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Limiting absorption principle for higher powers of resolvents

Let $H$, $A$ be self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space. Moreover, let $I$ be a bounded open interval contained in the spectrum of $H$. Assume that $H$,$A$ satisfy the following positive commutator ...
Janik's user avatar
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What is lost after RKHS embedding of the L1 space?

We know that every distribution or $L^1$ function $f$ over space $\mathcal{X}$ (e.g., $R^d$) can be embedded to an RKHS $\mathcal{H}$ with a $1$-bounded kernel $\mathcal{K}$ (e.g., the RBF kernel) ...
epsilon's user avatar
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Properties of Sobolev spaces $W^{k,p}(\Omega, E)$ where $E$ is a Banach space

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$Let $E$ be a Banach space with norm $\|\cdot\|_E$ and let $\Omega\subset \R^n$ be an open set. For $k\geq 0, p\geq 1$ we define $W^{k,p}(\Omega, E)$, the Sobolev space of ...
Overflowian's user avatar
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When are ellipsoids in a convex hull of a sequence with prescribed growth rate?

I am currently reading Dudley's 'Uniform Central Limit Theorems' and found two sections which together would have an interesting geometric interpretation for ellipses in Hilbert spaces. I would like ...
Ben Deitmar's user avatar
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eigenvalues of integral operator with centered kernel

Suppose $k:\mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{X} \to \mathbb{R}$ be a symmetric positive (semi-)definite kernel. The Moore-Aronszajn Theorem indicates that there is a reproducing kernel Hilbert Space $\...
Kcafe's user avatar
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A consequence of the Min-Max Principle for self-adjoint operators

Let $H=(H, (\cdot, \cdot))$ be a Hilbert space. Let $T_1,T_2:D \subset H \longrightarrow H$ be a self-adjoint operators (not necessarily bounded). It's well-know that the spectrum $\sigma(T_i)$ of $...
Guilherme's user avatar
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Complete set of orthonormal functions on $W^{2,2}([0,1]^2, \mathbb{R}^2)$

Consider $L^2([0,1],\mathbb{R})$. Then, $$1, \sqrt{2} \cos(2 \pi j x), \sqrt{2} \sin(2 \pi j x ), \quad j =1,2,\ldots$$ is a Schauder basis on $L^2([0,1], \mathbb{R})$. I am curious, how does this ...
kot's user avatar
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Subspace of RKHS generated by kernel mean embeddings

Suppose $\mathcal{H_k}$ is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) with reproducing kernel $k: \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$. I am looking for results characterising the ...
Athere's user avatar
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Dual of union of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

I have a union of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces $\mathcal{B}$. I am interested in finding the dual of $\mathcal{B}$. Knowing what the dual is might help to write an alternate formulation for the ...
ChocolateRain's user avatar
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Multivarate "RKHS" Examples

I've been reading about RKHSs and Hilbert spaces of functions these days a bit these days and I haven't yet come across an example of a hilbert space $H$ whose elements are all functions $f:\mathbb{R}^...
ABIM's user avatar
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On some bounds on two constants concerning the disconnectedness of the spectra of small perturbations of operators

Let $H$ be a separable, infinite dimensional, complex Hilbert space. In the book: Jiang, C. L.; Wang, Z. Y. (1998). Strongly Irreducible Operators on Hilbert Space. CRC press above the statement of ...
Manuel Norman's user avatar
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Compute Frobenius inner product of two tensor-trains in terms of tensor contractions

Let $p\in\mathbb N$, $n\in\mathbb N^p$ and identify the Hilbert space tensor $\bigotimes_{k=1}^p\mathbb R^{n_k}$ with $\mathbb R^{n_1\times\cdots\times n_p}$ (equipped with the Euclidean inner product)...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Convergence of a succession obtained by the Gram–Schmidt process

Let $H$ be an Hilbert space over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $\{h_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \subset H$ be a sequence of linearly independent vectors in $H$ such that $h_n \to h \neq 0$ in norm topology. We apply ...
Matey Math's user avatar
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Sequence of Hilbert Schmidt operators

