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Takesaki II proposition 3.15 proof about modular automorphism groups: mistake in book?

Consider the following fragment from Takesaki's second volume "Theory of operator algebras" in chapter VIII "Modular automorphism groups" p122-123. Why is it possible to choose an ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Existence of a projection operator onto subspace of Hilbert space

Let $V \subset H$ be Hilbert spaces with a continuous, compact and dense imbedding. Let $\{w_j\}_j \subset V$ be a basis of $V$ and of $H$ (so finite linear combinitions are dense) which is not ...
Charpe's user avatar
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Sobolev space and trace theorems on a non-compact Riemannian manifold with boundary ($M \times (0,\infty)$)

Let $M \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a $C^k$ ($k \geq 2$) compact hypersurface of dimension $n-1$ without boundary. Consider $X=M \times (0,\infty)$ which has boundary $\partial X = M \times \{0\}$. I am ...
ewl's user avatar
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An abstract characterisation of weak* topologies

Is there a way of endowing the unit ball $B_X$ of a Banach space $X$ (we may assume that $X$ is an AL space, if that helps) with a topology $\tau$, so that $\tau=\sigma(Y^*,Y)$ (the weak* topology) if ...
HardyHulley's user avatar
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Eigenfunctions of an infinite summation operator

I would like to find ALL eigenfunctions to the operator, for $f$ a real function on R+*: $f \rightarrow \sum_{1}^{\infty} f(nx)$ So to find $f$ such that: $\sum_{1}^{\infty} f(nx) = \lambda f(x)$ ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Given an eigenvalue equation (elliptic PDE) in a ball $B_R$, prove the convergence of the first nonzero $\lambda_R$ and its eigenfunction $\phi_R$

Let $H: \mathbf{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbf{R}$ be a bounded continuous function. Set $$\tag{1} \int_{\mathbf{R}^n}\left\{|\nabla \xi|^2+H(x) \xi^2\right\} \mathrm{d} x \geqslant 0, \quad \forall \xi \in ...
Elio Li's user avatar
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On a deceptively tricky calculus problem

Motivation for this question: If the operators $B_i'$ satisfy an inequality, prove that $B_1'+\dots B_n'$ also satisfies the same inequality Let $A$ be a non-constant operator acting on $C^...
matilda's user avatar
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Bochner's theorem for measures of positive type

Is there a version of Bochner's theorem characterizing measures of positive type on a locally compact group? By a measure of positive type on the group $\Gamma$, I mean a measure $\mu$ satisfying $\...
Evan DeCorte's user avatar
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How can I show that the exponents are not blowing up?

I have this situation: supposing that $\Omega$, is an open, bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}^N$, $N>2$. Given $t_0>0$ and $\overline{n}>0$, let's consider $\overline{t}=t_0+1$, $m>\overline{t}...
Silvinha's user avatar
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If the operators $B_i'$ satisfy an inequality, prove that $B_1'+\dotsb+ B_n'$ also satisfies the same inequality

Related: On a deceptively tricky calculus problem. The way that Leonard Gross proves the log Sobolev inequality is in the following stages: He proves that for any operator $B$ that satisfies the log ...
matilda's user avatar
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When is the Minkowski sum of weighted compact sets $w_1 B_1 + w_2 B_2 + \ldots$ (with $w \in L^1$) closed?

Let $B_1,B_2,\ldots,$ be compact subsets of $\mathbb R^d$ and $w_1,w_2,\ldots$ be nonnegative numbers summing to $1$. Consider the set $$ A := w_1 B_1 + w_2 B_2 + \ldots = \left\{\sum_{n=1}^\infty w_n ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Smoothness of Radon transform

Let $f:\mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R$ be density function (i.e nonnegative function which integrates to $1$), and consider its Radon transform $R[f]$ defined by $$ R[f](w,b) := \int_{\mathbb R^n}\delta(x^\...
dohmatob's user avatar
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$R$ is a right multiplier and $R(a)b=a\overset{?}{\implies} A$ is unital

