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Cousin of Fourier transform for rescaling and translating functions

Is there a cousin of the Fourier transform which obeys the following property: if I rescale and translate a function, then its transformed form, at each frequency, only depends on the original ...
Kevin Ellis's user avatar
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Explanation of a step in a preprinted work

I have been studying this preprinted paper and the references therein. I believe that there are some typos; However, since I am not an expert yet, I would like to make sure I am correct. I do not ...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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On the convergence of operators and their spectra

We consider a sequence of operators $\{L_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$. Each operator $L_n$ is a densely defined (possibly unbounded) closed linear operator on a real Hilbert space $H_n.$ The domain of $L_n$ is ...
sharpe's user avatar
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Evaluate the projection operator norm with respect to maximum norm

Consider the normed space $\left(\mathbb{R}^{3},\|\cdot\|\right)$ where $\|\cdot\|=|\cdot|_{\infty}$ is the usual maximum norm. Consider the 2 -dimensional vector subspace $\left \{ (x,y,z):x+y+z=0 \...
吴yuer's user avatar
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Dirac operator on 4-dimensional rectangle with the periodic boundary conditions is self-adjoint? What is its spectrum?

Let us think of the Euclidean Dirac operator $iD^k \gamma_k$ on the rectangle $[-1,1]^4$ with the periodic boundary conditions. The covariant derivative $iD^k$ carries a gauge potential term and we ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Partial derivative of the Bessel's operator

Let $J^s = (I- \Delta)^{\frac{s}{2}}$ where $\Delta$ is the Laplacian, and $w(x,y) \in L^2(\mathbb{T}^2)$. During my study to the paper,, the author stated that $$\...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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Sufficient condition to be increasing, following a vector field

Let $f\in\mathcal{C}^1(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R})$ $(n\geq 1)$ be an observable, and let $v^1,v^2\in\mathcal{C}^1(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R}^n)$ be two vector fields such that for any $(x^1_t)_{t\geq 0}$ ...
G. Panel's user avatar
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Can a non-reflexive space embed into a reflexive space?

My question is inspired from the concept of super-reflexivity which was defined by James here:
Shridhar's user avatar
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Existence of measure-preserving Lagrange flow for inhomogeneous transport equation

I asked this question on stackexchange: Let us consider the Cauchy problem for the transport equation $$ \partial_t \varphi + b\cdot \nabla \varphi= f \text{ in } (0,T)\times\mathbb{R}^3,\\ \varphi(0,...
user99432's user avatar
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Sharp, salient and opposite cones

I have been reading about star shaped sets and support cones from this article. Can anyone please help me with examples the difference between a sharp and dull cone. How come a salient cone has a ...
user332905's user avatar
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Regarding definition of convex cone and apex

I have been reading about star shaped sets and support cones from this article. I am wondering about the definition of the cone as to why is it defined this way? Why is it $C-a$? I am familiar with ...
user332905's user avatar
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Compact embedding of anisotropic Sobolev space

I am wondering if the embedding from $W^{2,1}_p(\Omega \times [0,T])$ to $C^{\alpha,\alpha/2}(\Omega \times [0,T])$ is compact, for some suitable domain, $p$ and $\alpha$. I have found some results. I ...
mnmn1993's user avatar
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Is the space of affine continuous functions a Baire space

Let $\Omega$ be a compact convex set in q linear normed space. Let $A(\Omega)$ be the space of affine continuous real-valued functions. My question is whether the space $A(\Omega)$ is a Baire space? ...
user119197's user avatar
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Minimax problem : uniqueness of a solution

Let $n\geq2$. Is it true that the minimax problem: $$ \min_{p\in\mathcal{P}}\max_{H\in\mathcal H}p^tH\bar{p}, $$ where $\mathcal H\subset\mathcal{M}(n)$ is a strictly convex bounded subset of ...
user111's user avatar
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Existence of distance-preserving mappings for general norm in vector space

We say a mapping $f:\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R^n$ be 1-Lipschitz with respect to a norm $\|\cdot\|$ if $\|f(x)-f(z)\|\le\|x-z\|$ holds for all $x,z\in\mathbb R^n$. Such a mapping are sometimes called a ...
zbh2047's user avatar
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How to know if two special functions are related by an elementary function?