Consider the Banach space $\mathcal K=S_2(H)$ of Hilbert Schmidt operators on a Hilbert space $H$. I am looking for an example of two pairs of sequences $\{T^{(i)}\},\{\tilde T^{(j)}\}$ and $\{S^{(i)}\...
NewB's user avatar
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Embedding random variables in infinite-dimensional spaces

Let $H$ be a reproducing kernel Hilbert space of functions $f:E\to F$ with kernel $k$. A point in $E$ may be embedded into $H$ via the canonical embedding $x\mapsto k(x,\cdot)$. Similarly, a random ...
JohnA's user avatar
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Measurability of a generalized point spectrum

Assume that $ T:H\oplus H\rightarrow H\oplus H$ is a unitary linear operator on the double sum of a separable Hilbert space $H$ with itself. Let us call a pair $(\lambda, \mu)\in\mathbb{C}\oplus\...
Dmitri Scheglov's user avatar
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Domain of definition of a hamiltonian with delta(contact) potential

I am having a hard time making sense of the so-called "delta function potential well" in quantum theory. The Hamiltonian operator is defined as (with $\mathscr D_H\subset \mathscr H=L^2(\mathbb R)$) $$...
Rajat Mondal's user avatar
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Spectrum of a $1$-parameter family of symmetric linear operators

I am working with certain submanifolds of symmetric spaces and, using a construction in Terng-Thorbergson, we ended up in the following Hilbert space problem: Let $H$ be a (real) Hilbert Space and $...
Renato Moreira's user avatar
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Adjoint for a non-densely defined unbounded operator on a Hilbert space

Let $\mathbf{H}$ be a Hilbert space, and $D$ an unbounded densely-defined operator on $\mathbf{H}$. As is well-known, every such operator admits an adjoint, with domain possibly different from that ...
Max Schattman's user avatar
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Limit of sequence of vectors in $\ell^2$ with coefficients approaching $0$

Let $\{v_m\}_{m \in \mathbb{N}} \subset \ell^2$ be a sequence in $\ell^2$ over the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$ such that: $\{v_m\}_{m \in \mathbb{N}}$ is linearly independend and $v_m \to v$ Let $V= \...
Matey Math's user avatar
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Why is $H^{1/2}$ a Hilbert space?

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ sufficiently smooth. Then we have the Hilbert space $H^1(\Omega)$ and the trace operator $\operatorname{tr}: H^1(\Omega) \to L^2(\partial \...
Nathanael Skrepek's user avatar
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A Question on certain Hilbert space of continuous functions, and a characteristic of convergence in it

Define $T^k(\Omega)$, $\Omega$ an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^m$ (with a smooth boundary), as a space of function equivalance classes, with the norm defined as $$ \|f\|_{T^k(\Omega)}^2 = \|f\|_{L^2(...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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"Barrier functions" in function spaces [closed]

In general the idea of a "barrier function" (as in the context of "interior point methods") can possibly be thought of as defining a function corresponding to an open subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ such ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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A nested sequence of closed subspaces of $\ell^2$

Let $\{v_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \subset \ell^2$ be a sequence in $\ell^2$ over $\mathbb{C}$ such that $\{v_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ is linearly independent and $v_n \to u$. Is it possible extract a ...
Matey Math's user avatar
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If $H$ is a Hilbert space, is the projective tensor product $E\:\hat\otimes_\pi\:H$ isometrically isomorphic to $E\:\hat\otimes_\pi\:H'$?

Let $E$ be a $\mathbb R$-Banach space $H$ be a $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space $E\:\hat\otimes_\pi\:H$ denote the completion of the tensor product of $E$ and $H$ with respect to the projective norm By ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Is there a vector-valued trace such that $\text{tr}((L\otimes_π\text{id}_H)T)=LT$ for all $L∈\mathfrak L(H,\mathfrak L(H))$ and $T∈H\hat\otimes_πH$?

