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Extremal problem for 2-dimensional lattices

Given a lattice $L$ in a Banach space $(B,\|\;\|)$, one denotes by $\lambda_1(L)$ the least norm of a nonzero element in $L$, and by $\lambda_k$ the least $\lambda$ such that there is a linearly ...
Mikhail Katz's user avatar
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Questions related to a paper of Cowling-Haagerup and uniform lattices of $\mathrm{Sp}(1,n)$

I am reading the following paper of Cowling and Haagerup for my master’s thesis. I am new to this area so I am not very conversant. So I do apologize if the questions are silly. Question 1. In the ...
Y. Paka's user avatar
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3 votes
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Banach lattice subspace of $C([0,1])$ not a sublattice

This is probably easy, but I did not see it in standard texts. Describe a closed subspace $V$ of $C([0,1])$ such that $V$ is a Banach lattice (in the pointwise ordering), but $V$ is not a sublattice ...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
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lattice suprema vs pointwise suprema

What is the difference between the lattice supremum and the pointwise supremum of a family of functions? I mean, given a family of real valued functions $\mathcal{F}$, is the function $\sup\mathcal{F}:...
Giuliosky's user avatar
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Cocompact lattices in $\mathrm{Sp}(n, 1)$

This is a continuation from my previous question. I am reading the following paper of Cowling-Haagerup, and I was wondering whether there are uniform lattices in $\mathrm{Sp}(n, 1)$. Is there some way ...
Y. Paka's user avatar
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Is it possible that a convex cone and its closure both induce vector lattices?

Given a convex cone $P\subset X$ where $X$ is a $K$-vector space, $K=\mathbb{R}\text{ or }\mathbb{C}$ is a field. Suppose that $P$ satisfies positive element stipulations. (1) $X=P-P$. (2) $P\cap-P=...
Henry.L's user avatar
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Kirszbraun-like extension of periodic functions

Let $\Lambda \subset \Lambda' \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be lattices. Let $f : \Lambda' \rightarrow \mathcal{H}$ be a $a$-Lipschitz function, where $\mathcal{H}$ is a finite-dimensional Hilbert Space. ...
jetSett's user avatar