a compact metric space and $\mathcal{M}(X)$ be the space of variational-bounded, signed Borel measures equipped with the Kantorovich–Rubinshtein norm, cf. [Section 8.3, 1]: $$||\mu||_0:= \...
Julian's user avatar
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Dynamical formulation of the 2-Wasserstein distance for *discrete* matrix-valued measures

TL;DR: I want to find a definition generalizing "$t \mapsto \frac{1}{m} \sum_{k = 1}^{m} \delta_{x_k(t)}$ is a Wasserstein gradient flow" to matrix-valued probability measures. Let $(X, d)$ ...
ViktorStein's user avatar
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Measure preserving maps of pseudo-Lebesgue measure in infinite-dimensional vector space

Let $I =([0,1),\mathcal{B},\lambda)$ stand for the unit interval with a Lebesgue measure constrained on it. This is just a uniform probability distribution, an infinite power $I^{\infty}$ is a well ...
Nik Bren's user avatar
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Does an isometric automorphism of $L_p (X,\mu, E)$ preserve pointwise convergence?

Let $(X, \mathcal A, \mu)$ be a $\sigma$-finite measure space and $(E, |\cdot|)$ a Banach space. Here we use the Bochner integral. Let $p \in [1, \infty)$ and $q \in (1, \infty]$ such that $p^{-1}+q^{-...
Akira's user avatar
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Is the conditional expectation of a Caratheodory function a Caratheodory function?

Let $(Y, \Sigma,\mu)$ be measure space and $X$ a Polish space endowed with its Borel $\sigma$-algebra. Suppose that $f:Y\times X\to \mathbb R$ is a Carathéodory function (i.e. continuous in $x\in X$ ...
Condor5's user avatar
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Representing an $L^2$-functional by a non-$L^2$-function on a dense subspace - Part II

This is a follow-up to this previous question, but under stronger assumptions. Let $(X, \mu)$ be a (say, $\sigma$-finite) measure space, let $g \in L^2$ (say, over the real scalar field). Let $\tilde ...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
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Representing an $L^2$-functional by a non-$L^2$-function on a dense subspace

Let $(X, \mu)$ be your favourite measure space (finite or $\sigma$-finite if you like), let $g \in L^2$ (say, the scalar field of $L^2$ is $\mathbb{R}$, though this probably doesn't matter). Let $\...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
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If $H \in L_{q} (\mu, X^*)$ such that $\int \langle H, f \rangle \mathrm d \mu = 0$ for all $f \in L_{p}(\mu, X)$, then $H=0$ $\mu$-a.e

I'm reading Theorem 1 at page 98 of Vector Measures by Joseph Diestel, John Jerry Uhl. Here we use the Bochner integral. Theorem 1 Let $(\Omega, \Sigma, \mu)$ be a $\sigma$-finite measure space, $1 \...
Akira's user avatar
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On limits of positive linear functionals

I am looking for pointers to the literature on questions of the following kind. ($Y$ and $\Omega$ might be open subsets of some Euclidean space, but I am interested in the kind of conditions that need ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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Generalizations of Fubini-Tonelli's theoem

Fubini-Tonelli's theorem: If $(X, A, \mu)$ and $(Y, B, \nu)$ are $\sigma$-finite measure spaces and $f: X\times Y \to [0,\infty]$ is a measurable function, then $$ \int _{X}\left(\int _{Y}f(x,y)\,{\...
mathqf's user avatar
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Show that a certain convergence of measures is equivalent to a certain convergence of integrals

Let $(\mu_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of a measures. We know, by the Portmanteau Theorem, that: $$\int f d \mu_n \to \int f d\mu, \quad \forall \, f \in C_b \hbox{(class of continuous and ...
PSE's user avatar
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Does $L_{p}(\mu, X)^*=L_{q} (\mu, X^*)$ hold for $\sigma$-finite measure spaces?

I'm reading Theorem 1 at page 98 of Vector Measures by Joseph Diestel, John Jerry Uhl. THEOREM 1. Let $(\Omega, \Sigma, \mu)$ be a finite measure space, $1 \leq p<\infty$, and $X$ be a Banach ...
Akira's user avatar
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Is $L_p(X, \mu, E)$ uniformly convex for $p \in (1, \infty)$ if $E$ is a uniformly convex Banach space?

Let $(X, \Sigma, \mu)$ be a $\sigma$-finite complete measure space, $(E, |\cdot|)$ a Banach space, and $p \in (1, \infty)$. Let $L_p := L_p(X, \mu, E)$ be the Bochner space of all $\mu$-integrable ...
Analyst's user avatar
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Is the measure density condition a necessary condition for bounding the Sobolev norm $W^{n,p}(\Omega)$ by the extremal terms?

Let $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^M$ be a measurable subset of positive measure. R. A. Adams and J. Fournier in their article have proven that if $\Omega$ satisfies the so-called weak cone property, ...
Kacper Kurowski's user avatar

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