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Characterizing the sum $L^1 + L^\infty + L^{1,\infty} + L^{\infty, 1}$ of iterated Lebesgue spaces "by duality"

For the usual Lebesgue spaces $L^p (\mu)$ ($p \in [1,\infty]$) on a ($\sigma$-finite) measure space $(X,\mu)$, it is well-known that one has the characterization $$ L^p (\mu) = \left\{f : X \to \Bbb{...
PhoemueX's user avatar
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Books on von Neumann algebras

I am interested in non-commutative $L^p$ spaces. I have a very basic background on von Neumann algebras. But all the papers appearing now a days really requires very deep knowledge of von Neumann ...
Mathbuff's user avatar
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Different definitions of fractional sobolev spaces

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded and smooth domain in $\mathbb R^d$. For any $s\in (0,1)$ we can define $H_s(\Omega)$ to be the space of functions $u\in L^2(\Omega)$ such that $$(x,y)\mapsto \frac{|u(x)-u(y)|...
Thomas's user avatar
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What is vague convergence and what does it accomplish?

For convenience, let's say that I have a locally compact Hausdorff space $X$ and am concerned with probability measures on its Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{B}(X)$. Natural vector spaces to ...
Greg Zitelli's user avatar
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distance distributions on a hypersphere?

Fix a real number $0\leq t\leq 1$ and an integer $n>1$. Let $\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ denote the unit hypersphere. Define $$d_N(n;t):=\max\sum_{i<j}\Vert P_i-P_j\Vert_2^t$$ where ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Derivation of a stochastic Navier-Stokes equation under the assumption of perturbed particle trajectories

Let $d\in\left\{2,3\right\}$ $\mathcal V_t\subseteq\mathbb R^d$ be the bounded domain occupied by an incompressible Newtonian fluid at time $t\ge 0$ $\Phi_t:\mathcal V_0\to\mathcal V_t$ such that $\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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intuitive connection between The KdV equations and the Virasoro bott group

I posted this on stack exchange but had no joy, perhaps someone here can answer : The Euler Arnold equation expresses equations (usually from mathematical physics) as geodesic equations on a Lie group....
R Mary's user avatar
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Commutation preserving operators

Let $A$ and $B$ be unital $C$*-algebras and let $T\colon A\to B$ be a bounded linear bijection that preserves commuting elements, i.e., $ab=ba$ implies $TaTb=TbTa$. Does $T^{**}$ then also preserve ...
Mark Roelands's user avatar
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Embeddings between weighted Besov spaces

Consider the Besov spaces $B_{p,q}^s(\mathbb{R}^d)$ for parameters $0<p,q\leq \infty$ and $s\in \mathbb{R}$. The weighted Besov space $B_{p,q}^s(\mathbb{R}^d;\mu)$ is defined for $\mu \in \mathbb{R}...
Goulifet's user avatar
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Is there a quotient of $c_0$ without the approximation property?

The famous example of Enflo of a Banach space without the approximation property is actually a subspace of $c_0$. Is there a quotient of $c_0$ without the approximation property? This would follow if ...
user136256's user avatar
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Kolmogorov superposition representation of Lipschitz functions

Kolmogorov's superposition theorem states that if $f:[0,1]^n \to \mathbb{R}$ is an arbitrary continuous function, then it has the representation \begin{align} f(x) = \sum_{q=0}^{2n} \Phi_q (\sum_{p=1}...
Asterix's user avatar
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A "slice-map" type problem for symmetric tensors in the square of a nuclear C*-algebra

Throughout: let $\otimes$ denote the minimal (i.e. spatial) $\newcommand{\Cst}{{\rm C}^*}\Cst$-tensor product of two $\Cst$-algebras. Let $B$ be a unital, nuclear $\Cst$-algebra and let $A\subset B$ ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Approximation in the tensor square of a weakly exact von Neumann algebra

Background. I think I can prove something about a certain construction definition for Fourier algebras of discrete groups, under the assumption that the group is exact (well, really I use Yu's ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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What's the idea behind various equivalent norms on Besov spaces $B^{s}_{p,q}$?

I am trying to understand Besov spaces; and I am eager to see why the various norms are equivalent on it. Let $\phi$ be a $C^{\infty}$ function on $\mathbb R^{n}$ with $ \operatorname{supp} \phi \...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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What function space does holomorphic functional calculus give us?

Let $A$ be a unital Banach algebra, $U$ be an open subset of $\mathbb{C}$, and $A_U:=\{x\in A:\sigma(x)\subset U\}$. Holomorphic functional calculus says that any holomorphic function $f:U\rightarrow\...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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The Banach space of bounded functions with countable support

Let $X$ be a set of cardinality $\aleph_1$ and consider the Banach space $\ell_\infty^c(X)$ of all scalar-valued bounded functions on $X$ which are non-zero only for countably many elements of $X$ ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Bundles over Function Spaces

Is there any reference on bundles over function spaces? In particular, I am interested in Banach-bundles over function spaces like $W^{k,r}(M)$, where $M$ is a Riemannian manifold. Separable Hilbert-...
elena's user avatar
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Trace class norms of special integral operators

Let $\mu$ be a finite compactly supported Borel measure on the real line. On the space $L^2(\mu)$ consider the integral operators $$ (K_a f)(x)=\int k_a(x, y)f(y)d\mu(y) $$ with $$ k_a(x, y)=\frac{a\...
limanac's user avatar
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Is there a tensor norm that preserves Rosenthal Banach spaces?