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra, and $R:A\to A$ its right multilplier. Is it true that $$ \exists b\in A\quad \forall a\in A \quad R(a)b=a\qquad $$ implies $A$ is unital. I know this is true if A is a weak$...
Norbert's user avatar
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Mixed (anisotropic) Sobolev spaces

Consider real variables $x, y$ and a function $f(x, y) \in H^s(\mathbb{R}^2)$, say for some $s \in (0, 1)$. I am trying to get an understanding of mixed Sobolev spaces of the form $H^s_x(H^s_y)$, ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Application of Bishop-Phelps Theorem

Consider a real Banach space $X$ and its continuous dual $X^*$. The Bishop-Phelps Theorem states that the set $$A^*=\{x^*\in X^* \mid x^* \text{ attains its supremum on } \text{ the unit ball } \...
Blind's user avatar
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Is a polynomial decay sufficient for a smooth function to be in $\mathcal{F}(L^1)$?

Background: I have a function $g(\omega)\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R})$, which vanishes like $O(|\omega|^{-\beta})$ at infinity for some $\beta>0$. This answer states that functions that decays "too ...
Chen Wang's user avatar
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Differentiability of Nemytskii operator on Sobolev space

I am trying to consider hypothesis on $g$ such that the operator $$ H_0^1 (\Omega) \to L^2(\Omega), \qquad v \mapsto g(v) $$ is $\mathcal C^1$. As additional hypothesis $\Omega$ is bounded and $g(0) = ...
D G's user avatar
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Decomposition of an abelian von Neumann algebra

Hi, I came across the statement below and I couldn't figure out why it is true. I was hoping someone could explain it or give me a good reference. Thank you in advance. "Let $\pi$ be a non-degenerate ...
Wishiwere Smarter's user avatar
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On the continuity of map $\Gamma$

Let $M$ be the space of right continuous functions $\ell: \mathbb R_+\to [0,1]$ that are non increasing s.t. $\ell(0)=0$. Define the map $\Gamma : M\to M$ by $\Gamma[\ell](t):=\mathbb P[\tau^{\ell}>...
GJC20's user avatar
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3 questions around the Stone space of the free $\sigma$-algebra on $\omega_1$ free generators

During my studies, I came across several different Stone spaces, e.g.: (i) The Cantor cube $X=\{0,1\}^{\omega_1}$, which is the Stone space of the free Boolean algebra on $\omega_1$ free generators; ...
LJGC's user avatar
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Characterizations of amenable groups which use the space $\ell_1(G)$ and convolution

Let $G$ be a discrete group. Do you know characterizations of amenable groups which use the space $\ell_1(G)$ and convolution? I only know Johnson's theorem: A group is amenable if and only if the ...
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Sobolev trace theorem on Lipschitz domains

Supposing that D is a bounded Lipschitz domain (and not smooth) in $\mathbb{R}^d$. From what I know, it is known that the trace operator is well-defined and continuous from $H^s(D)$ to $H^l(\partial D)...
Eddy's user avatar
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On the continuity and injective-ness of Gauss quadrature scheme for numerical integration, with weight function identically $1$

Fix an integer $n\ge 2$. Let $[a,b]$ be an interval and $f: [a,b]\to \mathbb R$ be a continuous function and for $x_1,...,x_n$ being the Gaussian Quadrature nodes in $[a,b]$, and Gaussian Quadrature ...
user521337's user avatar
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Closeness of points in the irreducible decomposition of a C$^{*}$-algebra representation

Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are compact metric spaces. Let $\varphi\colon C(X)\to M_{n}(C(Y))$ be any $*$-homomorphism. If $\pi$ is an irreducible representation of $M_{n}(C(Y))$, then $\pi$ is unitarily ...
ervx's user avatar
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Is this double integral of Fourier series always real?

