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What is known about the Yang-Mills stratification over 3-manifolds?

Rade proved in his thesis (Crelle's Journal, 1992, available here: that if $E\rightarrow M$ is a $U(n)$-bundle over a 3-manifold, then the gradient flow ...
Dan Ramras's user avatar
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The diagonal operators and unconditionality

The following is well-known: Theorem: Let $X$ be a Banach space with an unconditional basis $(e_n)_n$. Then the space of the diagonal operators with respect the basis $(e_n)_n$ endowed with the ...
S Argyros's user avatar
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Eric T. Sawyer's proof of Fourier restriction conjecture

Some days ago Eric T. Sawyer uploaded a paper to arxiv claiming a proof of the Fourier restriction conjecture If complete and correct this work will be a landmark ...
a curious fellow's user avatar
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Tauberian Theorem for 1-parameter groups of operators

The Wiener Tauberian Theorem gives condition on an $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ such that the "induced 1-parameter family" $\{T_b(f)\}_{b\in \mathbb{R}}$ has a dense span in $L^1(\mathbb{R})$; ...
ABIM's user avatar
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What is the asymptotics of the Fourier transform of $\exp(-x^4)$ for large wave numbers?

The Fourier transform of $\exp(-x^4)$ has an analytical expression, it's the difference of two generalized hypergeometric functions: $\int d x \ e^{-x^4} e^{ikx} = 2 \ \Gamma(\frac{5}{4}) \ _0F_2(;\...
Sara's user avatar
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Quantifier swap in Banach space theory

The uniform boundedness principle and its corollaries from a logical point of view are statements of when one can swap quantifiers in Banach spaces. Take for instance the principle of condensation of ...
Jason Zhao's user avatar
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Von Neumann Inequality in Banach spaces

It is known that the only Banach space that satisfies the von-Neumann inequality is the Hilbert space: Theorem (see e.g. Pisier, "Similarity Problems and Completely Bounded Maps", p 27) For a Banach ...
erz's user avatar
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A question on trig series

Assume $\{a_k\}_{k\ge1}$ is a real sequence such that $u(x) = \sum_{k\ge 1}a_k\sin(kx)$ is a smooth function, and for every $x \in [-\pi, \pi]$ $$\left(\sum_{k\ge 1}\frac{a_k}{k}\sin(kx)\right)\left(\...
Jacob Lu's user avatar
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Contraction semigroup on Hilbert space

I'd like to know whether a certain unbounded operator on a Hilbert space is the generator of a strongly continuous contraction semigroup. (Such operators are known as maximally dissipative operators.) ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Outline of Generic Separable Banach Spaces don't have a Schauder Basis

So, I know P. Enflo showed that there is a separable Banach Space that doesn't satisfy the approximation property. My professor mentioned during class that in fact generic separable Banach Spaces don'...
Konrad Wrobel's user avatar
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Subspaces and quotients in Banach space theory

In Banach space theory (closed) subspaces and quotient seem to play a symmetric role. However, since the behavior of subspaces is more intuitive, subspaces appear more frequently. E.g., the theory of ...
M.González's user avatar
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Carleson's Theorem on Manifolds

Let $M$ be an oriented, compact, differentiable manifold with some Riemmanian metric $g$, so that $(M,g)$ has a nice volume form and one can define $L^2(M,g)$ as the completion of $C^\infty(M)$ under ...
Greg Zitelli's user avatar
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A basic question on Stone-Cech compactification of $\mathbb{Z}$

Can the identity isomorphism on the additive group $\mathbb{Z}$ be extended to a non-identity semigroup isomorphism on $\beta\mathbb{Z}$, and still preserves $\beta\mathbb{Z}\setminus\mathbb{Z}$? ...
Alvin's user avatar
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High-dimensional geometry: Top-down Vs. Bottom-up

There are several ways to leverage one's intuition from low-dimensional geometry to understand high-dimensional phenomena. For example, one can get a clearer picture of the behaviour of high-...
Simon Lyons's user avatar
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Connections of results in Harmonic analysis in the theory of Transcendental Numbers

An entire function $f$ is said to be of exponential type if there exist constants $c$ and $k$ such that $|f(z)|\leq c e^{k |z|}$. A famous result of Polya says if $f$ is an entire function of ...
Vagabond's user avatar
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Combinatorial Hilbert spaces

Any closed subspace $V\subset {\ell}^2(\omega)$ has associated to it a subset ${\cal S}_V$ of ${\cal P}(\omega)$, call it a combinatorial Hilbert space, namely the set of all supports of all vectors ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Is the Fourier-Transform a bounded operator on Lorentz spaces L(2,q)?

It is well known that the Fourier transform $\mathcal{F}$ maps $L^1(\mathbb{R}^n)$ continuously into $L^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)$ and $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$ continuously into $L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$. Then, by ...
Armin's user avatar
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For which Lie groups is the convolution of any two nonzero integrable compactly supported functions nonzero?