Let $H$ be a separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space $L\in\mathfrak L(H,\mathfrak L(H,\mathbb R))$ $T\in\mathfrak L(H)$ be nonnegative, self-adjoint and nuclear (trace-class) Note that$^1$ $$\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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If $f$ takes values in $L(H,L(H,\Bbb R))$ and $μ$ is a $H\hat ⊗_πH$-valued measure, how are $\int f\:dμ$ and $\int f⊗_π\text{id}_Hdμ$ related?

Let $H$ be a separable $\mathbb R$-Hilbert space $H\:\hat\otimes_\pi\:H$ denote the projective tensor product of $H$ and $H$ $(\Omega,\mathcal A)$ be a measurable space $\mu$ be a $H\:\hat\otimes_\pi\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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A point in Ion Suciu's paper on semigroups of isometric operators

My question is concerned a point in this 1968 paper by Ion Suciu which is given in Theorem 2. In the last paragraph of page 104, it is claimed that $N$ (given in the formula 2.5) is a wandering ...
ABB's user avatar
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Bochner integrals with values in a Hilbert $A$-module

I'm wondering whether there exists a generalisation of Bochner integration with values in a Hilbert $A$-module $M$, where $A$ is a general $C^*$-algebra rather than $\mathbb{C}$ (and whether there are ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Outer product $\sum_i |k_{x_{i}}(\cdot)\rangle\langle k_{x_{i}}(\cdot)|$ of reproducing kernel functions as identity operator in RKHS?

In a separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, given a complete orthonormal basis $\{|e_i\rangle\}$, the identity operator can be written as $\mathbb{1} = \sum_i |e_i\rangle\langle e_i|$. Now if this ...
foo_bar's user avatar
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About the projection on the unit sphere

Let $H$ be a Hilbert Space and let $A\subset H$ be a connected set such that any two elements of $A$ are linearly independent and also $A^{\bot}=\left\{0\right\}$ (this seems to be immaterial). Is ...
erz's user avatar
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Space spanned by pointwise squares of basis functions

Consider the Hilbert space $L^2(\Omega)$ over some Euclidean domain $\Omega$. Let $F=\{f_i;i\in\mathbb N\}$ be an orthonormal basis of this space consisting of functions in $L^2(\Omega)\cap L^4(\Omega)...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
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Zeros of functions constituting a Riesz-basis for the Paley-Wiener space

I have a short question which first requires some slightly elaborate definitions: Let $(e_n)$ be a Riesz-basis for a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ with biorthogonal basis $(g_n)$, i.e. $\langle e_m, ...
Nikaka's user avatar
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Boundedness of a Hilbert space projection map

Reading this recent thread I was reminded of a related problem I still haven't solved so I post it here in hopes of a positive result. Let $V_0 \subset H_0$ and $V_1 \subset H_1$ be separable Hilbert ...
Alph's user avatar
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A linear operator equation (PDE) with non-monotone term

I'm interested in the existence and/or uniqueness to the following problem. Let $V$ and $H$ be Hilbert spaces and $V \subset H \subset V^*$ form a Gelfand triple. There is a linear operator $L:{D}(L) ...
AACA's user avatar
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Measurability of a map that takes a functional to its composition with a linear operator

Let $(X,\Sigma_X)$ be a measurable space such that $\Sigma_X$ is countably generated. Let $B_b(X)$ be the Banach space of all bounded $\Sigma_X$-measurable functions $X\to\mathbb{R}$ equipped with the ...
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Determining the exact form of a projection in a Hilbert space

Let $$\Omega = \left\{f(x) \in \mathcal{L}^2[0,T]: \frac{1}{T}\int_0^Tf(x)dx = \mu,~ a \le f(x) \le b,~\forall x \in [0,T]\right\},$$ where $\mathcal{L}^2[0,T]$ is the set of Lebesgue square-...
mikew's user avatar
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Banach spaces with simple best approximate solutions

Let $\langle V,||.||\rangle$ be a Banach space such that: $\;\;$ for all continuous linear maps $\: L : V\to V \:$ and members $v$ of $V$, there exists a unqiue member $u$ of $V$ $\;\;$ that ...
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When $\lambda$-commutativity implies commutativity?