Suppose I have two special functions $f_1$ and $f_2$. Is there an algorithm which can tell me whether there exists elementary $g$ such that $f_1 = g\circ f_2$? Furthermore, is there any possibility to ...
Jojo's user avatar
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The definition of essential spectrum for general closed operators

I've asked this problem in MSE several days ago, see here. But there is no reply up until now. Maybe I wrote things too complicated there and so I'll write a very clean problem here. For background ...
W. Fan's user avatar
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Minimal condition on set for an optimisation problem

We fix $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{2}$ an open set. My question is: what are the minimum conditions we need on $E \subset \Omega$ such that the following optimisation problem: $$ \sup\{ \int_{E}(\...
JaberEdgar's user avatar
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Reed-Simon Vol. IV: Question regarding convergence of eigenvalues

I am reading through Chapter XIII.16 of Reed and Simon's Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics IV: Analysis of Operators about Schrödinger operators with periodic potentials. Since the topic is kind ...
user271621's user avatar
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Estimatives for elliptic systems involving the laplacian

Considering the problem \begin{equation} \left\{ \begin{array}[c]{11} \Delta(\Delta \chi -\chi) = 0 & \text{in } \Omega, \\ \Delta \chi -\chi = h_2 - h_1, & \text{on } \partial\Omega \\ \end{...
Bruno Mascaro's user avatar
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Extracting the point mass measure of some type of positive measures

Let us consider the measure algebra $M(\mathbb{R})$ consisting of all Radon measures on the reals. Let $\delta_0$ be the point mass measure concentrated on 0, which is also the multiplicative ...
ABB's user avatar
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Cyclicity of composition operators

Let $E=C([0,1]^m,\mathbb{R}^n)$ where $K=[0,1]^m$ where $E$ has the compact convergence topology. Recall that for a function $f:[0,1]^m\rightarrow [0,1]^m$ the associated composition operator $C_f$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Is there a proper term for a "continuum-convex" set?

Let $X$ be a Banach space, and for any compactly supported Borel probability measure $\mathbb{P}$ on $X$, define the mean $\mu_\mathbb{P}$ by $\mu_\mathbb{P}=\int_X x \, \mathbb{P}(dx)$. I want to say ...
Julian Newman's user avatar
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Time regularity of traces

I have a question about the time regularity of the traces in one dimension. Suppose I have a function space $$X = C^1([0,T];L^2(0,1))\cap C([0,T],H^1(0,1))$$ and I define an operator $E$ on $X$ by $(...
TOT's user avatar
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Normal vector to a level set and fractional Laplacian

Let $U=\{u\le0\}$ and $\partial U=\{u=0\}$. Suppose $\nabla u$ does not vanish on $\partial U$. Then the (canonical extension of the) normal vector field to $\partial U$ (pointing to the interior of $\...
user173196's user avatar
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How to prove or disprove $ |r'(a)| \leq c_1 \sup_{x \in [a-1/2,a+1/2]} |r(x)|$?

Let $ A = \begin{bmatrix} a & 1 \\ 0 & a \end{bmatrix}$ be a Jordan matrix with $ -1 < a < 1 $. Let $r(z) = \frac{p(z)}{q(z)}$ be an irreducible rational function, where $p(...
xiuhua's user avatar
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Extending an unbounded dense linear functional

Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space over $\mathbb{C}$ Let $V \subset H$ be a dense subspace of $H$ Let $f : V \to \mathbb{C}$ be a unbounded functional linear My question is: Is ...
Matey Math's user avatar
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A question on the Haar basis for $L_{1}[0,1]$

Let $(x_{n})_{n=1}^\infty$ be a basis for a Banach space $X$. It is important to know the exact expression of the norm of $\|\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_{i}x_{i}\|$ for all $n$ and all scalars $a_{1},a_{2},\ldots,...
Dongyang Chen's user avatar
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Fixed point of a contraction map

This question is a continuation of Is this a contraction mapping for small $T$? Set, for $T, m>0$, $H^m_T:=\{h:[0,T]\to [0,m]:~ h,~h' \mbox{ are both continuous on } [0,T]\}$ endowed with the norm $...
GJC20's user avatar
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About the theorem of Weierstrass?

Is $E=Vect\{1,x,x^2,...,x^{2^n},...\}$ dense in $C([0,1])$ for the uniform norm? While looking for a short proof for Weierstrass' theorem, I came across this justification(*) (which shows this result)...
Dattier's user avatar
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Determining the tails of a convolution from its behavior on a compact set

Let $p$ be a smooth (say, $C^\infty$, but this is not crucial) density on the interval $I=[0,1]$ and $g_\sigma$ be the density of $N(0,\sigma^2)$. Define $f=p\ast g_\sigma$. To what extent does the ...
user13322's user avatar
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Existence of minimal subset of dual ball such that the intersection of kernels is trivial

Let $(V, \lVert \cdot \rVert)$ be a separable Banach space and let $B_{V^*}$ denote the closed ball in the dual $V^*$. Suppose we have a family $C \subseteq B_{V^*}$ such that $\bigcap_{\Lambda \in C} ...
Kacper Kurowski's user avatar
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eigenvalues of the product of a unitary with a diagonal

In $M_n(\mathbb{C})$, suppose $U$ and $D$ are a unitary and an invertible diagonal matrix with eigenvalues $\{e^{i\theta_1},\cdots,e^{i\theta_n}\}$ and $\{e^{i\eta_1},\cdots,e^{i\eta_n}\}$ ...
ABB's user avatar
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A convergence question in $L^2$ construction of Brownian motion

