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Lifting of product of a Banach algebra

Let $A$ be a non unital Banach algebra. The product induces a bounded linear map $T:A \otimes_{\gamma} A\to A$ where $\otimes_\gamma$ denotes the Banach projective tensor product. A lifting of $T$ is ...
BigBill's user avatar
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for a natural exponential family, A is the cumulant function of h?

Reading "Monte Carlo Statistical Methods" by Robert and Casella, they mention that if $f(x) = h(x) \exp(\langle \theta, x \rangle - A(\theta))$ defines a family of distributions for $X$, parametrized ...
AatG's user avatar
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Application and relevance of Sobolev gradients

The Sobolev gradient concept has been developed in the 1970s, with a first publication in 1985, and an introduction can be found at: Ranka I would like to learn how strong the impact of Sobolev ...
shuhalo's user avatar
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Relationship between sequential compactness of a convex set and its extremal points

Suppose that $X$ is a compact convex subset of a topological vector space. Suppose also that the extremal points of $X$ have the additional property that any sequence $x_n$ of extremal points has a ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Where can I learn about master equation?

I am reading a paper by Dorogovstev on structure of growing complex networks with preferential linking. I need to learn master equation for this. I need a reference for the same.
Peter's user avatar
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Is the variance of an eigenfunction of a finite state space aperiodic irreducible markov chain starting at a single state always non-decreasing?

I am reposting a previous question due to incorrect initial formulation. Given an ergodic (aperiodic and irreducible) finite state space Markov chain $P$. Let $f$ be an eigenfunction, i.e., $P_t f = ...
John Jiang's user avatar
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Continuity of cylindrical functions.

Let $C_c^\infty(\mathbb R^n)$ be the functions from $\mathbb R^n$ to $\mathbb R$ with compact support, further let $X$ be a separable Hilbert space with a fixed orthonormal basis $(e_n)_n$. Define the ...
Jonas T's user avatar
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existence of charaterization of amenable groups by complementation?

Recall that we say that a closed space $F$ of a Banach space $E$ is complemented if there exists a contractive projection $P$ from $E$ onto $F$. Do you know a charaterization of discrete amenable ...
BigBill's user avatar
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Parity, Balls and Boxes

Start with a distribution $\mu$ on [n], and drop m balls into these n+1 slots independently and according to the distribution &mu. That is, we have iid random variables x 1 through x m ...
user2282's user avatar
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Combinatorial Hilbert spaces

Any closed subspace $V\subset {\ell}^2(\omega)$ has associated to it a subset ${\cal S}_V$ of ${\cal P}(\omega)$, call it a combinatorial Hilbert space, namely the set of all supports of all vectors ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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h-oscillating function

I need help understanding the following condition: $u_h\in L^2(\mathbb{T}^d)$, $\|u_h\|_{L^2(\mathbb{T}^d)}=1$, where $h$ is the semiclassical parameter and $\mathbb{T}^d$ is the flat torus, is ...
Rocha's user avatar
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Does a certain Theorem on Boltzmann Distributions exist?

Suppose $X_n(z)$ is a sequence of random variables with a boltzmann distribution on $\{1,2,\dots n\}.$ That is $$P(X_n(z)=j)=\frac{c_{j,n} z^j}{F_n(z)}$$ where $F_n(z)=\sum_{j=1}^n c_{j,n}z^j$ is a ...
Daniel Parry's user avatar
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Stationarity of an Integral Process

Let $f$ be a continous deterministic function defined on $\left[0,c\right]$ and $(B_{t}^{H})_{t\geq 0}$ be a fBM with $H\in \left(0,1\right)$. We define a Process $\left(X_{t}\right)_{t\geq 0}$ with $$...
Peter Moor's user avatar
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Multiple ergodic averages with varying number of terms

Hi. I've been stuck on the following question for some time. Consider a sequence of functions $\left( f_n \right)$ from an ergodic space $\left( \mathsf{X}, \mathsf{S}, \mu \right)$ to $\left[ 0,1 \...
nonameisfinetoo's user avatar
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Estimating moments of diffusion processes

Hi there, Suppose I have a diffusion process $dX_t = a(X_t)dt + b(X_t)dW_t$. Is there a straightforward method for approximating the first few moments of $X_T$ for some time $T$? Clearly, one could ...
Simon Lyons's user avatar
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Proving that a property holds for random sequences with given marginal distribution by rearrangement

I am currently investigating the property of random sequences with a special marginal distribution function $F(x)$. Given any random sequence $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$, supposing their joint ...
Richard Guo's user avatar
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Forcing the existence of a Condorcet Winner

Suppose that there is an election with three candidate and an infinite number of voters whose opinion lie in a two-dimensional issue space according to some distribution, and that voter's candidate ...
David Shor's user avatar
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base change for distributions