By a Rosenthal Banach space I mean one that does not contain an isomorphic copy of $\ell_1$. Is there a tensor norm $\alpha$ such that the Banach tensor product $E\otimes_\alpha F$ is Rosenthal if $E$ ...
Tomás Ibarlucía's user avatar
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Complex interpolation of a Banach space and its antidual when the space has a basis

Given a complex Banach space $X$ and its antidual $\hat X^*$, it is possible in some cases to apply the complex interpolation method, and get as $(X,\hat X^*)_{1/2}$ a Hilbert space. See [F. Watbled, ...
M.González's user avatar
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Prokhorov's theorem for finite signed measures?

Prokhorov theorem provides a useful characterization of relatively compact sets w.r.t. narrow topology (topology induced by narrow convergence) in the space of probability measure. Notation used ...
UPS's user avatar
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Inferring asymptotic behaviour from the dominant pole of the Laplace transform

Hi, I am reposting the following question with the hope that a more detailed description will lead to a more descriptive response: dominant pole in the laplace transform I have a vector function $X(...
Eric Foxall's user avatar
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Central Extension of Continuous Loop Group

For the group $LG$ of smooth loops into a simple compact 1-connected Lie group $G$ there is a well-known universal central extension. My qustion is basically whether this extension also exists for the ...
Christoph Wockel's user avatar
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Minkowski's Inequality for Integrals in Orlicz spaces

EDIT: I have changed the question to have less parameters, fitting it into the context of Orlicz spaces. Suppose $f:[0,\infty)\to[0,\infty)$ is convex and increasing, $f^{-1}:[0,\infty)\to[0,\infty)$...
Daniel Spector's user avatar
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Generalized Skorokhod spaces

Skorokhod spaces of càdlàg functions are an extremely useful setting to describe stochastic processes. I'd like to understand the Skorokhod topology from a pure topological point of view, without ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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An $L^{\infty}$ version of principal component analysis?

I have a $k$ by $n$ matrix $A$, with $k \ll n$. In case it helps, the $k$ rows are orthonormal. I'm interested in finding a $k$ by $k$ orthogonal matrix $M$ so as to maximize the $L^{\infty}$ norms ...
floc's user avatar
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Problem with Shelah and Stern's paper on the Hanf number of the theory of Banach spaces

I have been trying to understand "The Hanf number of the first order theory of Banach spaces" by Shelah and Stern (Trans. AMS 244 (1978) 147-241). They construct a normed space $M$ from a Hilbert ...
Rob Arthan's user avatar
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"Liftings" of L^\infty functions

This is motivated by this question: Is there an inclusion of $L_\infty(G)$ into $C_0(G)^{**}$? and Bill Johnson's comments there. Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space and $\mu$ a Radon ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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integral transforms defined by polygons

Are there any literature on operators of the form \[ (Tf)(x) = \int K(x,y)f(y), dy\] where $K(x,y)$ is the characteristic function of a polygon in $\mathbb{R}^2$. I would like to know if the spectrum ...
john mangual's user avatar
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Seeking reference - criterion for the existence of a positive linear functional on an ordered vector space below a given function

The following surely appears somewhere, I would greatly appreciate a reference. (The aim is to get a measure via Riesz representation, but that has nothing to do with the statement.) Let $X$ be an ...
Itaï BEN YAACOV's user avatar
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Reference request: Arzela-Ascoli theorem for smooth Hölder norms

Could anyone suggest a textbook account of the Arzela-Ascoli theorem for $C^{k,\alpha}$ norms?
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
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About path-connected components of the Bohr compactification of $\mathbb{R}^d$

Let ${\rm b}(\mathbb{R}^d)$ denote the Bohr compactification of $\mathbb{R}^d$, with $d\in\mathbb{N}$. This is the Pontryagin dual of the group $\mathbb{R}^d_d$, corresponding to $\mathbb{R}^d$ with ...
stgo's user avatar
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Hölder's inequality for trace-class maps of $p$-liquid spaces and a related conjecture of Grothendieck

In Condensed Math and Complex Geometry Proposition 8.8, Clausen-Scholze describe trace-class maps between projective objects in the $p$-liquid category as sums of rank 1 operators against ${<}p$-...
Cody Morrin's user avatar
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Dual space of local Sobolev space on a manifold

$\newcommand{\comp}{\mathrm{comp}}$As part of my master's thesis, I am currently learning about Sobolev spaces on manifolds. From my research online, I found out, that there are a lot of ways to ...
Fabian Patzwaldt's user avatar
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Identification of Fock space and the $L^2$ space of tempered distributions

Let $\mathcal{S}'(\mathbb{R}^d)$ be the set of tempered distributions over $\mathbb{R}^d$ and $d\phi_C$ a Gaussian measure over $\mathcal{S}'(\mathbb{R}^d)$ with covariance operator $C$. Consider the ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Are there isospectrally equivalent exotic spheres?

