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Linear independence of exponentials

Let $X$ be the set of functions $e^{p(x)}$ of the real vector $x$, where $p$ is a multivariate polynomial with $p(0)=0$. Is any finite subset of $X$ linearly independent? If yes, why? If no, is the ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
11 votes
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Number of real roots of an exponential polynomial

Let $a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n$ and $b_1, b_2, \dots, b_n$ be real numbers, and assume that $\{a_i\} \neq \{b_i\}$. Can the equation $$ e^{a_1 x} + e^{a_2 x} + \dots + e^{a_n x} = e^{b_1 x} + e^{b_2 x} + \...
Dongryul Kim's user avatar
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Estimating decay of certain trigonometric polynomials

For $p=0,1,2,\dots$ and $n=0,1,2,\dots,$, let $f_{n,p}(z)=\sum_{k=0}^n k^p z^k$ be a sequence of polynomials. Restricted to the unit circle, the functions $g_{n,p}(t):=f_{n,p}(e^{it})$ are ...
dima's user avatar
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Approximation by exponential polynomials

Let $u(t) = \Sigma_{k=1}^n c_k e^{\lambda_k t} (c_k \in \mathbb C, \lambda_k \in \mathbb C) $ be an exponential polynomial of order $n$. Define $E_n$ to be the collection of all exponential ...
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