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Lower bounds for partial sums of multiplicative functions

The motivation for this enquiry is to understand something about the impact of multiplicativity for $f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ on the conditional convergence of Dirichlet series $$F(s)=\...
Kevin Smith's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is $SU(\infty)$ amenable?

We can write the finitary special unitary group $SU(\infty)$ as the direct limit $\varinjlim SU(n)$ of ordinary special unitary groups. These groups $SU(n)$ are compact, thus amenable. In other ...
Joseph Wolf's user avatar
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Basic sequences

Nowadays, we know that there exist Banach spaces without unconditional basic sequences. Do we know if something a bit milder holds? Namely, is that true each non-reflexive Banach space contains a ...
Sellapan Nathan's user avatar
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quasinilpotence and finite spectrum II

Let A be a quasinilpotent operator on a Hilbert space and let every operator of the algebra generated by $A$ and $A^{*}$ have finite spectrum. Does then follow, that A is nilpotent ? See also ...
jjcale's user avatar
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Infinite dimensional vector spaces with compact unit ball

Let $X$ be an infinite dimensional vector space over a field $\mathbb{K}$. Suppose that $(X,\|\cdot\|)$ is a complete normed vector space, in the sense that any Cauchy sequence is convergent. Suppose ...
Leandro's user avatar
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Reducibility (or not) of algebraic curves [closed]

[ I am a bit clueless about why this question is getting downvotes!? I put it up with a genuine serious interest and I don't seem to be making any egregious error either - apart from those unsure ...
Anirbit's user avatar
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Domain and exponential of self- adjoint operator

Let $A$ be a self - adjoint operator on a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ and let $D(A)$ be its domain. If $\psi \in D(A)$ then $exp(-itA) \psi \in D(A)$ iff $A$ is bounded ? Thank ...
Physics  beginner's user avatar
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Classification of Self similar sets

I am looking at self similar sets in $\mathbb{C}$ defined as the fixed set or a sequence of contractions or an iterated function system. I am currently trying to classify these sets by how they are ...
ViperRobK's user avatar
28 votes
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Can an operator have Exp(z) as its characteristic "polynomial"?

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a Hilbert space, and let $T: \mathcal{H} \rightarrow \mathcal{H}$ be a trace-class operator. Define $$ f_T(z) = \sum_{i=0}^\infty \mbox{Tr}(\wedge^k T) \cdot z^k, $$ the ...
John Wiltshire-Gordon's user avatar
19 votes
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Is there an infinite-dimensional Banach space with a compact unit ball?

A popular pair of exercises in first courses on functional analysis prove the following theorem: The unit ball of a Banach space $X$ is compact if and only if $X$ is finite-dimensional. My ...
Mark Meckes's user avatar
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Uniqueness of free complements

Let $A,B$ be subfactors of a II$_1$ factor $M$ with $A*B\simeq M$. That is, $A$ and $B$ are freely independent with respect to the trace and $M\simeq A\vee B$. We'll call $B$ a free complement for $A$ ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Is a certain composition of harmonic forms again harmonic?

Let $(X,\omega)$ be a compact Kahler manifold, and let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be smooth $(1,1)$-forms on $X$ that are harmonic (with respect to $\omega$). I can consider each of my $(1,1)$-forms as an ...
Gunnar Þór Magnússon's user avatar
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A Volterra-type equation

Consider the following integral equation $\phi(x) = f(x) + \frac{1}{x}\int_0^x N(x,y)\phi(y)\;dy$, where $f$ and $N$ are continuous and bounded functions. Are solutions $\phi$ of the above equation ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Is the absolute value of the j-invariant bounded from below on an annulus

Let $j:\mathbf{H}\to \mathbf{C}$ be the $j$-invariant. It's a modular function for $\Gamma(1) = \textrm{PSL}_2(\mathbf{Z})$. For $\epsilon>0$ small, let $B(\epsilon)$ be the image of the strip $$\{...
Taicho's user avatar
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Characterizing invertible nonnegative matrices with bounded sums

Almost a year ago, I asked in this question about obtaining a tight bound on the sum of the entries of the inverse of a strictly positive definite matrix. Denis Serre gave a nice counterexample ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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Balls in spaces of operators

I am interested in some geometrical aspects of spaces $L(E)$, of bounded operators on a given Banach space $E$. I am unable to estimate if my problem deserves to be asked at MO, but let me try. Is ...
Sellapan Nathan's user avatar
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integral transforms defined by polygons

Are there any literature on operators of the form \[ (Tf)(x) = \int K(x,y)f(y), dy\] where $K(x,y)$ is the characteristic function of a polygon in $\mathbb{R}^2$. I would like to know if the spectrum ...
john mangual's user avatar
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Can symmetrizing a contraction increase the speed of convergence?

