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Finding a semi-sparse vertex in a grid

Let $H$ be a $r \times r$ grid. Suppose that at most $r/10^5$ vertices of this grid are colored red. For every vertex $v \in V(H)$, let $B_i(v)$ be the ball of radius $i$ centered at $v$. (Or for ...
user113298's user avatar
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Probabilistic proof for expander existence [closed]

I am new to probabilistic proofs and trying to understand them better. Apparently, a common probabilistic proof focuses on the existence of expanders (eg. vertex expanders). I've been using the search ...
stefanbschneider's user avatar
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When does a "stable" assignment of buyers into goods exist?

Consider a setting of $n$ buyers and $m$ goods. We have a value matrix $V\in[0,1]^{n\times m}$ specifying how much each buyer values each good (everything is open information here and there is no ...
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