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two different exotic spheres. Are there metrics $g$ and $h$ on $X$ and $Y$, respectively, such that the laplacians of $(X,g)$ and $(Y,h)$ have the same spectrum? I would be happy ...
discretephenom's user avatar
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Looking for Mackey's PhD thesis, "The subspaces of the conjugate of an abstract linear space"

I'm looking for a copy of George Mackey's PhD thesis, The subspaces of the conjugate of an abstract linear space (Harvard Univ., 1942), but am currently struggling to find one online, with the only ...
Emily's user avatar
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Estimating the Hausdorff dimension of the discontinuity set of a function

Suppose $\sum_{\xi \in \mathbb{Z}^d}{a_{\xi}}e^{i\langle x, \xi\rangle }$ converges spherically pointwise to $0$ for all $x \in \mathbb{T}^d$, i.e. $\lim_{R \to \infty} \sum_{|\xi| < R}{a_{\xi}}e^{...
fwd's user avatar
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Energy of harmonic maps from $\mathbb R^2$ to $S^2$ is quantized

Assume that $U:\mathbb R^2\to S^2=\{y\in\mathbb R^3:|y|=1\}$ is a smooth solution of the equation $\Delta U+|\nabla U|^2U=0$ in $\mathbb R^2$ with $\int_{\mathbb R^2}|\nabla U|^2\,dx<+\infty$. ...
Feng's user avatar
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Conditions for completely positive maps to act homomorphically across multiple subalgebras

For a completely positive (CP) map $u: A \to A'$ of $C^*$-algebras $A, A'$, the concept of multiplicative domains characterizes the largest subalgebra of $A$ on which $u$ behaves as a $*$-homomorphism....
BiPolarBear's user avatar
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Is the Taylor map continuous?

(Skip to the bolded theorem below for my question, if you'd like) Some context on asymptotic expansions and the Taylor map In the setting of irregular singularities of meromorphic connections on the ...
Brian Hepler's user avatar
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A function whose derivatives belong to $BMO(\mathbb{R}^n)$

I am reading the paper "Bounded Mean Oscillation and Sobolev Spaces" by Robert s. Strichartz, Indiana University Mathematics Journal , 1980, Vol. 29, pp. 539-558. In this paper he defines ...
Gio67's user avatar
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If $t \to \lVert f(\cdot,t) \rVert_{L^2_x}^2$ is absolutely continuous, can we interchange the spatial integral and time derivative? (from MSE)

I originally posted this question on MSE. But it seems more nontrivial than expected, so I guess MO is a more appropriate place to ask. I repeat the question for the sake of completeness: Let $f(x,t) ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Dependence of Neumann eigenvalues on the domain

I have the following problem in hands, in the context of a broader investigation: Let $V\in L^{n/2}$ compactly supported, where $n\geq 3$ is the dimension. I want to prove the following: For any $\...
Manuel Cañizares's user avatar
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Are bounded groups of thin operators on Hilbert space similar to groups of unitaries?

QUESTION. Let $G$ be a group of bounded operators on $\ell^2$, satisfying $\sup_{x\in G} \lVert x\rVert <\infty$, whose elements are all of the form "identity+compact" (sometimes called &...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Gaussian lower heat kernel bounds on non-convex bounded domain

I am looking for a proof the following theorem. Let $U \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded domain with $C^2$ boundary and $p(x,y,t)$ be the Neumann heat kernel. Then there exist a constant $C>0$ ...
mark's user avatar
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Detailed examples of induction on scale

I'm trying to understand the induction on scale argument in harmonic analysis. On this abstract it's mentioned that induction on scale can be used to prove Cauchy Schwartz inequality, Beckner's tight ...
Simplyorange's user avatar
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Can two eigenfunctions be almost linearly dependent in a region?

Consider the Schrödinger operator $H=-\Delta+|x|^a$ on $\mathbb{R}$, where $a>0$. Since the potential is growing at $\infty$, we have compact resolvent thus the eigenvalues are discrete and tend to ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Measurability of eigenvalues-eigenvectors of a positive compact operator

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space over $\mathbb{R}$. Let ${A} = \{a\colon H\to H\,|\,a\text{ is a positive, compact linear operator}\}$. By the spectral theorem, given $a \in A$, there are scalars $...
user127022's user avatar
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Heat Flows and spatial singularities

While working on an abstract problem, I came up with the following question: Let $\Omega_1 := \mathrm B(-1, 1)$ and $\Omega_2 := \mathrm B(1, 1)$, where $\mathrm B(x, r) \subseteq \mathbb R^2$ denotes ...
Alexander Dobrick's user avatar

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