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13 votes
3 answers

Is the set of separable quantum states closed?

Let $\mathcal H,\mathcal H'$ be Hilbert spaces (not necessarily separable). A "separable state" is a trace-class operator of the form $\sum_i \rho_i\otimes\rho_i'$ where $\rho_i,\rho_i'$ are positive ...
Dominique Unruh's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

An equivalence relation on the space of polynomials in one complex variable

Let $P(z)$ be a polynomial with complex variable $z$. We consider the following distribution for the roots of $P(z)=0$: the distribution is a triple $(n_{1},n_{2},n_{3})$ where these integers are ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Invertible unbounded linear maps defined on a Hilbert space

It is well-known that, assuming the axiom of choice, there are unbounded linear maps defined not only on a dense subset but on all of Hilbert space. Is it possible that such a map is invertible?
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Finite dimensional approximations of operators on Hilbert spaces

Let $e_1,e_2,\dots$ be a Schauder basis for a Hilbert space $(V , \langle \cdot , \cdot \rangle)$. Let $A:V \to V$ be an operator. Finally, let $V_n = {\rm span}( e_1, \dots, e_n)$. Let $i_n : V_n \...
hoj201's user avatar
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2 votes
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Existence of a projection operator onto subspace of Hilbert space

Let $V \subset H$ be Hilbert spaces with a continuous, compact and dense imbedding. Let $\{w_j\}_j \subset V$ be a basis of $V$ and of $H$ (so finite linear combinitions are dense) which is not ...
Charpe's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Minimal norm problem with linear combination of translation operator to be estimated

Follow up question from this one Suppose $X = L^2(G)$, where $G$ is some locally compact group. Let $x, y \in G$ I for fixed $n$ I am seeking for an operator $H \in B(X)$ of the form $$ H = H(\alpha_1,...
user8469759's user avatar