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Tensorial decomposition of $B(H)$

Let $H$ be an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space and let $\mathcal{B}(H)$ be the (C*/W*-)algebra of bounded operators on it. Actually, you may forget about the involution in $\mathcal{B}(H)$ because I ...
TrzyTrypy's user avatar
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Real-world example of a Banach *-algebra with a nonzero *-radical

Is there a real-world example of a Banach *-algebra with a nonzero *-radical (intersection of kernels of all *-representations)? Textbooks give examples of finite-dimensional algebras with degenerate ...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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Finding non-zero elements with $x^*x\leq\frac{1}{n}$

For a given unital Banach *-algebra $A$, let us put $A_+=\{\sum_1^n x^*_ix_i : x_i\in A, n\in \mathbb{N}\}$. We write $x\geq0$ if $x\in A_+$. What types of (non semi-simple) unital Banach *-algebras ...
ABB's user avatar
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A Banach or $C^*$ algebraic analogy of a classical fact in real analysis

Let $A$ be a commutative unital Banach algebra.The maximal ideal space of $A$ is denoted by $\hat A$. Assume that $D:A \to A$ is a derivation. Fix an element $a\in A$. Assume that for every $\phi\in \...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Non-degenerate representation of a Banach algebra

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a non-reflexive Banach algebra. For the definition of Arens product, please refer to this link. Here we let $\square$ denote the first Arens product and $\diamond$ denote the ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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A noncontinous algebra map between Banach algebras

What is an example of two Banach algebras $A$ and $B$, and an algebra map $\phi:A \to B$ which is not continuous?
Dick Johnson's user avatar