Dear community, I have a problem which is very simple to state but seems to be hard to answer. Statement of the problem Let $f$ and $g$ be two symmetric, real functions in $n$ and $m$ variables, ...
herrsimon's user avatar
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A separable Banach space and a non-separable Banach space having the same dual space?

I asked myself the following question when I was student just for curiosity. I asked a bit around (my professor, some researchers that I know), but nobody was able to give me an answer. So maybe it is ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
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A singular value inequality

Let $s_1,s_2: \mathbb{R}^{2\times 2} \mapsto \mathbb{R}_+$, $s_{1}\left(\cdot\right)\ge s_{2}\left(\cdot\right)\ge 0$, be the singular values of a $2\times2$ matrix. Is it true that $$\left|s_{1}\...
user7738's user avatar
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Ideals of the ring of smooth functions

The ring $C^\infty(M)$ of smooth functions on a smooth manifold $M$ is a topological ring with respect to the Whitney topology and the usual ring operations. Is it possible to describe, maybe under ...
user18107's user avatar
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Motivation behind defining the Ramification Divisor

I would like to understand what exactly is the motivation for defining the notion of a ramification divisor of a function. As I see the definition, If $f$ is a meromrophic function between two ...
Anirbit's user avatar
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quasinilpotence and finite spectrum

Let A be a quasinilpotent operator on a Hilbert space and let $A^{*}A$ have finite spectrum. Does then follow, that A is nilpotent ?
jjcale's user avatar
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Sequences of linear combinations of measures

Let $X$ be a Polish space. Let $J\in\mathbb{N}$. Let $\lbrace a^n_1\rbrace_n,\dots,\lbrace a^n_J\rbrace_n$ be $J$ sequences of reals. Let $\lbrace \mu^n_1\rbrace_n,\dots,\lbrace \mu^n_J\rbrace_n$ be ...
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Generalizations of Kato-Rosenblum theorem?

The Kato-Rosenblum theorem says that if $H_0, H$ are self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space such that the difference $H-H_0$ belongs to the trace class, then the strong limit of $\exp(itH)\exp(-...
jrob's user avatar
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Polynomials are dense in weighted $L^2$ space

Hi, It seems to be a common knowledge that the polynomials $x^n$ are dense in $L^2$ spaces with various probability weights, such as the gamma distribution weight $x^{\alpha-1}e^{-x}/\Gamma(\alpha)\;...
Leonid Petrov's user avatar
7 votes
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Classification compact Riemann Surfaces

I know that all compact Riemann surfaces with the same genus are topologically equivalent. Moreover they are diffeomorphic. But are they biholomorphic, too? In other words, is the complex structure ...
Abramo's user avatar
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Show that holomorphic functions are infinitely differentiable without complex analysis [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there an integration free proof (or heuristic) that once differentiable implies twice differentiable for complex functions? Is there a way to show that holomorphic ...
Bill's user avatar
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Domain of Holomorphy

I found the following definition of domain of holomorphy in several places. Def1: A connected open set $\Omega$ in the n-dimensional complex space ${\mathbb{C}}^n$ is called a domain of holomorphy ...
Rex's user avatar
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tr(ab)=tr(ba), part 2.

This is a Banach space version of Andre Henriques' question Trace Question for Hilbert spaces. Let $a:X\to Y$ and $b:Y\to X$ be bounded linear operators between Banach spaces s.t. $ba$ and $ab$ ...
Bill Johnson's user avatar
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How to prove the Hahn-Banach constructively

I am just wondering, how to prove the Hahn-Banach theorem constructively for a finite dimensional normed vector space. Thanks in advance for any helpful answers.
q.g's user avatar
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A question about Ahlfors's proof of modular function being a covering space of the twice punctured plane

I have a question about Ahlfors's proof of modular function being a covering space of the twice punctured plane .See Ahlfors' complex analysis, second edition, page 272. You can either explain or ...
Analysis Now's user avatar
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Harmonic functions on the plane

I have a question regarding harmonic maps from all of ${\Bbb R}^2$ into a domain in ${\Bbb R}^2$. Before stating my question in full generality, let me ask a special case of the question first. Is it ...
Alexander Isaev's user avatar
35 votes
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tr(ab) = tr(ba)?

