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Existence of linear stochastic differential equation given solution

Normally if you have a linear SDE given such as $dx_t = (A(t)x_t + a(t))dt + \sigma(t) dW_t$, we want to find $x_t$, more precisely we want to find the mean and variance of $x_t$ at each timestep $t$. ...
mathemagier's user avatar
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Existence of Markov chain on nonnegative integers with specified rates

Let $\lambda_k,\mu_k\in\mathbb R_{\ge0}$ $(k\ge1)$ be nonnegative real numbers, let $S=\mathbb Z_{\ge0}$ be the nonnegative integers, let $T=\mathbb R_{\ge0}$ be the nonnegative real numbers and ...
xFioraMstr18's user avatar
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The existence of a copy of a random variable with conditional expectation constraint

Let there be two random variables 饾憢 and 饾憣 with a certain joint copula. Is it always true that there is another random variable 饾憤 independent from 饾憣 such as the vectors $(X,Y)$ and $(X,Z)$ have the ...
Averroes's user avatar
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Existence and uniqueness of solution for nonlinear system

Under what conditions will a solution $y \in \Re^n$ exist for this system of nonlinear equations? If it exists, will it be unique? $$ \mu_k = \int_0^\infty g_k(x) \, f(x, y) \, dx \qquad \forall \, k ...
visitor's user avatar
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Probabilistic proof for expander existence [closed]

I am new to probabilistic proofs and trying to understand them better. Apparently, a common probabilistic proof focuses on the existence of expanders (eg. vertex expanders). I've been using the search ...
stefanbschneider's user avatar