I feel confused with a particular step in the $L^2$ consturction of Brownian motion. Let $\{\xi_n \sim N(0,1)\}_{n\geq 1}$ be a sequence of i.i.d Gaussian random variables on some probability space $(\...
null's user avatar
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Compact embedding of Lipschitz continuous functions

Let $(X,d,\mu)$ be a metric measure space, not necessarily with $\mu(X)<\infty$. I would like to study the embedding of $W^{1,2}(X)\cap \mathrm{Lip}(X)$ into $L^2(X)$. Are there simple conditions ...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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Generator problem for reduced group C*-algebra

(Not sure if it is appropriate or not, if no I will delete the post) Recently I am concerned about the number of generator of $C^{*}_{r}(\mathbb{F}_{k})$, the reduced group algebra of the free group, ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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Is the kernel $\vert d_X - d_Y \vert^p$ conditionally negative definite?

Given two finite metric spaces $(X,d_X)$ and $(Y,d_Y)$, for $p > 0$, define the kernel ($4$-D tensor) $K$ on $(X \times Y)^2$ by: $$K\big( (x_i, y_k), (x_j, y_l) \big) = \vert d_X(x_i, x_j) - d_Y(...
SiXUlm's user avatar
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The non empty set of accumulation points of a bounded linear operator is the spectrum of another operator

Let $X$ be an infinite dimensional Banach space, and let $T \in L(X)$ such that the set of accumulation points of $T$ is non empty, i-e $\mbox{acc}\,\sigma(T)\neq 0.$\ Is there a Banach space $Y$ ...
Luffy's user avatar
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Bounding trace operator from below

In a paper, I've read the following thing. Here $\Omega$ is a smooth domain From the standard trace theorem we know there exists a bounded linear operator $$\gamma: H^1(\Omega) \rightarrow H^{\frac{1}...
bobinthebox's user avatar
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Critical exponent in Sobolev scale and singular continuous measure

Recently I started the following discussion about Sobolev spaces where I was interested in finding the maximal $s \in \mathbb{R}$ such that given function/distribution belongs to the Sobolev space $H^...
truebaran's user avatar
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Does $L^{\infty}[0,1]$ admits infinitely many densely defined derivations in weak* topology?

To clarify the question. First we define what is densely defined derivation. A densely defined derivation $\delta:D(\delta):\rightarrow L^{\infty}[0,1]$ where $D(\delta)$ is a dense subalgebra( in ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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Books on limiting properties of matrices with growing size

This question has been posted on Math-Se previously. I am studying asymptotic properties of the Projection Matrix $$ H_n=X'(X'X)^{-1}X $$ By the Gerschgorin disc theorem, the bounds on the ...
chuck's user avatar
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Approximation of the product $(\bar{z} - a)^{-1} \cdot (z - b)^{-1}$

$\def\zbar{\smash{\overline z}\vphantom z}$I would like to construct an approximation of the product \begin{equation} f(z) = \frac{1}{\zbar-a} \frac{1}{z-b}, \end{equation} where $a, b \in \mathbb{C}$,...
Mathieu's user avatar
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Link between a categorical and an algebraic characterization of (infinite-dimensional) Hilbert space

On one side, a very recent paper of Chris Heunen and Andre Kornell "Axioms for the category of Hilbert spaces" (Arxiv:2109.7418v1 latest Arxiv version) offers a characterization of the ...
Gérard Lang's user avatar
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How can we define $\chi_{\Omega}(A)$?

I was reading Spectrum and dynamics where Paolo Facchi discusses projection-valued measures and integrals. The discussion and constructions are all based on the fact that one can define characteristic ...
MathMath's user avatar
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Empirical estimation of Brenier map from data

Let $f:\mathbb R^d \to \mathbb R$ be a "nice" (say, continuous) function define $A = A_f := \{x \in \mathbb R^d \mid f(x) \ge 0\}$ and $B =B_f:= \{x \in \mathbb R^d \mid f(x) \le 0\}$, and ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Analysis, matrix exponential, infimum and limit

I was working in this problem for a long time and I didn't have success. Someone could help me, please? The problem: Let $f: \mathbb{R}^{n^2} \times \mathbb{Z}^{n} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}$ defined ...
Thiago Alexandre's user avatar
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An amenable operator algebra has the total reduction property

This is from
Korn's user avatar
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Operator algebra on an invariant subset

In Rickart, page 50 Theorem 2.2.1, the statement is made: A linear subspace $\mathfrak{M}$ of the algebra $\mathfrak{A}-\mathfrak{L}$ is invariant with respect to the representation $a{\rightarrow}A_a^...
user54738's user avatar
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Operator norm on tensor product of trace classes is multiplicative

Given Hilbert spaces $\mathcal H_1,\mathcal H_2,\mathcal K_1,\mathcal K_2$ and bounded linear maps $S_i:\mathcal B^1(\mathcal H_i)\to\mathcal B^1(\mathcal K_i)$, $i=1,2$ between the respective trace ...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar

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