For distributions on smooth manifolds one can consider the push-forward which is defined for proper maps, and the pull-back which is defined under certain condition on the wave front set see ...
Rami's user avatar
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The density of x_1^n+x_2^n where x_i are Gaussian

We define a process $\chi_k^n=\sum _{i=1}^k x_i^n$ where x_i are iid gaussian processes. I try to find the distribution of $\chi_k^n$. If k=1 then we get $f(x^n=y)=\frac1n y^{\frac{1-n}{n}}\exp(-y^{2/...
RHG's user avatar
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Extension of some feature of SDE Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type

Hi everyone, I am looking for some ideas (or references) in order to get an explicit SDE (if it exists) which would have a stylised property extending in some sense the mean-reversion property of SDE ...
The Bridge's user avatar
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span of symmetrically truncated symmetric random variables

If $X_i$ are symmetric independent random variables, is $\vert \sum X_i I_{\vert X_i \vert < N_i}\vert $ stochastically smaller than $\vert \sum X_i \vert$ ? Is it comparable in any way which ...
mike's user avatar
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Good probability measues on $S^1$ reprented by a kernel

I was looking for some good references for properties/theorems/characterizations of 'good/important' probability measures on the unit circle $S^1$ ( and/or on spheres $S^n$ ).In particular, I want ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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finding rank-3 tensors compatible with a rank-2 tensor projection

I am interested in the following problem: Consider a rank-3 symmetric tensor $\boldsymbol{\sigma}$ with $\sigma_{ijk}$ where $\sigma_{ijk}$ can be 0 or 1, and the symmetry is with respect to any ...
Ed Wolf's user avatar
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Estimating a multinomial sum

I have the following sum \begin{equation} \sum_{r_1=q+1}^{\tau}\dots\sum_{r_\lambda=q+1}^{\tau}{\tau\choose r_1,\dots,r_\lambda,\tau-r_1-\dots -r_\lambda} (\Lambda-\lambda)^{\tau-r_1-\dots-r_\lambda} \...
Eduardo Lopez's user avatar
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Ordering of completely bounded maps

Let A be a C*-algebra, let H be a Hilbert space, and let $T:A\rightarrow B(H)$ be a completely bounded (cb) map (that is, the dilations to maps $M_n(A)\rightarrow M_n(B(H))$ are uniformly bounded). ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Distribution of transformed multinomial variable?

Suppose we have a uniform multinomial distribution over $2^d$ outcomes. Multinomial coefficients give distribution of vector valued variable $v$ where $v$ is the vector of observed counts. Is there a ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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Subspace where an operator is positive

Given a self-adjoint operator $\hat{T}$ on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, and assuming it has a basis of eigenvectors $\{\phi_n\}$ such that $\hat{T}\phi_n=\lambda_n\phi_n$, one can consider the ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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Does this series stopping times marching forward?

Let $W_t$ is standard Brownian motion under probability measure $P$. Consider stochastic differential equation $$ dY_t = dt + Y_t dW_t, \ Y_0 = 0.$$ Note that, the above SDE has a strong non-negative ...
kenneth's user avatar
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Can one combine (join) probabilities from 2 aspects of a related process?

Consider 2 related aspects of a process for prices in a financial market: time & return. Time Say I've identified a distribution that reasonably models the occurrence of the lengths of price ...
Jagra's user avatar
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The mean number of vertices in small connected components of random geometric graphs

I place $N$ points on a circular plane of radius $R$, and draw edges to connect points that are less than or equal to some distance $D$ to form a set of graphs or cliques $G_i$. As a function of $N$, ...
EclipseInterlude's user avatar
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What is the origin of the metrization problem for compact convex sets?

The following is an ``old question in analysis:'' Is it true that every perfectly normal compact convex subset of a locally convex topological vector space is metrizable? Here perfectly normal means ...
Justin Moore's user avatar
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Bounds on the size of a set of strings over an arbitrary alphabet within a fixed Hamming distance of one-another

I pick a set of random strings $S$ of length $L$ over an $P$-letter alphabet. These strings are 'random' in the sense that every character is chosen with uniform random probability over the ...
Bob's user avatar
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Joint Probability that contains a variable and its Fourier Transform

Given the vector $\mathbf{d}$, where $\mathbf{d}\in\mathbb{C}^{N\times 1}$, we have two variables $X = \mid\mathrm{F}[d]\mid^2,\quad\quad X\ge 0$ $Y = a+b (\mathrm{d}^H\mathrm{d})\quad Y\ge 0$ ...
Remy's user avatar
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Isomorphisms of group extensions arising from antisymmetric forms

Let $V,W$ be topological vector spaces and fix continuous antisymmetric bilinear forms $\omega_1:V\times V\to \mathbb{R}$, $\omega_2:W\times W\to\mathbb{R}$. Since $\omega_1$ is a 2-cocycle (in fact ...
Ollie's user avatar
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More positive pivotal edges than negative ones at critical bond percolation on Z^2?

