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Hartman uniform distribution of means

Background: for a discrete abelian group $G$, a character of $G$ is a homomorphism $\chi:G\to \mathbf S^1$, $\mathbf S^1$ being the circle group $\{z\in \mathbb C:|z|=1\}$ with ordinary multiplication....
John Griesmer's user avatar
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Radon-Nikodym derivative of vector-valued measure with respect to another vector-valued measure

Let $(X, | \cdot |)$ be a Banach space. I am interested in whether one can extend the definition of the Kullback-Leibler divergence $$ \text{KL}(\mu \ \Vert \ \nu) := \int_{\Omega} \ln\left(\frac{\...
ViktorStein's user avatar
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Pettis vs. Dunford integrability of operator valued functions

Given a Banach space $X$ and a measure space $(\Omega ,\mu )$, one says that a function $$ f:\Omega \to X $$ is Dunford integrable, or scalarly integrable if, for every $\varphi $ in the ...
Ruy's user avatar
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Is the lattice of bounded Henstock Kurzweil integrable functions countably complete?

The set of HK integrable functions with an integrable upper bound $f$ forms a lattice, and satisfies the MCT and DCT. Does this mean that the lattice is countably complete? Indexing any countable set, ...
saolof's user avatar
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Integral on level sets

Let $g_\epsilon : K \subset \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (more regularity can be assumed if necessary) be defined on a compact set (with regular boundary) $K \subset \mathbb{R}^d$, and the ...
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$\int_{\mathbb{R}^{N}\setminus\Omega}\vert x-z\vert^{-N-\alpha} dz = c \ \forall x\in\partial U$ implies $dist(x,\partial\Omega)=c, x \in \partial U$?

Let $\alpha \in \mathbb R_+$, $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^N$ and $U \subset \Omega$. Is it true that if $$\int_{\mathbb R^N \setminus \Omega} |x - z|^{-N-\alpha} dz = \text{constant} \quad \text{for all ...
user175203's user avatar
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Bochner integral in a Fréchet space

I have a Fréchet space $V$ whose topology is (if it helps) induced by a family $\mathcal{P}$ of norms - not just seminorms - and on this space I have a Borel probability measure $\nu$. Now, I would ...
iolo's user avatar
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Showing that for measurable $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$, $L^1(\Omega; C_0(\mathbb{R}^n))$ is separable

Here we're integrating "Banach-valued" functions $u: \Omega \rightarrow C_0(\mathbb{R}^n))$ , and by $u \in L^1(\Omega; C_0(\mathbb{R}^n))$ I mean that $$\int_{x \in \Omega} \| u(x) \|_{\...
brighton's user avatar
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$f \in L^2(X\times Y,\mu \times K)$ for Kernel $K$, is the map $X \ni x \mapsto (f(x,\cdot),x) \in \bigsqcup_{x \in X}L^2(Y,\Sigma_Y,K_x)$ measurable?

Let $(X,\Sigma_X)$ and $(Y,\Sigma_Y)$ be two measurable spaces, let $\mu$ be a measure on $(X,\Sigma_X)$, and let $(K_x)_{x \in X}$ be a transition kernel from $(X,\Sigma_X)$ to $(Y,\Sigma_Y)$, that ...
vaoy's user avatar
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Standard definition: vector-valued essential support

Let $f \in L^p(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R}^m)$. If $m=1$ then the essential support of $f$ is a mainstream definition; see here for example. However, when $m>1$ is the following definition used? $$ \...
ABIM's user avatar
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Reference request: Integrability condition on measures

Let $(\mathcal{C}, \|\cdot\|)$ be a (non-locally compact) Banach space with Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{B}$. Given a probability measure $\mu : \mathcal{B}\rightarrow[0,1]$, I'm interested in ...
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