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Questions tagged [extremal-graph-theory]

Study of graphs satisfying a property that are maximal or minimal with respect to some parameter. A classic example is Turán's Theorem, which exactly characterizes the densest graphs on $n$ vertices without a $K_t$ subgraph.

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1 answer

Suppose the independent number of a graph is bounded. How small the clique number can be?

Suppose the independent number of a graph is bounded. How small the clique number can be? linear? It seems to be a natural problem to ask. but I could not find any reference. Thanks.
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2 votes
2 answers

Minimal Non-planar Extensions of a Graph

Given a planar graph $G=(V,E)$ with vertices $V$ and edges $E$, call $\bar G = (V,\bar E)$ a non-planar extension of $G$ if $\bar G$ is non-planar and $E \subset \bar E$. I'm interested in minimal ...
Ryan Thorngren's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Erdős–Stone theorem type edge density estimates for bipartite graphs?

The Erdős–Stone theorem theory says that the densest graph not containing a graph H (which has chromatic number r) has number of edges equal to $(r-2)/(r-1) {n \choose 2}$ asymptotically. However, ...
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