The Titchmarsh convolution theorem implies that the convolution of two nonzero functions $f,g\in L^1(\mathbb R)$ with compact support is nonzero. There is a generalization of this theorem to the case ...
Łukasz Garncarek's user avatar
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Can the trace be computed in any Schauder basis?

I'm cross-posting this question from Math.SE, as it didn't get much attention there. Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space and $T \in L(H)$ a trace-class operator. It is well known that the trace of $T$...
WillG's user avatar
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Inverse function theorem for $W^{2,n}\cap W^{1,\infty}$ functions

Let $n\ge 2$, $f:B_1\subset \mathbb R^n\rightarrow \mathbb R^n$, $f\in W^{2,n}\cap W^{1,\infty}(B_1)$, $\text{det}(Df)>c>0$, where $B_1$ is the unit ball. Can we show that $f$ is a homeomorphism ...
Tian LAN's user avatar
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Upper bound Hölder norm of the solution to the non-linear PDE $\partial_t u (t, x) = \Delta_x \{ |\sigma (u (t, x))|^2 u(t, x) \}$

We fix $T>0$ and let $\mathbb T := [0, T]$. Let $\sigma : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ belong to the Hölder space $C^{1, \alpha}_b (\mathbb R)$ for some $\alpha \in (0, 1)$. Let $u : \mathbb T \times \...
Akira's user avatar
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Eigenfunctions of the integral kernel $1/(x^2 + x'^2)$

My question seems elementary, yet I could not find the solution after working on and searching for several days... I'd like to find the eigenfunctions of a simple integral kernel: \begin{equation} \...
Yuli Nazarov's user avatar
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“Taylor series” is to “Volterra series” as “Laurent series” is to _________?

Preamble My question is similar to an earlier MathOverflow question: “Taylor series” is to “Volterra series” as “Padé approximant” is to _________? which I just answered (hopefully my first ever ...
Nike Dattani's user avatar
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Extremal bases in finite-dimensional Banach spaces

Definition. A basis $e_1,\dots,e_n$ for a Banach space $X$ is called extremal if there exists a point $s$ in the unit sphere $S_X=\{x\in X:\|x\|=1\}$ such that for every $i\in\{1,\dots,n\}$ the ...
Lviv Scottish Book's user avatar
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Norm-attaining operators with values in a 2-dimensional Hilbert space

Is the set $N\!A(X,\ell_2^2)$ of norm-attaining operators from a Banach space $X$ onto the $2$-dimensional Hilbert space $\ell^2_2$ dense in the Banach space $L(X,\ell_2^2)$ of all linear continuous ...
Lviv Scottish Book's user avatar
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Are the Erdos $L^4$ conjecture and related Turyn-Golay conjecture proved?

I apologise if this is off-topic. There is a two year old paper see here on arXiv claiming a solution to these conjectures on norms of polynomials with real coefficients of magnitude 1. Erdos' $L^4$ ...
kodlu's user avatar
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Are biduals of spaces of differentiable functions on hypercubes Grothendieck?

Consider the space $E_n = C^1([0,1]^n)$ of continuously differentiable functions with the usual norm $$\max\{ \|f\|_\infty, \|f^\prime_{x_1}\|_\infty, \ldots, \|f^\prime_{x_n}\|_\infty\}.$$ making it ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Witt's proof of Gelfand-Mazur / Ostrowski's Theorem

Previously asked on Math Stackexchange without answers. Background: As sort of a hobby, Ernst Witt gave extremely short proofs for famous theorems. This question is about his six-line proof of the ...
Torsten Schoeneberg's user avatar
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A combinatorial proof of the Harrow--Kolla--Schulman theorem

Let $Q^n := \{0,1\}^n$ be the Hamming cube with the Hamming metric. (Recall that the Hamming is defined by the distance $d(x,y) := \# \{ i : x_i \neq y_i \}$. For integers $0 \leq k \leq n$, define a ...
K Hughes's user avatar
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Do sufficiently large Banach spaces admit non-compact operators with not too large range?

As in the title, does there exist a cardinal number $\lambda$ such that for every Banach space $X$ of density/cardinality at least $\lambda$ there exists a non-compact bounded, linear operator $T\...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Masas in SAW*-algebras

I asked this question three years ago at MSe but it has no response; let me try here. Pedersen distilled the following class of C*-algebras which he termed SAW*-algebras (Journal of Operator Theory, ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Are ideals in separable C*-algebras complemented subspaces?