Consider critical bond percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^2$ inside a fixed rectangle $(0,0) - (an,n), a \geq 1$ and write $A$ for the event that there is an open crossing in the long (left to right) ...
DmitryZ's user avatar
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Divisible Random Variables

Suppose I can write a positive, real valued random variable $$ X = m_1 X_1 + m_2 X_2,$$ where $m_1$ and $m_2$ are i.i.d, $X_1$ and $X_2$ are i.i.d and moreover, the $X_i$ are distributed like $X$. ...
Ben's user avatar
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non-closed weak graph limit of symmetric operators

Hi Everyone, I was recently reading Reed & Simon's functional analysis textbook (the first volume), and it mentions casually on page 294 that weak graph limits of a sequence of symmetric ...
Tlas's user avatar
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Help with derivation of probability density of {event generation} & {event detection}

I would like to specify a new probability distribution that relates to an event of size M being produced by some process and subsequently detected. Some assumptions : 1) If the event is detected ...
CJ De Witt's user avatar
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probability P that all circles are connected with each other.

Let N circles with homogeneous radius r are deployed with Poisson distribution in area A. These circles are connected if there euclidean distance is less than r.what is the probability P that all ...
Anil's user avatar
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Banach spaces with simple best approximate solutions

Let $\langle V,||.||\rangle$ be a Banach space such that: $\;\;$ for all continuous linear maps $\: L : V\to V \:$ and members $v$ of $V$, there exists a unqiue member $u$ of $V$ $\;\;$ that ...
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Need help with references on the status of a "Littlewood Problem"

The "Littlewood Problem" in the title asks for a characterization of finite sequences n1< ...< nk of integers such that zn1+zn2+...+znk≠0 for any complex number z of unit modulus. Does ...
Quotient Group's user avatar
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Number of not self-intersecting closed paths spanning $n$ iid uniform points

Let $X_1,X_2,\dots,X_n$ be independent uniform variables in the square. What is the number of piece-wise linear paths which vertices are all the $X_i$ and that do not self-intersect? In other words, ...
kaleidoscop's user avatar
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Boundedness of Integral

Suppose we operate on the unit simplex $\Delta \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ with $0$ as a corner point. Define the integral $$ Iu(x):=\int_0^1 t^{|\beta|-1}x^\beta u(tx)\mathrm{d}t,\quad x\in \Delta $$ and ...
pil's user avatar
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Is there any result discribing the value of the correlation of a measurable function of `$X$` and itself: `$corr(f(X),X)$` ?

Let $X$ be a random variable, and $f$ a measurable function. Is there any particular relationship between the expression of $f$ and $corr(f(X),X)$? BACKGROUND The background of asking the value of $...
J.Xie's user avatar
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Regularity of simplices, part deux

This question is directly inspired by Pietro Majer's question and my answer to it. One can define a simplex, and the dihedral angles thereof in an infinite dimensional Hilbert space (one has to take ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Iterated Kumaraswamy distributions

The Kumaraswamy distribution has cdf $F(x;a,b) = 1-(1-x^a)^b$. Does anyone know any formulas or properties relating to iterations of this on itself, meaning $$ F_i(x;a,b) = 1-(1-F_{i-1}^a)^b$$ If ...
OctaviaQ's user avatar
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Particular types of basis on a normed vector space of finite dimension

Is it true that on every normed vector space $V$ of dimension $n$ there exists a basis of norm $1$ vectors $v_i$, such that $\|\sum_{i=1}^n\epsilon_iv_i\|\geq 1$ for all possible combinations of $\...
Daniel's user avatar
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Probability and information. The burrel-bucket-glass problem.

Suppose we have a barrel with three different kinds of marbles: red, green and blue. The probability to find a red marble in the barrel is R0, analogously the probability for green is G0 and for blue ...
Natxo's user avatar
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Products for probability theory using zero sets instead of open sets

(For all of this post, at least Countable Choice is assumed to hold.) For all Tychonoff spaces $\langle X,\mathcal{T}\hspace{.06 in}\rangle$ : Define $\mathbf{Z}(\langle X,\mathcal{T}\hspace{.06 in}\...
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$A \perp B$ and $A+B\perp r\left( 2A+B\right)$ for some continuous function $r$. Is there such a triplet $\left( A,B,r\right) $ with non-constant function $r$?

Let $A$ and $B$ be independent continuous random variables with supports $ \left( -\infty ,\infty \right) $ and $r$ be a continuous function. In addition, $A+B$ and $r\left( 2A+B\right)$ are ...
problemath's user avatar