Consider $f(x)$ a function from $\mathbb{R^+}$ to $\mathbb{C}$ such that $f(x) \sim_0 x$ and $\int_{0}^{\infty} f(x) dx=\int_{0}^{\infty} x^2 f(x) dx=0$ Can we demonstrate that following integral is ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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References for Neumann eigenfunctions

I am looking for references on eigenfunctions with Neumann boundary condition. In an article, the author wrote in introduction that when a domain is planar polygon, the second eigenfunctions on it ...
sharpe's user avatar
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Dual space of the intersection of locally convex vector spaces

Let $S \neq \emptyset$ and let $\big((E_s,\mathcal{T}_s)\big)_{s \in S}$ be a family of locally convex vector subspaces of the same vector space. Denote by $E_s^*$ the dual space of $(E_s,\mathcal{T}...
Henning's user avatar
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Estimates for an elliptic PDE

Let's say I have an equation of the form $\Delta A = J$ where $J=u\nabla u + A|u|^2$ (Clarification: We are on $\mathbb{R}^3$ and $u$ is assumed to be in $H^1(\mathbb{R}^3)$). Then I could simply ...
Jakob Möller's user avatar
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Weak sequential continuity of certain bilinear forms on Banach algebras

Let $A$ be a Banach algebra and $Bil(A)$ denote the space of bounded bilinear forms on $A$. $Bil(A)$ is a Banach $A$-bimodule with the module operations \begin{eqnarray*} \beta a(x,y) &:=& \...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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Lower bounds on translates of a function over a compact set

Let $f\in L^p(\mathbb{R})$ and define $f_\theta(x)=f(x-\theta)$. Let $K\subset\mathbb{R}$ be a compact set. I would like to compute (or at least lower bound) the following: $$ \inf_{\theta\ne\theta'\...
tim622's user avatar
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Regarding representation of an outer function

Theorem 2.1 in the book ‘Theory of Hp spaces by Peter. L Duren states that : Any function $f$ analytic on the unit disc belongs to the Nevanlinna class iff it is of the form $\frac{g}{h}$ where $g$ ...
user510271's user avatar
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Packing number of Lipschitz functions

For some $L>0$ say ${\cal L}$ is the space of all $L-$Lipschitz functions mapping $(X,\rho) \rightarrow [0,1]$ where $(X,\rho)$ is a metric space. For any $\alpha >0$ do we know of a ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Density of functions into the circle glueing

Let $\{U_i\}_{i=1}^2$ be an open cover of $S^1$, with $U_i\cong \mathbb{R}$ (for example, $U_1$ is the lower arc of the circle and $U_2$ is the upper part). Let $\iota_i:U_i\hookrightarrow S^1$ be ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Fréchet derivative of evaluation-like functional (multivariate)

I'm fairly new to functional calculus but and posting here since the question seems more appropriate than for MSE. When coming across this post I could not help but wonder the following. Let $H$ be ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Meromorphic extension of solutions to ODEs

I encountered the following question in my studies: Let us assume we have a real anlaytic solution to an ODE on $\mathbb{R}$ of Schr\"odinger type $-\psi''(x)+V(x)\psi(x)=\lambda \psi(x)$ but we ...
Zehner's user avatar
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Are bounded functions L-1 compact?

Let $(X,\Sigma,\mu)$ be a finite measure space (i.e., $\mu(X) < \infty$). Let $\mathcal{F}$ be the set of $\mu$-measurable functions $f:X \to \mathbb{R}$ that are bounded in $[0,1]$, so that $0 \...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Reference request: numerical analysis of PDEs and integro partial differential equations

I'm very new to the field of numerical analysis of PDE and integro partial differential equations. My advisor (who is not a specialist in this area) highly recommended to read Randall J. LeVeque'...
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Sequential Continuity in dual spaces of separable Banach Spaces

Is the following true? Let $X$ and $Y$ be separable Banach spaces and consider their dual spaces $X^*$ and $Y^*$ equipped with weak* topology. Suppose that a linear map $T:X^*\to Y^*$ is sequentially ...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Extension of universal approximation theorem