It is well known that given two Hilbert-Schmidt operators $a$ and $b$ on a Hilbert space $H$, their product is trace class and $tr(ab)=tr(ba)$. A similar result holds for $a$ bounded and $b$ trace ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Reference on semigroup theory and parabolic PDEs

Recently started to study semigroup theory. My background is equivalent to the first three chapters of the Jack Hale's book "Asymptotic behavior of dissipative systems". Looking for a reference to an ...
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Continuity of a convolution (Version 2)

Hello, This problem bothers me for some time. Suppose that $\mu$ is a non-negative Radon measure (or positive linear functional of the space of continuous functions with compact support); $\psi$ is ...
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Holomorphic map from a neighborhood in $\mathbb C$ to S^3

Does there exist a holomorphic map from a neighborhood of $\mathbb C$ to $S^3 \subseteq \mathbb C^2$?
Anon's user avatar
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Morphism of von Neumann Algebras

Hello, Is there a counterexample to the following statement: let $A,B$ two von Neumann algebras, every morphism $A \rightarrow B$ of $C^* $-algebras is a $W^*$-homomorphism ? ( a $W^* $-...
user12806's user avatar
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Dense sets in the space of continuous functions

Let $X$ be a compact metric space, and let $C(X)$ be the Banach space of continuous real-valued function on $X$, with the maximum norm. Suppose $S\subset C(X)$ is a set of functions with the ...
user17970's user avatar
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Status of the compact AR problem?

The so-called "compact AR Problem" reads: Is every compact convex set in a metrizable topological vector space an absolute retract? It is open according to the chapter by T. Banakh, R. Cauty and ...
Sergey Melikhov's user avatar
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General form of Rouche's Theorem

Let $\Omega$ be the interior of a compact set $K$ in the plane. Suppose $f$ and $g$ are continuous on $K$ and holomorphic in $\Omega$, and $|f(z)-g(z)|<|f(z)|$ for all $z\in K-\Omega$. Then $f$ and ...
Y. Fan's user avatar
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Transition matrix for holomorphic vector bundles [closed]

If we are given the local trivialities of a holomorphic vector bundle then by definition we can write down the transition matrix of that vector bundle. In some very natural situations, we are not ...
september's user avatar
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Conformal Extension from a closed set to open

Let $Q = \{(x,y): x,y\geq 0\} $ be the 1st quadrant of $\mathbb R^2$, and $f$ is a function defined on it such that all the partial derivative(any order) of $f$ exists and continuous. By Whitney ...
zapkm's user avatar
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Is it possible to "approximate" a compact set of the plane by compact sets with smooth boundary?

Hi, Let $K \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ compact. Suppose that $K$ is connected, and that the boundary of $K$ is a simple, closed, piecewise $C^1$ curve. Denote by $A(K)$ the set of all functions holomorphic ...
analyst11's user avatar
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Consequence of Modified Young's inequality

Let $f\in L^1(\mathbb R^n)$. Define operator $T_f(g)=|f|\ast g$ for functions $g$ on $\mathbb R^n$. The set of measurable functions $f$ on $\mathbb R^n$, such that $T_f$ is bounded from $L^p(\mathbb R^...
spr's user avatar
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$Aut(\mathbb{CP}^n)$ [..especially $n=1$ and $n=2$..]

I am confused and curious about the meaning of the $Aut(\mathbb{CP}^n)$. Is what is called the "linear automorphism group" of $\mathbb{CP}^n$ the same as $Aut(\mathbb{CP}^n)$? It somehow seems to me ...
Anirbit's user avatar
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A differential inequality needed to prove a theorem about odd-dimensional souls

I need a solution to this problem (which is really a calculus problem) in order to prove a rigidity result for open nonnegatively curved manifolds with odd-dimensional souls: Suppose that $f,g:\...
Kris Tapp's user avatar
5 votes
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Approximating high-dimensional integrals by low-dimensional ones

This question is motivated by the following naive one: suppose we have a nice subset $X$ of some Euclidean space, say a polyhedron, and a nice $\mathbb{R}$-valued function $f$ on this subset, say a ...
algori's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions to the existence of a weakly convergent subsequence from a Cauchy sequence in a (merely) normed space

Bonsoir/bonjour à toutes et à tous. The title has it all, but... We know (as a consequence of the Eberlein-Šmulian theorem) that any bounded sequence, $\{x_n\}_{n \;\! \in \;\! \mathbb{N}}$, in a (...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Monotonicity of a certain parametric integral

I would like to ask for some help (hints, ideas) in solving the following problem: Given integer $n>0$ and real $\alpha>0,\beta>1$ we want to show, that if we define for any $x\in\mathbb{R}...
Maciej Skorski's user avatar

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