Let $A$ be a separable C*-algebra and $J\subseteq A$ a closed two-sided ideal. Does this make $J$ into a complemented subspace of $A$? In other words, does the quotient map $A\to A/J$ have a ...
Tobias Fritz's user avatar
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Projective tensor squares of uniform algebras

In discussion with a colleague recently (Jan 2017), $\newcommand{\AD}{A({\bf D})}\newcommand{\CT}{C({\bf T})}$ I was reminded that if $A(D)$ denotes the disc algebra and $\iota: \AD\to \CT$ is the ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Reference request : Grothendieck's topological space valued integral

As I am learning the different kind of Banach space valued integrals (Pettis, Bochner), I know that Grothendieck made a "mémoire" in his youth about this topic, but I don't know if it is available ...
Paul-Benjamin's user avatar
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Reciprocal polynomials with roots off the unit circle

A polynomial is called reciprocal if its coefficients read forwards are the same as those read backward - there is an obvious translation of reciprocal polynomials into cosine polynomials (since a ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Chain rule for distributional derivative

Let $V \subset H \subset V^*$ be a Gelfand triple (eg. $H^1 \subset L^2 \subset H^{-1}$). Let $u \in L^2(0,T;V)$ have a distributional derivative $u' \in L^2(0,T;V^*)$. So $\int_0^T u(t)\varphi'(t) = ...
mathias_l's user avatar
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Why is it hard to obtain improved $L^6$ bound of eigenfunction of Laplacian on 2-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold?

Consider the $L^p$ estimate of the Laplacian on a compact boundaryless Riemannian manifold, suppose that $-\Delta_ge_{\lambda}=\lambda^2e_\lambda(x), x\in M$. C.D. Sogge proved that we have the ...
Tomas's user avatar
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Tensorial decomposition of $B(H)$

Let $H$ be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space and let $\mathcal{B}(H)$ be the (C*/W*-)algebra of bounded operators on it. Actually, you may forget about the involution in $\mathcal{B}(H)$ because I ...
TrzyTrypy's user avatar
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Is the set of real-valued lower semi-continuous functions measurable in epigraph topology (= topology of Gamma convergence)?

Let LSC = LSC([0,1]) be the set of non-negative, lower semi-continuous functions on the unit interval which take values in $\mathbb{R}_+ \cup \{\infty\}$. We use epigraph topology on LSC, i.e. a ...
Wolfgang Loehr's user avatar
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Lacunary hyperbolic groups and weak amenability

In the paper called Lacunary Hyperbolic group, Y. Ol'shanskii, D. Osin and M. Sapir define and characterize the lacunary hyperbolic groups, which contains the hyperbolic groups but also Tarski's ...
Denis Poulin's user avatar
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Asymptotic non-distortion of the separable Hilbert space

By the work of E. Odell and Th. Schlumprecht, we know that the separable Hilbert space $\ell_2$ is arbitrarily distortable. But I don't know if an "asymptotic" version of their result is true. To ...
Pandelis Dodos's user avatar
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Moore-Penrose partial isometries and hermitian elements

Let $A$ be a unital Banach algebra. An element $a \in A$ is hermitian if $\|\mathrm{exp}(ita)\|=1$ for every $t \in \mathbb{R}$. An element $a \in A$ is Moore-Penrose invertible if there exists $b \in ...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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What is known about when $vN(G)$ is a factor, for a locally compact group $G$?

When $G$ is a discrete group, it is an elementary result in the theory of von Neumann algebras that the group von Neumann algebra $vN(G)$ is a factor if and only if $G$ is an ICC group. What is known ...
Jared White's user avatar
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Why and how is a representation "continuously decomposable"?

What I am asking may apply to a much more general setting and I am interested in the underlying level of generality of these statements, mostly with canonical references. However I state the question ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Weak compactness in $\mathcal{F}(X)$

Let $(X,0)$ be a pointed metric space and let $\mathcal{F}(X)$ be the natural predual of ${\rm Lip}_0(X)$, the space of Lipschitz functions on $X$ that map $0$ to $0$; here $\mathcal{F}(X)$ is really ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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Why is spectral theory developed for $\mathbb C$

Spectral theory is a fundamental part of operator theory and the spectrum of many operators is investigated throughout the existing literature. And that is for a good reason: If $A$ is some closed ...
Yaddle's user avatar
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Can one prove Rademacher’s theorem via the rising sun lemma?

The classical Rademacher’s theorem states that Lipschitz continuous functions on $\mathbb R^n$ are differentiable almost everywhere. In dimension one, a stronger result holds - it can be shown that ...
Nate River's user avatar
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A self-isometry of the sphere of a strictly convex Banach space that does not move basic vectors

Problem. Let $n\in\mathbb N$, $X$ be a strictly convex $n$-dimensional real Banach space, $S_X=\{x\in X:\|x\|=1\}$ be the unit sphere of $X$, and $e_1,\dots,e_n\in S_X$ be linearly independent points. ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Is the switch automorphism inner for continuous-trace $C^*$-algebras?

If $R$ is a commutative ring, and $A$ is an Azumaya algebra over $R$, then the switch (or flip, or exchange, etc.) automorphism of $A\otimes_R A$, given by $a\otimes b\mapsto b\otimes a$, is inner: it ...
Captain Lama's user avatar
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On the status of some conjectures mentioned/used in Harish Chandra's 1970 lecture notes

In van Dijk's notes of Harish Chandra's lectures on harmonic analysis, several conjectures are mentioned throughout, such as in Part 1, section 4 of van Dijk's notes Conjecture I : Let $\omega$ be ...
edgarlorp's user avatar
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