Let $I_d:=[0,1]^d$ with $d\ge 2$. Define $C(I_d):=\{F: I_d\to\mathbb R \mbox{ is continuous}\}$ and $$N(I_d):=\{F\in C(I_d): F(x)=\sum_{k=1}^n f_k(v_k\cdot x), \mbox{ where } n\ge 1 \mbox{ and } f_1,\...
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Hilbert-irreducible Banach space

A Banach space $X$ is called Hilbert-irreducible if it satisfies the following condition: If a subspace $Y\subset X$ satisfies the parallelogram equality, then $Y$ is necessarilly a one ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Is there a function $u \in BV_{loc}(\mathbb{R}^2)$ such that $Du$ is an $s$-dimensional Hausdorff measure restricted to the Koch curve?

Motivated by my previous question Alberti rank-one theorem and irregular jump discontinuities, I'd like to ask the following: Is there a function $u \in BV_{loc}(\mathbb{R}^2)$ such that $Du$ is an ...
Riku's user avatar
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Viscosity solutions of $(-\Delta)^s u = 0$ in $\Omega $ with non-homogeneous data $u = 1$ in $\mathbb R^n \setminus \Omega$

Let us consider a smooth bounded domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^n$ and the problem $$ (1) \quad \begin{cases} (-\Delta)^s u +\lambda u= 0 & x \in \Omega \\ u = 1 & x \in \mathbb R^n \...
Zac's user avatar
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Polynomial approximation (Weierstrass theorem) with bounds

Consider the closed interval $[0,1]$ and let $f \in C[0,1]$. Let $g$ be a real valued function on $[0,1]$ such that $g \leq f$. Suppose $g = f$ at atmost finitely many points. Does there exist a ...
Rahul Sarkar's user avatar
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Can the characteristic function of a Borel set be approached by a sequence of continuous function through a certain convergence in $L^\infty$?

Want to find $f_n$ a sequence of continuous functions, so that for all Borel regular measure $\mu$, we have $\int f_n d\mu\rightarrow\int \chi_\Delta d\mu$, as $n$ goes to infinity, where $\Delta$ ...
Bruno's user avatar
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Does the norm on a sequence space have to be monotone?

Let $\rho:[0,+\infty)^{\mathbb{N}}\to[0,+\infty] $ satisfy the following properties: $\rho(\lambda u)=\lambda\rho( u)$, for every $u\in [0,+\infty)^{\mathbb{N}}$ and $\lambda\ge 0$; $\rho(u+v)\le \...
erz's user avatar
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Strong maximum principle for heat equation. Positivity of solution

I have a non-negative solution $u \in L^2(0,T;H^1) \cap H^1(0,T;(H^1)')$ of the heat equation $$u_t-\Delta u =0$$ on bounded $C^1$ domain $\Omega$, with the boundary condition $$\frac{\partial u(t,x)}{...
ChristopherSail's user avatar
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Linear independence of functions

Let $x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n\in\mathbb{R}^d$ be points so that no one point is in the positive span of another. That is, there is no pair of points $x_i,x_j$ such that $x_i=\alpha x_j$ for a positive ...
mohi's user avatar
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Hausdorff dimension of the graph of a BV function (in 1 dimensional setting)

Let $u: \Omega\subset \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be a function of bounded variation. Question 1. How can we prove that the Hausdorff dimension of the essential graph of $u$ equal to $1$? Question ...
Riku's user avatar
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Properties of the optimal decomposition for the $K$-functional between $\ell_1$ and $\ell_2$

Background: For any fixed $t> 0$, the $K$-functional defines a norm on the space $\ell_1+\ell_2$: $$ \lVert a\rVert_{K(t)} = \inf\{\lVert a'\rVert_1+ t\lVert a''\rVert_2 : a'\in\ell_1,\ a''\in\...
Clement C.'s user avatar
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Continuous upper envelope of upper semicontinuous function

Let $u$ be a upper semicontinuous function on a compact set $K$ in $\mathbb R^d$. Define a space of continuous function dominating $u$ by $$A = \{\phi \in C(K): \phi \ge u\}.$$ [Q.] Is the following ...
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