Let $\mathcal{B}(F)$ the algebra of all bounded linear operators on an infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert $F$. Let $T,S\in\mathcal{B}(F)$. The pair $(T,S)$ is said to $\lambda$-commute if there ...
Schüler's user avatar
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The completion of $F/\text{Ker}(M)$ is isomorphic to the closure of the range of $M$

Let $M$ be a positive semidefinite operator on a complex Hilbert space $(F,(\cdot,\cdot))$. On the quotient space $F/\text{Ker}(M)$ we have the following inner product $$\langle \overline{x},\...
Schüler's user avatar
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Hilbert space having all norms (and seminorms) continous.

Suppose I have a Hilbert space $H$ such that every seminorm on $H$ is continuous with respect to the inner-product induced norm. Is $H$ necessarily finite-dimensional? If not, is there an easy ...
RadonNikodym's user avatar
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Weak convergence of Hilbert Schmidt operators

So I am stuck at this situation. Let $\{A_n\}$ be a weakly convergent sequence in $B_2(H)$ converging to $0$ in the weak topology on $B_2(H)$. Which means that $\left<A_n,D\right>=\operatorname{...
NewB's user avatar
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What is the orthonormal basis for the Bergman space on the disk?

[EDIT by YC: the original question's title asked about a basis for the Hardy space on the disk. It is clear from the actual question that what was meant was the Bergman space.] In arXiv:0310.5297, ...
john mangual's user avatar
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"Frobenius-finite" linear operators on a Hilbert Space

Let $H = L_2(S)$ be the complex Hilbert space over $S$ with the counting measure. (There might be another term for this concept, but) I define a continuous linear operator $L$ on $H$ with matrix ...
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Intersection of Hilbert spaces with Schauder basis

Let $H$ be a infinite dimensional, separable, complex Hilbert space, $\{v_{1_n}\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence in $H$, $V_1=\operatorname{span}\{v_{1_n}\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ $U_1=\overline{V_1}$...
Matey Math's user avatar
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Does ${\rm Tr}(l(a)+l(b)) ={\rm Tr}(l(\alpha_1 a +\alpha_2 b ))$ imply that $l(a)l(b)=r(a)r(b)=0$?

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space and let $a,b\in B(H)$ be such that $${\rm Tr}(l(a))={\rm Tr}(r(a))<\infty , {\rm Tr}(l(b))={\rm Tr}(r(b))<\infty,$$ $${\rm Tr}(l(a)+l(b)) ={\rm Tr}(l(\alpha_1 a +\...
user92646's user avatar
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Proof: If a reproducing kernel exists for a Hilbert space, then it is unique

I really want to prove the statement in the title but I'm struggling with it. Here my current state: Proof via contradiction. Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a RKHS with two reproducing kernels $k$ and $\hat{k}$ ...
Pinch's user avatar
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Inequality between matrix elements of positive self-adjoint operators

We have three positive semi-definite self-adjoint operators $\hat{A}_-$, $\hat{B}$, $\hat{A}_+$ on the Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. They are unbounded operators and satisfy the following inequality \...
Harry Song's user avatar
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Canonical embedding of Hilbert space in $L^2$ space

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space. I am interested in isometries $f\colon H\to L^2(X,\mu)$ where $\mu$ is a probability measure on some measure space $X=(X,\mathcal F)$ where $\mathcal F$ is a $\sigma$-...
pre-kidney's user avatar
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Vectors concentrated on one coordinate

Suppose $X$ is a Banach space, $(e_i)$ a normalized basis, $(e_i^*)$ the biorthogonal functionals, and $Y$ a finite codimensional subspace of $X$. Given $N$ and $\varepsilon$, can we find $x\in Y$ ...
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